Time Nick Message 08:06 HandfulOfFrogs coming soon 👀 another pipe mod https://i.imgur.com/cXFnKs1.png 08:10 ireallyhateirc the more pipes in the game the better 08:16 HandfulOfFrogs https://i.imgur.com/0udO1ee.png working furnace automation with two chests (one with fuel, other with smeltable items), later I'll add filters and composites so it can be all one chest/one pipe (and i'll add colored pipes so there'll be no need for space between them) 08:18 HandfulOfFrogs formspec system is epic but I don't understand how I'm supposed to implement tabs 08:22 HandfulOfFrogs I'll add those ^ if I don't give up on the project that is but the mod already delivers player value since pipes can act as long hoppers and you don't even need to visit the long hopper store 08:23 calculon_ iirc there's no real tab implementation, you just have a tab header and put whatever you want below 08:24 HandfulOfFrogs aw 08:24 calculon_ so you have to keep track of the current tab yourself 08:24 HandfulOfFrogs then i'll just make 6 groups of inputs i guess 08:56 HandfulOfFrogs https://i.imgur.com/CzKMfuP.png edge case with 6 containers connected to a single pipe, guess it doesn't look as bad, but that's without filters and other extra options yet 08:59 HandfulOfFrogs okay, I'm tired 10:00 shaft Can I apply for the position of mod approver now? 10:07 shaft Am I shadowbanned? 10:14 Blockhead256 shaft: Not from IRC 10:14 Blockhead256 in fact I don't know of a place you can get *shadow*banned from Minetest 10:16 shaft I thought maybe from Discord or something. I don't get any answers on questions that bother me for weeks now. 10:17 Blockhead256 well I can't speak for Discord, I don't use it as a proprietary platform. But often it's just that nobody has a good answer and/or expertise to answer you with 10:17 MTDiscord I concur. 10:18 shaft Like what about my PR to mesecons? Nobody has showed up yet apart from Niklp09 who says he needs a second reviewer which is understandable. And my mod isn't getting reviewed or commented on while new mods are appearing on ContentDB. 10:18 Blockhead256 Minetest is just really small on the scale of things 10:19 shaft I feel really isolated 10:19 Blockhead256 #669? There's a few things 10:19 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/669 -- Lua HUD: bigger textures are at the same scale 10:19 Blockhead256 Bot: wrong repo :) 10:19 Blockhead256 First, minetest-mods is famously really slow 10:20 Blockhead256 secondly, it's a change that involves both code and art design decisions, and Minetest is famously rich in devs, poor in artists 10:21 Blockhead256 Now I could go and put my 2 cents in, but I'm not a member of minetest-mods, and those who are are mostly involved with engine stuff as well 10:22 Blockhead256 the only things that are actually easy to get into minetest-mods are code cleanups and so on 10:22 shaft It is a cleanup. My texturepack depends on it. 10:22 Blockhead256 small ones like de-duplication, typos 10:23 Blockhead256 I'm talking about really small cleanups 10:23 shaft Someone has to have authority or time for it. 10:23 shaft Do they want everything on mt-mods to be shit forever. 10:23 kyle56 i have a weird question. if i have a system with like 1gb of ram, how many minetest servers might i be able to run if each of the servers is like the bare minimum? like its a custom "game" with no mods and the world doesnt generate (mapgen_limit set to 0) 10:24 Blockhead256 mt-mods != minetest-mods. mt-mods is a different group, mostly Pandorabox players, and moves quicker 10:24 shaft I meant minetest-mods 10:24 Blockhead256 yep I'm sure you did, there's just the possibility of confusion... 10:25 shaft Sorry 10:25 Blockhead256 You're right, it sucks that nobody has gotten back to you 10:25 shaft thanks 10:26 Blockhead256 kyle56: Beyond game, mods and numberof players, it depends on other thinks too like compiler, C library (glibc vs musl), LuaJIT vs stock Lua 10:26 Blockhead256 I don't have a number but I'd guess only 2-3 empty servers. I would measure it with some tooling like htop though 10:27 Blockhead256 1 GB and 1 core (not that you mentioned those) isn't really enough for a lot of games or mods even on just one server 10:29 kyle56 well my vps actually has 2gb but i think half is being used by other stuff. not sure what compiler or lua is being used. i think i got the minetest from the official ubuntu PPA 10:30 Blockhead256 you can check Lua with minetest --version and I think they use glibc 10:31 kyle56 ah. in that case, its luajit 2.1.0-beta3 10:32 MTDiscord minetest server memory usage constantly increases with uptime on linux (see https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14645), the workaround currently has been to just to restart the server frequently 10:33 Blockhead256 you can find your minetest process