Time Nick Message 19:33 B-| yellow 19:33 B-| can anyone convince me that i don't neet connection encryption for minetest or tell me how i might set it up (assuming i can groom players who care into setting extra stuff up) 19:58 Krock Minetest's UDP data is not encrypted 20:04 gera Hi. What graphics settings are needed to get rid of the sharp transition in textures as seen here https://files.catbox.moe/71y3ue.jpeg ? 20:05 gera I thought trilinear filter does this, but it instead makes everything blurry and the effect remains 20:14 gera Ah, mipmaps were responsible for this effect, but now everything is muary https://files.catbox.moe/5xqncn.jpeg 20:29 B-| Krock: what other type of data does minetest have 20:30 Krock gera: mipmapping + anti-aliasing. 20:30 Krock B-|: HTTPS for remote media servers (uses curl) 20:31 Krock (optional, defaults to data sent over UDP) 20:31 B-| what's optional 20:31 Krock it's a word 20:31 B-| what 20:31 B-| i don't understand what you wrote in parenthesis 20:32 Krock the remote media server is optional