Time Nick Message 19:12 cheapie That world where I was generating the whole thing finished, here's the map (at 0.1x scale so the file isn't huge): https://cheapiesystems.com/media/images/gentest-small.png 19:13 cheapie The full-size map is here, but it's a 1GB PNG file and your browser may just explode if you try to open it: https://cheapiesystems.com/media/images/gentest.png 19:17 celeron55_ hmm, i don't think my firefox is using a lot of memory to show this 58 MB file so trying the bigger one seems like my kind of fun 19:18 ireallyhateirc for oversized files GIMP and feh are good 19:19 celeron55_ for sure, but how wrong is the tool for the job if it still works 19:21 celeron55_ for what i can see, firefox seems to be insanely efficient at dealing with this image... ah, i can see what it did when i zoomed in: it cheated 19:21 ireallyhateirc meanwhile feh chokes 19:21 celeron55_ it converted the image to a smaller resolution as it downloaded it, and when zoomed to 100%, it's just a blurry mess 19:21 ireallyhateirc weird, I opened bigger files with it 19:22 ireallyhateirc GIMP does the job but loading the picture takes 1 minute 19:24 ireallyhateirc lol it died 19:26 ireallyhateirc something's wrong with this file, I opened 4GB andromeda galaxy photos in GIMP in the past 19:26 ireallyhateirc I'll try firefox 19:27 ireallyhateirc celeron55_, lol I missed your "to show this 58 MB file" 19:28 ireallyhateirc I tried opening the 1GB one and firefox can't do it either 19:28 Krock JPEG compression or chunking might be a better approach for such large images 19:29 ireallyhateirc I usually see .tiff images that are over 50MB 19:30 Krock cheapie: how long did it take to generate this? 19:30 Krock (this = the world) 19:31 cheapie Krock: It wasn't running nonstop, but I was giving it /emergeblocks commands on and off for about a week. I only generated from Y=-50 to +300. 19:32 Krock looking at this map makes me think that mountains could be larger, resulting in more extreme landscape 19:32 cheapie I wish they were /smaller/, with default mgv7 settings the landscape is already ridiculous from on the ground. 19:34 cheapie This is probably my second-biggest complaint about MT in general after client performance - nearly everyone uses mgv7 since it's the default, and mgv7 is terrible. 19:35 cheapie 6 is somewhat better but has some of its own problems. 19:36 Krock defaults will always look terrible because they're overused 19:36 Krock mapgen is one way to differentiate a server 19:37 cheapie I don't mean so much "ugh, this again", more the bugginess and the terrain being generally awful to build on. 19:37 ireallyhateirc I don't like v7 cliffs 19:37 ireallyhateirc some of them are small and cool, but some just look dumb 19:38 cheapie v7 in particular has a tendency to produce shapes that are just impossible, as well as random nodes/clumps of nodes floating in midair. 19:39 cheapie ireallyhateirc: GIMP opens the file fine for me (it was exported from GIMP - minetestmapper still has the same old bugs, so I have to export 16 "tiles" and put them together in GIMP), it just uses like 30GB of RAM to do it. 19:41 celeron55_ Krock: the more you zoom out, the more you want large scale features. whether you want them for gameplay is the question. it wouldn't hurt to have the option for it - altough adding more large scale octaves will make the perlin noise generation a bit slower 19:41 ireallyhateirc 30GB ? I only have 24GB 19:41 celeron55_ in any case, to some extent it's just a matter of setting suitable noise parameters 19:43 ireallyhateirc we use valleys in Exile, because that produces more realistic terrain, but sadly lacks features like cliffs and faults 19:43 cheapie I've looked at the other mapgens a few times, it seems that carpathian produces good results for building on for the most part, although I'd want to see if I can tone down the mountains a little if I was to actually do so... 19:44 celeron55_ i think a larger horizontal scale mapgen with less unnatural generation could be a good fit to add to MT 19:44 cheapie That is probably my main problem with v7 (outside of the bugs), the horizontal scale is just way too small. 19:44 ireallyhateirc yeah, we just need some brave person to implement that 19:44 celeron55_ i'm not really into designing mapgens for building, or anything in particular 19:45 celeron55_ but designing for different scales makes sense to me 19:47 cheapie Such a different scale would help a lot with building even if that's not the official reason for it - it would be nice to not have to have seemingly every large-ish building span a lake and five mountains, or whatever v7 decides to put there. 19:49 ireallyhateirc you could write your own mapgen prototype in Lua thanks to the new mapgen env that makes stuff faster 19:50 cheapie I did one "mapgen" a while back - I got frustrated at seemingly no options actually giving me a flat surface with zero decoration, so I did this: https://cheapiesystems.com/git/flatperiod/ 19:51 cheapie Yes, the code is bad even for how short it is, but ssssh :P 19:52 ireallyhateirc I'm doing my own city mapgen in Lua now, but it builds on flat mapgen for now. Maybe with hill support in the future 19:53 cheapie I did try one of those later on, never got very far with it despite the plans I had. 19:54 cheapie At least initially, I was planning to have it not just place roads on its own (just straight ones, in a grid - the goal was to have this just be for creative use), but automatically install traffic lights on them using roads and ltc4000e. I never did implement that part. 19:56 celeron55_ i wish someone tried to make a mapgen for MT which uses transfer functions to process the noise result before use 19:57 ireallyhateirc my progress so far https://p.mort.coffee/NHP.jpg 19:58 cheapie The gloominess reminds me of nodecore :P 19:58 celeron55_ to get plains, you can for example make a transfer function where some mid range of noise values map to a single value, and use that as a heightmap value, to generate flat plains at a certain height. and then you can modulate that plains height with another noise, or whatever 19:59 ireallyhateirc I can also draw wobbly roads https://p.mort.coffee/UTJ.jpg 19:59 celeron55_ overall i'd say the state of the art with perlin noise voxel/boxel mapgens has gone a lot further after MT's current mapgens were made 19:59 MTDiscord I think it was paramat that made some pretty fantastic highway generators (found in aftermath) 19:59 cheapie Those look "fun" to signalize... now watch, someone will be asking me to make a controller for 5-way intersections again... 20:01 cheapie If I ever make that successor to the LTC-4000E that I've been considering for ages now but don't have the motivation to actually do, that would probably end up being a 16-phase or so controller. That would be able to do it. 20:02 ireallyhateirc I need to make my road generation algorithm aware of collisions to place pedestrian passages and also make sure roads don't collide under weird angles/go too close together 20:02 ireallyhateirc then place buildings and streets 20:03 cheapie Even as it is it's a 12-phase controller, but it doesn't allow the roles of these phases or the sequence to be changed much. You can kind of make it do a 5-way but not well. 20:05 ireallyhateirc yeah that thing is indeed short 20:06 ireallyhateirc also using voxelarea there slows it down