Time Nick Message 00:00 cheapie 12 bistable relays and 60 normal ones, 84 total pistons if I counted right (not including ones being used as mechanical actuators) 00:13 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix wrong name for bone override interpolation field 1370bddcf https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/70bddcf318b5ffbe45916c09178d59edc4f08f2d (152024-05-04T00:09:35Z) 02:31 diceLibrarian Femboys 08:03 definitelya Machogirls 12:19 dag__ I modified the source code of mesecraft. How do I now load my version of mesecraft in my minetest instance? Also, could you point me to documentation on this kind of topic? 12:21 ireallyhateirc what OS are you using? 12:22 ireallyhateirc on GNU/Linux you have this directory: /home/your_username/.minetest/games/ 12:23 ireallyhateirc and there you put the game directory, so /home/your_username/.minetest/games/mesecraft 12:23 ireallyhateirc restart the game and you should be able to see the modified version in the main menu 12:25 ireallyhateirc https://content.minetest.net/help/installing/ 12:25 ireallyhateirc Once the game is in the directory, you don't need to restart Minetest 12:26 ireallyhateirc obviously though you need to reload the game you modified, so you exit Mesecraft and start it again 12:27 ireallyhateirc dag__, also you have this modding tutorial: https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/index.html 12:27 ireallyhateirc and the API doc: https://api.minetest.net/ 12:30 dag__ That's very helpful. Thank you so much, ireallyhateirc! My OS is MX Linux. 12:35 ireallyhateirc yeah so the above should work, come back if you encounter any problems 12:49 dag__ Awesome, I'll do that! Thanks again.