id with `ps aux | grep minetest` 10:34 Blockhead256 and check what % of total memory it's using with `ps -p -o %mem` 10:35 kyle56 oh yeah i forgot about that. that makes things trickier. tho in my case, no mapblocks should ever load. see what i wanna do is make it so my server shutsdown when no players are on then a bash script loop makes it boot a minimal server that does nothing but shutdown when a player joins so that the main server boots back up. 10:36 HandfulOfFrogs if I constantly timeout due to unreliable internet connection do I miss messages while offline? because I see messages without any context and I'm confused 10:36 Blockhead256 HandfulOfFrogs: Yes you will miss messages that were sent while you were offline. 10:36 Blockhead256 You can check the logs at https://irc.minetest.net 10:36 HandfulOfFrogs holy hell I hate IRC 10:37 ROllerozxa the joy of IRC 10:37 MTDiscord You and that other guy, apparently 10:37 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749727888659447960/1239526914511863908/image.png?ex=66433ee5&is=6641ed65&hm=a1fcbb6458a34b6d99e9e9ebfff8a3624af0cfa2d3bb324cbc6c90e726acd4a5& 10:37 Blockhead256 no matter how much people hate it, it always refuses to die 10:37 shaft You can read the logs and refresh those https://irc.minetest.net/minetest/2024-05-13 10:38 HandfulOfFrogs oh yeah I didn't see like 80% of messages 10:39 Blockhead256 kyle56: If I were you, I would look into whether you could use https://github.com/HimbeerserverDE/mt-multiserver-proxy with offline servers 10:39 ROllerozxa if you have a computer or server you can have running 24/7 you can install an IRC bouncer like ZNC on it which will always keep you connected 10:40 HandfulOfFrogs my home PC is running 24/7 but my ISP is bad at keeping connections open 10:41 HandfulOfFrogs as much as I hate discord I see there's a bridge, how do I join? (would prefer if it was a matrix bridge but anyway at least discord doesn't lose 80% of the messages) 10:41 Blockhead256 this is the only bridged channel, you can't get the other discord ones 10:42 HandfulOfFrogs I mean how do I join discord to read irc chat from there 10:42 ROllerozxa there is a matrix to IRC bridge too iirc 10:42 MTDiscord there are 4 IRC channels bridged to Discord 10:42 ROllerozxa on the discord server you need a certain role to access the bridged channels 10:43 HandfulOfFrogs ah I see, I joined the discord but didn't find any irc channels 10:44 MTDiscord We have it set up so that you need to send a few messages before the IRC channels are shown; For spam mitigation. 10:46 HandfulOfFrogs okay, thank you 10:57 shaft Anyway, can I become mod reviewer or get some sort of trusted status on ContentDB? 13:08 keizu Guys, i have problem with resolt to recovery my forum password. 13:09 keizu I recv e-mail with link, but when i try to go to this link, I have http 404 13:09 keizu https://forum.minetest.net/app.php/user/reset_password?u=29341&token= 13:11 keizu may i forget to location my forum password on the hdd my PC. I am sorry. 15:24 Blockhead256 !tell Keizu The link may have expired. Also, next time use a password manager instead of a normal file on your computer if you have to store the password 15:24 MinetestBot Blockhead256: I'll pass that on when Keizu is around 15:24 Blockhead256 I hope that command is case insensitive... 18:29 erle ROllerozxa i was told that the voxelibre (i.e. mcl2) import to codeberg managed to accidentally kill the gitea of git.minetest.land https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/Community/issues/1542#issuecomment-1812872 18:30 ROllerozxa lol oops 18:30 erle i hope it comes back 18:30 erle also WTF 18:31 erle ROllerozxa i mean it is true to mcl2 spirit ;> 18:31 erle allegedly, someone™ was smart enough to have a backup of the issues. well, we'll see. 18:31 sfan5 hmm, it should be 18:32 ROllerozxa no data has been lost? I assume texmex also holds onto backups of the mesehub database 18:33 sfan5 what are you responding to 18:35 ROllerozxa I was responding to erle 18:36 erle look who has possibly ignored me 18:36 sfan5 oh nvm 18:36 erle dw, i'll go away again. i just wanted to share the news i got. 18:37 erle because i think a bunch of mods are/were hosted on mesehub 18:37 erle and maybe someone can contact texmex? 18:38 erle ROllerozxa to be clear, i don't know if data has been lost. currently it looks like everything is gone. i'll wait. 19:56 Mantar HandfulOfFrogs: I use a free bouncer I got from planetofnix: https://www.planetofnix.com/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Services.Bouncer 21:20 Niklp ContentDB has currently 24 packages from git.minetest.land btw 21:29 Nusakan Hi all 21:36 Nusakan I load a server in 5.7.0 with technic mod and i try to make tree farm with chainsaw and nodebreaker, but no cutting tree. Need booleen something ?