Time Nick Message 17:40 nekobit Thank you all for all the help. Most communities arent this helpful 18:20 ireallyhateirc what do "describe" and "it" functions in lua unit tests do? 18:20 ireallyhateirc where are they defined? 18:21 MTDiscord they are provided by busted's API 18:22 ireallyhateirc and where can I find that busted thing? 18:22 ireallyhateirc this? 18:22 ireallyhateirc https://github.com/lunarmodules/busted 18:23 MTDiscord yes. you'd want to install busted from your system's package manager or from luarocks 19:00 Nusakan Hi, anyone known a mod account management auth mintetest for postgre ? 19:04 Guest12 Hello