Time  Nick           Message
01:28 MTDiscord      <warr1024> The problem is that there are no high, mid, or low end PCs as there are no ends.  It's a complex multidimensional space.  You can have a lot of CPU and a lot of RAM and a lot of GPU, or a lot of some, or a lot of none.  Your GPU can handle most things fine but then have weird performance issues with something like transparency or certain shaders.  It's actually pretty hard to come up with presets that people will agree on.
01:29 MTDiscord      <warr1024> As long as we're not locked into them and they're just buttons that set the individual settings, 🤷 I guess it's fine tho.
06:21 MinetestBot    gera: Jun-07 03:55 UTC <Blockhead256> In my experience, it's a choice between Moiré effect or highly visible mipmap boundaries. Sorry!
06:22 gera           Hi. Is it possible to override another mod register_craftitem in a mod?
06:23 gera           Like I want a mod that changes stackability of specific items in voxelibre
06:51 Mantar         should be as simple as a minetest.override_item("name", { stack_max = 200 } ) or whatever
06:54 Mantar         you may have to depend on whatever mod registered it first though, to ensure it exists before you override it
09:37 Blockhead256   war1024, ireallhateirc: I would say that if someone can come up with good presets that would be good. You'd have to make low really low and "max"/high really high though
09:37 Blockhead256   *warr1024
09:37 Blockhead256   there's also the caveat that what's good for singleplayer can be bad for listen server or dedicated server
09:39 Blockhead256   Mantar: I would say "should depend on" not "may have to". The alternative is hacks like running after the are mods loaded
10:34 imi            hi, is there a way to list last N (10 or 50 or so) players who have logged in in chronological order (ascending or descending) of their last login?
12:32 gera           thanks, Mantar
12:34 MTDiscord      <mistere_123> imi, with a simple custom mod, yes
12:36 imi            is that simple custom mod available for download?
12:45 rubenwardy     I think he meant that someone would need to write it
12:45 rubenwardy     You'd need to get the Auth handler, iterate through all players, and sort by last_login
12:46 MTDiscord      <bastrabun> Or you simply record each login when it happens
13:01 MTDiscord      <warr1024> Re: presets, maybe we should have try to collect configs from people and try to look for patterns or clusters from real-world data.  It's possible that there are clearer answers there even where we don't expect to find any.
13:11 rubenwardy     Ah yeah, if you don't need the response now then it's better to keep a rolling list
15:59 nekobit        OK, went ahead and built Minetest and will start working on the contentdb tui and improving pkgmgr
16:08 nekobit        what's pitchmove?
16:09 Mantar         it's a movement mode where looking upward will cause you to rise, looking downward will cause you to fall (when appropriate)
16:10 Mantar         basically you can do withou shift/space if you flying or underwater
16:10 Mantar         *you're
16:16 nekobit        cool
16:16 nekobit        makes sense with the name
16:23 MTDiscord      <theidealist> wait how do you do that
16:23 MTDiscord      <theidealist> I need it
16:27 Mantar         it's toggled by a keypress, check you key bindings
17:34 MTDiscord      <warr1024> pitchmove alters the direction that forward, back, up, and down move you.
17:34 MTDiscord      <warr1024> I believe other games have this in some modes (e.g. for swimming) but they usually change only forward and back
17:35 MTDiscord      <warr1024> there's no way to override this behavior in MT so whether it's useful to you depends on whether you can adapt to MT's quirk.
23:27 ireallyhateirc how do I run unit tests for lua builtin?
23:34 ireallyhateirc oh found it
23:35 ireallyhateirc "--run-unittests" ?