Time Nick Message 04:28 Blockhead256 while we're on the topic of bad physics: there's no terminal velocity for a falling player, you just accelerate until you hit either the bottom or a block the server hasn't managed to load in time 05:39 MTDiscord I have the crappiest workaround for that, but just adding air resistance to the player's "gravity" to control their net acceleration. It doesn't work in any direction other than falling though, and doing it for non-player entities is completely inconsistent. 05:42 lissobone Well, I have already added air resistance 05:43 lissobone (Like, actual one) 05:43 lissobone That works in ALL directions 05:46 lissobone The formula for aerodynamic drag is R = ρCAv^2, where 'R' is drag, 'ρ' is density of fluid, 'C' is a measureless constant that depends on shape and material of the moving body, 'A' is attacked surface area and 'v' is velocity 05:47 lissobone 'v' can be provided as a vector to the formula, then divided by 'dtime' and passed to player:add_velocity every globalstep (that's what I did) 05:48 lissobone That doesn't solve the doubled acceleration, though 05:50 lissobone But, in reality... a minetest world with no mods whatsoever is supposedly devoid of everything, even atmosphere, so it's logical for there to be no terminal velocity 05:53 MTDiscord What if 05:53 MTDiscord We just make the player and the entity use the same physics subroutine 05:54 MTDiscord I'm pretty sure they're derived from the same class and if they're not they should be 06:02 lissobone (That means entities would also have to have physics overrides... and mimicking their default behavior would require setting it to {gravity = 0, speed_crouch = 0, speed = 0}) 06:13 MTDiscord Yes exactly 06:13 MTDiscord But not quite 06:15 MTDiscord Because the player only inherits the generic implementation of an entity, it can use polymorphism to change what it does with that. And it can be a singleton instance on the client which then becomes a zeitgeist of when you join servers 06:15 MTDiscord Entities could, in theory, have this to mimic, or they could not use the player's implementation at all 07:04 lissobone Okay... Let's get back to the topic of doubled acceleration 07:05 lissobone I hypothesize that it was done to make jumping... a little more comfortable, because with actual 9.81 m/s^2 it feels a little off 07:05 lissobone But why double it?? Why not make just modify the default value from settings? Oh, hey, that's a good solution 07:07 lissobone I declare that mercy of the new absolute, the default acceleration in settings should be 2g (19.62 m/s^2), and that doubling 'hack' is to be erased from existence as an insult to laws of physics 07:23 MTDiscord So it gives people something to complain about 07:23 lissobone There isn't really anything to complain about... All this time free fall acceleration was 19.62 m/s^2, and it will stay this way 07:24 MTDiscord Oh yes there is 07:24 MTDiscord It's poop 07:24 lissobone (Why would anyone complain about it??) 07:24 MTDiscord Someone worked very hard to break that code and it would be a disservice to them not to complain about it 07:25 lissobone Well! Let's complain, then 07:25 MTDiscord I think it makes no sense and should be reverted 07:25 lissobone Yeah, it should 07:25 lissobone (I am complaining) 07:29 MTDiscord Maybe they'll finally allow someone to fix it after the freeze is done