Time Nick Message 10:37 mtvisitor hallo, good evening. 10:38 mtvisitor I submitted my small texture pack (ver 0.2) to content.minetest.net this afternoon. 10:39 mtvisitor rubenwardy: please ask your operator to review and approve. 10:39 mtvisitor I will send mail to your mailbox later manually if there are more questions. 10:39 mtvisitor ok, sorry to keep you waiting. 10:39 mtvisitor thank you very much for your help and support. 10:39 rubenwardy review is all handled on ContentDB, on the approval thread. No need to email me 10:40 mtvisitor ok, no problem. thanks. 20:19 ireallyhateirc how do I serialize code into a file? 20:19 ireallyhateirc I want to load something into the mapgen env 20:20 ireallyhateirc will Lua's builtin IO library work? 20:25 MTDiscord You should directly load the script as a .lua source file 20:26 ireallyhateirc I want the thing to be moddable/API-like 20:27 ireallyhateirc sfan5 told me the only way to pass data into mapgen env is by serializing data into a file and loading that file from the env 20:40 ireallyhateirc Ook looks like I can simply write to mod directiory, I should be able to solve this now 20:56 rubenwardy Writing to mod directories is deprecated fyi 20:57 ireallyhateirc hmmmmm, but I will be able to read from world dir just fine, right? 20:58 ireallyhateirc theres this I guess https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/12315 22:59 cheapie ~160M mapblocks generated so far in this one run, I would have expected it to crash by now :P 23:00 cheapie Still running fine though, aside from the usual "Couldn't grab block we just generated" message