Time Nick Message 15:00 Blockhead256 Well, my IRC bouncer has been working well the past few days. I tried to check the web IRC again but once again, 429 15:00 Blockhead256 Seems pretty heavy-handed that it would do that despite not trying to connect for the past several days. Either that or it's blocking everybody because of the actions of a few 16:53 alguien So pitch is lower-bound to 0.05, huh? 16:55 alguien I tried making a full sound range of a piano using a B5 sine sasmple, but I could only go as low as G1-G#1 16:56 alguien (the lowest sound on a standard piano is A0) 17:29 sfan5 Blockhead256: looks like I messed up the settings a bit, should be better now 17:59 shaft How does Marked Text Encoding work in Minetest? How do I use it with a node's description? 17:59 shaft For translation 18:08 shaft Never mind. I chose a simpler approach 18:28 sometalgoo Probably a common question, but does anyone have any recommendations for a mod to clean up unknown nodes? There's several to choose from, and some of them, like Server Cleaner, seem more feature rich and require a lot more configuration. Was just hoping to find something simple. 18:32 ireallyhateirc you could write an LBM that finds unknown nodes and replaces them with air? 18:36 sfan5 no need 18:36 sfan5 simply alias them to air 18:37 Blockhead256 sfan5: yes, I can access it again now thanks 18:37 ireallyhateirc wow that's powerful 18:38 Blockhead256 sometalgoo: If all you want is a simple "delete any encountered unknown nodes", then Cleaner will do fine 18:41 sometalgoo Thank you for the feedback. :) 18:45 Kimapr is there an issue open for async environment IPC? i have an a use case where back and Forth communication of async env with the main thread, like channels, is needed (the async env will hold a lot of state and it will be very inefficient to have to move it all back and forth and restoring it on every message transferred). I don't see anything like this implemented currently. 19:07 shaft If I fork ts_furniture, can I keep the technical name? Would make it easier for transition and you're not going to use both anyway 19:18 MTDiscord The rule on technical names is that they're supposed to be "compatible", i.e. the original establishes an API, and other mods sharing the name should try to implement that API 19:19 MTDiscord Especially if you're forking the original, as long as your changes are reasonably attempting to make it work more correctly, that would probably meet that definition, I think? 19:20 MTDiscord We generally want people to try to get their changes merged upstream first before letting them publish a fork on official channels like CDB (to prevent unnecessary proliferation) but if your PR was already rejected, you might be a good candidate already. 19:22 Niklp Why did you close your 2nd PR? 19:24 shaft I gave up on that. I'll make my own. More convenient if 90% of the mod is gonna be me anyway. 21:02 juninho Hi 22:41 imi hi 22:42 imi so I want to copy a part of a world to a different world. how do I do it? worldedit surely can do it, how do I do it? 23:51 Mantar mark the two corners, save it, copy the we file over to the other world, and //load it there