Time Nick Message 00:00 cheapie That server doesn't retain the logs for too terribly long, but it hasn't actually crashed on there in any of the logs they currently have... not /too/ bad for an almost 11k-line monstrosity of an elevator mod with no formal testing unless you want to count the linter. 00:03 cheapie I'm not going to go so far as to say it's necessarily /good/ quality, but... it's quite a bit better than what I tended to write pre-2022 or so... I think. 00:09 ireallyhateirc hmmm server? 00:10 ireallyhateirc I'd like to test out the elevator mod, preferably without having to build the whole building first 00:10 cheapie "VanessaE's Dreambuilder creative server" or similar IIRC, daconcepts.com:37000 00:11 cheapie As the name implies... expect joining to take a bit and you'll probably have to turn your view range down. 00:12 cheapie There's an elevator from that mod serving two floors just south of the spawn, or across the street there are a few taller ones. 00:14 ireallyhateirc hmmm will try to find my way then 00:17 cheapie I'm on there now, if you're there before I go to sleep I can show you around/answer questions/let you into some machine rooms/etc. if you want. 00:19 ireallyhateirc mhmhmhmh I'm preparing for an exam right now and there's 2AM so maybe another time :D 00:19 * cheapie nods 00:19 ireallyhateirc I look forward to see it though because I need to port it to my game eventually 00:19 cheapie If you want to get my attention later, highlighting me here works, but doing it from in-game won't (even though I can otherwise see the in-game chat from IRC) 00:20 ireallyhateirc yeah will just ping you here 00:20 * cheapie nods 00:21 ireallyhateirc I'm happy that you made this mod, otherwise I'd have to spend months writing an elevator mod myself 00:22 * cheapie red-tags and shuts off yet /another/ mystery pipeworks contraption that's just endlessly circulating items and not accomplishing anything 00:22 cheapie I never figured out why people build these. 00:25 MTDiscord your use of / for italics instead of * or _ is causing me to read random words you're saying as absolute filesystem paths 😏 00:25 cheapie I use * for bold and _ for underscore 00:25 cheapie underline* 00:26 MTDiscord Markdown interprets both * and _ as italics, and it's becoming quite a difficult convention to avoid anymore. 00:26 MTDiscord meanwhile it doesn't do anything with / 00:27 MTDiscord I've certainly got my criticisms about how markdown is designed, but I've also got my criticisms about the weather and it seems to care about as much. 00:27 ireallyhateirc \better\ ? 00:27 cheapie ireallyhateirc: C:\Better\ 00:27 MTDiscord oh god Windows flashbacks 😆 00:28 MTDiscord C:\Program Files (x86)\Yeah, Better\ 00:29 MTDiscord Thanks for reminding me that I also get filesystem vibes whenever I see the D: emoticon. 00:30 ireallyhateirc the sad hard drive D: 00:36 * cheapie looks through the celevator to-do/requested features list, tries to decide what might be good to work on tomorrow 00:36 cheapie I really need to get the menus added for the DBD kiosk, maybe that... 06:55 mtvisitor hallo, good afternoon. 06:57 mtvisitor Desour:what is your gcc compiler version ? 06:59 mtvisitor could you check minetest ver5.8.0 with gcc ver 14 ? i found an issue when i try to compile minetest engine v5.8.0 with gcc v14. 07:00 mtvisitor https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=30885 07:01 mtvisitor TenPlus1: could you let me know what score will you give for minetest engine v5.9.0 ? ;-) 07:02 mtvisitor by the way, blender ver4.2 LTS was released in last month. 07:02 sfan5 we fix build issues with new gcc versions, but these fixes end up in 5.9.0, not 5.8.0 07:03 mtvisitor sfan5: which gcc version are you using in development currently ? 07:04 * mtvisitor will try to test gitlab ce version if he start a small server online(later this year). 07:06 mtvisitor ok, thanks and have a glad weekend. 07:06 mtvisitor 🤝🍺 07:06 sfan5 i swapped from gcc 14 to clang 18 just yesterday 07:07 sfan5 (to see if one is faster) 07:08 mtvisitor sfan5: you could try to re-compile minetest engine ver 5.8.0 to check whether you will meet some error message. 07:09 mtvisitor (with gcc 14) 07:09 sfan5 i have heard of these issues, no need. you will simply need to use a newer version or apply the fixes yourself 07:09 mtvisitor ok, no problem. thank you very much for your answer and support. 19:46 cheapie There, with the exception of roads (...that one is going to take a while), all of my mods on ContentDB should /hopefully/ work properly with "deprecated_lua_api_handling = error" now. 19:54 * cheapie peeks into roads to see how difficult that will be, sees some calls to minetest.env:add_node()... closes it again, and backs away slowly