Time Nick Message 04:51 runxiyu_ Can I use mesecons_debug only for the hud, but disable penalty? 14:41 shaft How do you cut part of a texture and put it on top of another texture independantly of resolution? [mask doesn't work well with texture packs 14:44 Krock ^[combine 14:45 shaft but doesn't combine use pixel values? 14:45 shaft coordinates? 14:45 Krock it copies a specified area of a texture onto another texture 14:49 MTDiscord shaft: lowpart and rotations 14:50 shaft Is kind of extreme but I think that will work. Thanks luatic 15:13 shaft Is there really no way I can mask? 15:17 shaft Aren't masks kind of broken. Mobs Monsters uses them for sand monsters and others and expects them to scale but they don't, so they don't look right with texturepacks that don't provide a scaled version of the texture 15:17 shaft The easiest solution would be to just fix it. 15:20 MTDiscord No. 15:21 MTDiscord We can't just add implicit scaling (what interpolation?) after the fact without extensive research that this doesn't break anything. 15:22 shaft Lowpart won't do what I want. I need to make a transparent stripe in the middle. 15:22 shaft lowpart can only cut stuff from the sides 15:23 MTDiscord So? Cut left (rotate, lowpart, rotate), cut right, overlay. 15:24 shaft https://litter.catbox.moe/429n7t.png 15:24 shaft Here's the mesemonster from mobs monsters. It's clearly not working as most mod authors assume it does 15:25 shaft viewed with a 128x128 texture pack 15:25 shaft I should use masks too and Minetest developers should fix mask imao 15:27 shaft What do you think? 15:31 Road_Killer shaft: ROFL 15:32 MTDiscord I have a hard time calling a behavioral change to implement a feature that doesn't yet exist a "fix". 15:33 MTDiscord Claiming mod authors assume anything is also misleading. Most probably they simply haven't thought about this. Many, many texture modifiers break down with different resolution texture packs. 15:34 shaft Well they shouldn't. 15:36 shaft In the meantime could I make a texture I know has the right resolution transparent with some modifier combine onto it and then mask? 15:37 shaft Honestly, mask should scale. That's the John Ousterhout philosophy. 15:39 shaft [opacity: 15:48 shaft What's wrong with wool_white.png^[mask:(wool_white.png^[opacity:0^my_mask.png) ? 15:49 shaft it doesnt work :( 15:57 shaft Hello? 15:58 Road_Killer 'Sup? 15:59 shaft Do you know what's wrong with my texture modifier string? 16:01 Road_Killer That's an easy one, I bet you can simply figure it out yourself, pal. :) 16:01 Road_Killer Busy rn 16:09 shaft I can't. Tried escaping but I get useless error messages. 16:13 ireallyhateirc I vaguely recall having problems with these modifiers 16:13 ireallyhateirc "^[combine:"..monster_dimensions..":"..random_monster.."="..monster_texture 16:13 ireallyhateirc here's a piece of my code, possibly you need "=" somewhere? 16:14 shaft If wool_white.png^[mask:(wool_white.png^[opacity:0^my_mask.png) can be made to work then that's what I'd prefer 16:18 ireallyhateirc I'll see if we use masks anywhere in our code 16:19 ireallyhateirc nah, we only use [combine 16:22 ireallyhateirc https://api.minetest.net/textures/#escaping 16:22 ireallyhateirc Maybe you need to try this? idk 16:24 shaft combine is pixel based and won't work if I'm combining with textures from a texture pack 16:25 shaft *coordinate based 16:25 shaft How do I escape my string correctly. I'm trying 16:25 shaft but cant figue it out 16:26 Krock shaft: https://github.com/SmallJoker/simple_protection/blob/master/radar.lua#L30-L34 16:27 Krock beware that string.gsub returns multiple values, so you'd want to only use the first 16:32 shaft That worked. Thank you 16:32 MTDiscord I wonder if you could create a sandbox break with that 16:34 Krock @jordan4ibanez : What do you mean? 16:38 MTDiscord Well just like in the v8 engine had a whole capture the flag https://lyra.horse/blog/2024/05/exploiting-v8-at-openecsc/, since the underlying code for LuaJIT is C. It makes me wonder if there is an unknown bug in that function that allows you to break the sandbox and RCE. That function simply reminded me of Array.xor due to it being a char array 17:43 shaft seems that soft texture overlays cause shitty looking edges 17:45 shaft well could be worse 18:43 shaft I know the connected nodes feature is very restricted but can I make one that connects to everything except air? 18:45 shaft or is rotatable? 18:50 shaft oh i can 19:17 Krock o/ est31 19:17 * Krock runs as he notices that it's just a rejoin 20:00 shaft What's the best type for an armrest node? I don't want it to block light and cause funny shading 20:05 Road_Killer shaft: hi 21:11 shaft Where do I get an rgb color palette for paramtype2color? 21:21 Road_Killer shaft: Dunno dude 21:37 MTDiscord you make a texture and define it in the def 22:28 shaft How do i get the rgb value of a dye item? Is there a library for that?