Time Nick Message 11:46 TenPlus1 Hi folks, we have anyone active today for some help ? 11:48 MTDiscord Depends on the question, I assume 11:49 TenPlus1 Q.) Food items, would adding a group like {eatable=4} to food be easier to determine if it's edible and how much HP it heals, rather than relying on another mod like tt_base ?? 11:49 TenPlus1 also Hi bastrabun o/ 11:50 TenPlus1 we added groups like {food_blueberry = 1} and {food_carrot = 1} ages ago to make recipes simpler, am wondering if this would be the next easy step to take 11:51 MTDiscord IMO, the less dependencies, the better - unless those are specialized libraries. 11:52 TenPlus1 that's what I'm thinking, why rely on a mod where a simple group can add the same functionality for anything that needs it 11:52 MTDiscord Also, the less assumptions the mod makes, the better and the less compat it breaks, the better. If you want to additionally have groups, why not. If you want to replace some ... rather meh 11:52 TenPlus1 also MineClonia and VoxeLibre both use {eatable} groups already 11:53 MTDiscord My last attempt at a food mod with recipes and whatnot was to split it into API, content and integration 11:53 TenPlus1 this would just be adding it into my own mods as a way to simplify checks for food items and hp 11:53 MTDiscord That makes it more or less easy to adapt the mod to various games, without having to touch API or content level 11:54 TenPlus1 yep, another simple grouping that everyone can use, and maybe I can add an internal tooltip function in farming that shows how much HP you get when you hover over icon, without the need for a separate mod 11:54 MTDiscord If a game already uses a group and you want to make yours compatible, then sure, why not add it. The only drawback I see is that it might cause a crafting cycle 11:54 TenPlus1 crafting cycle ? 11:55 TenPlus1 how do you mean ? 11:56 MTDiscord Imagine you add group:blueberries to your blueberries, while the game already has group:blueberries on something you craft out of blueberries, like blueberry jam 11:56 MTDiscord Then that might cause blueberry jam craft from itself 11:56 TenPlus1 all my food items  have groups like {food_carrot=1} {food_honey=1} 11:56 TenPlus1 to keep it separate 11:57 MTDiscord Its an integration problem, not necessarily on the level of your mod 11:57 TenPlus1 am hoping the food_ groups have been around long enough that no-one would add a circular craft :) but you never know, lol 11:57 TenPlus1 infinite jam 11:58 MTDiscord More like 2 jam craft into 1 ... what's the opposite of infinite? 😛 11:59 TenPlus1 thanks for the help, will stick with the {eatable} grouping and maybe add info for a tooltip "carrot\n Food: 3 HP" sorta thing 12:01 MTDiscord Maybe ask other, more experienced modmakers as well - my opinion is often a bit ... server-centric 12:01 TenPlus1 any suggestions are welcome, and no-one else seems to be active :) 12:02 TenPlus1 it was krock and myself who started using the {food_apple, food_blueberry} groups in mods, so who knows :P 12:04 MTDiscord where is the food_hamburger and food_hotdogs group? 12:04 TenPlus1 lol jordan, we has cheeseburger but that doesn't have a group, never thought it required one 12:05 TenPlus1 unless you add a recipe for an ultimate burger that has multiple cheeseburgers as a recipe 12:06 MTDiscord It depends what those groups express. Does food_blueberry say "has blueberries in it" ? Or does it say "is a processed food that was made with blueberries" 12:06 TenPlus1 usually recipe items like singular foods in farming use those for easy recipe guides 12:06 MTDiscord Or "you can eat it and it will taste like blueberries" 12:07 TenPlus1 {food_blueberry=1} would be an item for a recipe, the resulting item would only need an {eatable} group to show it's food and HP levels 12:08 TenPlus1 so a simple burger recipe could be {"group:food_meat", "group:food_bread", "group:food_cheese"} 12:08 TenPlus1 and any item under those groups can be used in it's crafting to make life simpler 12:09 MTDiscord take a group:food_bread and cut it in slices. What group will the resulting slices have? 12:09 TenPlus1 {food_bread_slice=1} 12:10 TenPlus1 we use this already in farming redo :) 12:10 TenPlus1 cook that in a furnace to give {food_toast=1} 12:11 MTDiscord Eventually you'll be back to having one group per item and one item per group. 