Time Nick Message 00:49 frostsnow I don't think tools have an on_use(). They have an on_dig() for digging. Consumables like food have an on_use(). 03:11 swift110-mobile hey all 03:12 Mantar hello 05:27 mtvisitor ok. 05:27 mtvisitor https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12746/ 05:29 mtvisitor Zughy: how much score will you give to minetest engine version 5.8 ? 05:30 Mantar about 20 points 05:30 mtvisitor 20, 80 or 85 ? 05:31 mtvisitor please do not worry, this is not a formal audit question, or some stupid yes/no question. 05:32 mtvisitor Mantar: 20 is really a low score. ;-) 05:34 * mtvisitor will also build some houses on his local computer. ;-) 05:34 mtvisitor i mean only in my spare time. 05:36 Mantar depends on the scoring system, if it's soccer that's a great score 05:37 mtvisitor agree, thanks. 18:36 MinetestBot shaft: Jun-09 21:02 UTC You even suck at trolling, that's astounding... 18:36 shaft how do you move an object 18:36 shaft or player continuesly in a direction with lua? 18:37 shaft I mean in interpolated manner. I tried object:move_to but it just teleported 18:40 MTDiscord for an object: set velocity 18:40 MTDiscord for a player: attach to an object which has velocity set 18:40 MTDiscord move_to also works but is near instantenous 18:42 shaft But over a surface? Disable gravity? 18:43 MTDiscord huh what does that have to do with gravity 18:43 MTDiscord Raycast down, if it's hit, disable player gravity if not, enable 18:44 MTDiscord Simple, next, if nil, you have your answer, can wrap this in a function 18:50 Adamsky If I want to have an entity disappear after 3 seconds of existing, how would I go about doing this? 18:50 MTDiscord there are multiple approaches 18:51 MTDiscord the standard one probably is to have the entity store a timer which is incremented by dtime in on step; if that reaches >= 3, call self.object:remove() 18:51 Adamsky that's what I was thinking of doing, but I can't figure out how to actually store the number in question 18:52 Krock self.my_timer = 3 18:52 MTDiscord in on_activate, do self._timer = 0 18:52 Krock on_step = function(.....) self.my_timer = self.my_timer - dtime ... self:remove() end 18:52 Krock something along those lines 18:52 MTDiscord We are scientists 18:53 Krock https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/builtin/game/falling.lua#L348-L353 18:53 Krock example from the falling node entity which deletes itself when colliding with ground 18:53 Adamsky thank you very much 18:53 Krock !next 18:53 MinetestBot Another satisfied customer. Next! 18:53 Adamsky I was overthinking this a lot 18:54 MTDiscord fwiw please try to stick to the underscore naming convention 18:54 Krock FYI: "self" is in fact a table within core.luaentities[entity_id] 18:54 MTDiscord (your custom fields should be called self._my_thing) 18:54 Krock thus it'll be unique per entity 18:56 MTDiscord You can also store this in a variable, in the blueprint, if you want a more concrete object oriented feeling 19:22 shaft How do I find out at what rate I'm deaccellerating horizontally? 19:22 shaft Is it in Minetest Game or the engine? 19:24 MTDiscord how are you decellerating? 19:25 Krock player acceleration and velocity is entirely client-side 19:26 MTDiscord If you're looking at it client-side, you'd have to calculate delta-velocity divided by time across two time samples. 19:26 MTDiscord You'd also have to detect when the player's position hasn't been updated (waiting for an update from the client) 19:26 MTDiscord And there's some kind of adjustment you have to do for it that I forget because calculus. 19:38 shaft mobs don't like me setting their velocity either and just reset it. So basically I have to register an object, spawn that, attach the entity to it and have it handle all movement until it lands where it should? 19:44 MTDiscord mobs resetting the velocity you're setting sounds like a problem with the mod, rather than a fundamental limitation of the engine 19:44 MTDiscord your proposal is a potential workaround, I guess, if you don't want to go messing with the internals of the mods 19:45 MTDiscord If you're hoping to do something like server-side falling (or other sudden acceleration) damage calculations or something, you may find that the jank is not tolerable though 😄 20:19 shaft How do I set the entity to have gravity? 20:20 MTDiscord set an acceeleration 20:20 Krock @warr1024 but that's gravitational acceleration and not gravity by itself :P 20:22 Krock F = G * m1 * m2 / r². assuming that the entity is m1, the resulting acceleration would be a = G * m2 / r² 20:23 * Krock vanishes 20:27 MTDiscord It might just be barely theoretically possible to pack enough mass into a minetest world to have a noticeable gravitational force of its own, but it wouldn't necessarily be easy. It's possible to pack something like 210^32 kg into a space the size of an MT world without it collapsing to a singularity, and you'd only need about 610^24 to have earth-like gravity, I suppose. 20:32 ireallyhateirc neutron matter nodes? 20:33 shaft thanks guys. I think I'm getting somewhere. 21:36 shaft btw is it possible to do procedural animation in Minetest or would that require changes to the engine? 21:37 ireallyhateirc I think the legboat mod does procedural animation 21:38 ireallyhateirc though it's server side and therefore laggy 21:38 MTDiscord there are bone overrides (now with interpolation in 5.9!) and you could also generate b3ds and send them to the client 21:38 MTDiscord 5.9-dev, to be precise. we're currently in feature freeze. 21:39 shaft No texture aliasing? sad 21:39 MTDiscord wait, what does "now with interpolation" mean? Is that something I should specify now, or does it just use whatever frame_blend was or whatever that we had for the old fixed anims? 21:39 ireallyhateirc btw I think MT devs should add 3 months to the optimistic release date :D 21:40 MTDiscord Warr1024: 5.9-dev has a parameter letting you control interpolation for each bone override 21:40 ireallyhateirc interpolation like calculating intermediate bone positions? 21:40 MTDiscord all of rotation, position and scale can be interpolated individually 21:41 ireallyhateirc cool 21:41 ireallyhateirc make the legboat great again 21:42 ireallyhateirc sadly the legboat lags ever 10 seconds, probably when packets are sent to client or when mapgen starts 21:42 ireallyhateirc every* 21:42 MTDiscord ooh, named parameters, nice 21:42 MTDiscord that also suggests that if I add the param it will just noop on old versions 21:44 shaft Would procedural animation work (not just for one object but for many) with the 5.9 features? 21:50 MTDiscord yes 21:53 shaft Sounds good 22:18 swift110-mobile hey all