Time Nick Message 02:50 whitepaperkat hello guys 04:28 whitepaperkat whats new 04:47 cheapie Hmm... fire recall/fire service on an elevator certainly isn't a first in MT, but this machine room smoke detector might be: https://cheapiesystems.com/media/2024-05-11%2016-25-23.webm 04:47 cheapie (kind of loud, contains fire alarm) 05:53 lissobone I wanted to say something, but forgot what. 09:48 MinetestBot 02[git] 04grorp -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix crash if zip file cannot be opened (#14636) 1357b6e74 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/57b6e74abb5a24cbe31e6770eb55551b74a28694 (152024-05-12T09:46:39Z) 12:20 MinetestBot 02[git] 04chmodsayshello -> 03minetest/minetest: Add option for random mod load order (#14637) 130889048 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/0889048cb5241856189f54bc20015065857129f9 (152024-05-12T12:20:18Z) 12:22 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix invalid glDrawBuffer call on GLES 134727422 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/472742266bb61ff989b72695b52b2761adb8d877 (152024-05-12T12:20:34Z) 12:22 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Deduplicate GL extension detection 136303334 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/6303334cc2f39732697a1278532cbe66ed481da8 (152024-05-12T12:20:34Z) 12:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Add API to weather mod 13d1ba7c3 https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/d1ba7c3db3a3d06b4b2b82bb0d043d7801f99d27 (152024-05-12T12:39:16Z) 12:47 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Add API to control respawn logic and behavior 13c60d8e4 https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/c60d8e4da0d55014c06ee78b366be23152da35e0 (152024-05-12T12:46:12Z) 14:06 erle can anyone tell me what's going on with git.minetest.land? 14:06 erle i keep getting contentDB warnings and the server seems to be offline 14:06 erle what did i miss? 14:06 erle the warnings are “failed to check git repository” 14:10 ROllerozxa it's down, hopefully temporarily but it's supposed to be decommissioned sometime in the future so you might want to move your repos to codeberg to get ahead of it 14:10 erle yes i know it is down, but why? 14:11 erle i am moving my repos to my own server rn 14:16 ROllerozxa no idea why it's down. 14:17 erle thx 14:29 erle remember when i told mcl2 ppl to not just refer to issues but write full self-contained commit messages because the project might change maintainers or hosts or get forked? i definitely remember. 14:32 ireallyhateirc or you could just squash everything and do a commit with message "Import everything" :D 14:34 erle ireallyhateirc are you making fun of people who have been using git for years but can't be arsed to do the minimum amount of work to make future devs work easier? tsss! 14:35 erle (PSA: gitg and some other git gui viewers crash/hang if your squashed commit is super large) 14:40 MTDiscord Just be happy you don't have issues anymore, the problems have been solved, hooray! 14:42 erle jordan4ibanez what do you mean? 14:45 MTDiscord I mean, less problems, all solved like a Thanos snap 14:46 erle ah yes, this reminds me of how the ISO 27001 certified brick fulfils the corporate IT policy 14:46 erle no remote access 14:46 erle no backdoors 14:47 MTDiscord If I could read I'd probably be really angry at that iso standard 14:53 erle “these kids would be very angry if they could read” 14:53 erle [in minecraft] 14:57 erle i have mirrored the git repositories for my most popular mods here: http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/src/minetest-mods/ 15:00 ireallyhateirc hmmm no HTTPS on your site? 15:04 erle yes but the commits are signed 15:04 erle this is the most common complaint actually 15:04 erle i should ask my hoster again 15:04 erle last time i asked there was something about “it is activated, but some script got stuck” 15:05 erle i am sorry i am not good with computer 15:05 MTDiscord since when are you not good with computer 15:06 MTDiscord Since I showed up round these here parts, tell ye what 15:07 erle luatic look the real issue is that i prefer to pay some guy to do my hosting and just use it as dumb storage. the server has busybox, xsltproc and git installed and that's all i need for my static site generation shenanigans 15:08 erle luatic btw i wonder how something like this could be done for minetest, i.e. lego-style instructions on how to build something. the difficult thing is generating the steps. http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/notes/lego-mnt-reform-keyboard-holder-2.html 15:09 erle anyway, bye! 15:10 MTDiscord bye 15:57 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Add random_mod_load_order to test config 131ce4835 https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/1ce48351ea7b1586710c1e60e863e94ed06e2721 (152024-05-12T15:23:41Z) 17:28 HandfulOfFrogs hello everyone 18:33 HandfulOfFrogs any idea why minetest.override_item might do nothing? I'm trying to add groups to items, the item is in registered_items but when I do override, the groups stay the same 18:35 ireallyhateirc I may be wrong, it could do that if you tried to override during runtime 18:35 ireallyhateirc that's my wild guess though 18:36 HandfulOfFrogs ohh you're right, I did it in register_on_mods_loaded callback 18:36 HandfulOfFrogs thank you 18:39 HandfulOfFrogs I'm cooking something for a future mod: https://i.imgur.com/vsvA9LJ.png