12:11 TenPlus1 depends how far down the rabbit hole modders are willing to go, lol :) 12:12 TenPlus1 but things like blueberries, blackberries, cranberries etc. can all use {food_berry=1} for smoothies for instance 12:12 TenPlus1 it helps with multiples of a same thing 12:14 MTDiscord You could extend to either group:food_bread = 5 for full breads and group:food_bread = 1 for slices, or group:food_bread = 1 for normal bread and additionally group:thing_is_smaller or any combination until you exhaust the taxonomy and there's suddenly the need of group:food_bread = 1.5 or something. 12:14 TenPlus1 that's the good thing about grouping, value can hold meaning to 3rd party mods for all sorts of things 12:15 TenPlus1 as well as adding {eatable=4} group, I can alter descriptions to be S("Artichoke") .. "\n+4 hp" 12:15 TenPlus1 so we get a quick value in the description field showing it's health value when eaten 12:16 TenPlus1 or should I add a heart with a value in brackets after description 12:17 TenPlus1 S("Artichoke") .. " (♥4)" 12:18 TenPlus1 that way no translation confusion 12:52 MTDiscord From #minetest-dev-irc (dev Irc) There's no way to make texture-modifiers-created textures not eat ram permanently, is there? I have a fairly detailed HUD that get's created with texture modifiers (its a custom minimap) and then updated every globalstep. I could reduce the updates to every second, but that is jank and only mitigates the problem Desour correct, there is no way. textures are never unloaded, afaik is there any solution 12:53 MTDiscord to avoid eating ram other than to just give up on the minimap? Desour you could use multiple hud elements. (discussion might be better suited in #minetest, btw) 12:53 MTDiscord so... I'm not sure how I could use multiple HUD elements in this case, Desour 12:54 Desour I'm not exactly sure what you're supposed to see on your minimap 12:54 MTDiscord The minimap is a large (1k x 1k) texture that is cut to a smaller (350x350) view size based on the client's position. That requires a combine modifier 12:55 Desour so is it not the built-in minimap? 12:55 MTDiscord no, it's an image of an arena 12:56 TenPlus1 does it still save new textures created with modifiers when used with entities ? or just nodes ? 12:56 Desour TenPlus1: that makes no difference 12:57 TenPlus1 shame 12:57 MTDiscord I can't use the built-in minimap because it won't support custom markers like the storm circle and like waypoints, and because the builtin minimap has unloaded mapblocks 12:57 MTDiscord and yes, when I start showing the minimap the ram begins to get eaten 12:59 Desour you could split it up into smaller (rotated) squares, and draw a big boarder around, so you only have to move the squares if the player moves 13:00 MTDiscord not sure I understand 13:01 MTDiscord the player is moving all the time 13:01 Desour instead of making a new texture for the minimap, you can move the texture 13:01 Desour and draw the thing in middle as separate thing 13:02 Desour and to crop it to an area, you can put a frame with thick boarders above it 13:02 Desour or, another solution would be to make a PR in the engine to unload textures if possible 13:05 MTDiscord that does sound like it will take up alot of screen real-estate though 13:05 Desour yeah 13:23 TenPlus1 farming redo and ethereal updated with new group info, thanks for the assist, laters o/ 13:55 rubenwardy I was thinking the item eat callback should actually be a table with __call to allow exposing this information 16:51 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749727888659447960/1266437877500219402/image.png?ex=66a525af&is=66a3d42f&hm=37cbac15f2535857797984de8eee141d25f8988a5c68b8abdef51e45ba90b329&