Time Nick Message 02:50 Blockhead256 Krock: Yep, you found the catalogue, which I've tried to make exhaustive, though I think it's always slightly out of date at least 02:50 Blockhead256 But you can also find most of the good stuff for Advtrains on ContentDB by clicking through to packages that depend on Advtrains 02:51 MTDiscord https://content.minetest.net/modnames/advtrains/ 👆 02:51 Blockhead256 If you have any old worlds you will want to install "Basic Trains" to get the trains that used to come with it 07:11 razzlom Hello, I looked into a few mods and saw that most register nodes in a file like nodes.lua. What if I register each node in a separate file (like stone.lua, dirt.lua, etc) and in init.lua do something like dofile(stone.lua), dofile(dirt.lua). How bad is this idea? Thanks! 07:12 Mantar it's fine, organize your project however you think it makes sense 07:15 razzlom Won't this lead to performance issues? 07:17 Mantar nope 07:18 MTDiscord You'd probably notice more of a performance difference if you gently sneeze as the program starts up 07:19 razzlom Okay, thank you! 07:20 Mantar no problem 07:25 MTDiscord Do lots of unnecessary heavy calculations impact performance negatively as well? 07:26 Mantar well yeah, depending on what you're doing. I suggest leaving performance worries until after you have the code doing what you want 07:26 Mantar premature optimization is the cause of many code problems 07:28 MTDiscord I will make a mod to intentionally cause lag 07:28 MTDiscord Because I feel like it 07:53 MTDiscord There is such a thing already: https://github.com/fluxionary/minetest-mesecons_debug/blob/master/commands/create_lag.lua 16:19 BluebirdGrey51 what's the formspec element to cause the client to send fields whenever a key is pressed (if there is such an element)? for example, to play a sound everytime a letter key is pressed 22:31 MTDiscord I remember something in the docs about fields starting with "key_" in on_receive_fields