Time Nick Message 04:48 imi where are player passwords stored? I can't find the column in players.sqlite 04:56 imi auth.sqlite apparently 06:15 Mantar hey are modchannels busted? can't join a channel from a client, and the host joins successfully, says the channel is writable, but when I send a message on a channel, on_modchannel_message never fires off 06:37 Mantar tried 5.8.0 and 5.7.0 07:08 Mantar Checked 5.6.0, 5.5.0, and 5.4.0 too, same behavior, I'll dig into it some more tomorrow 18:56 MinetestBot 02[git] 04goodusername123 -> 03minetest/minetest: Update Lua BitOp's stdint.h check for MSVC 13fa072c1 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/fa072c1d2cfba5f57ee528dde143947e5046f2d5 (152024-03-19T18:54:57Z) 18:58 MinetestBot 02[git] 04HybridDog -> 03minetest/minetest: Faster blit_with_alpha() (#14448) 13cda1124 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/cda112493a6f91a84f065463bb1783ac0e6b1e08 (152024-03-19T18:56:47Z) 22:09 LandarVargan Maybe look at https://content.minetest.net/packages/luk3yx/sscsm/ as a reference I can confirm has worked in the past (~5.1-5.3?) 22:09 LandarVargan oops, wrong channel. What I get for switching too fast 22:10 Mantar s'alright, I'm here too 22:11 luk3yx Mantar: Is the "enable_mod_channels" setting set to true in minetest.conf? 22:11 LandarVargan I see a decent amount of CTF players join with that mod's CSM counterpart or a similar one installed. 22:12 Mantar huh, I think so, but let me check 22:13 Mantar ah, it was set, but not in the right minetest.conf. what I get for having three of them open 22:17 Mantar Aha! Thanks, LV, that fixed it. 23:13 sfan5 https://0x0.st/Xr2V.png what did github mean by these tooltips 23:16 MTDiscord minetest/minetest: minetest/minetest. minetest, minetest/minetest minetest minetest mintest:minetest? 23:20 MTDiscord I was going to say it was for forks, but uhhh: 23:20 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749727888659447960/1219787678422405162/image.png?ex=660c92cd&is=65fa1dcd&hm=21786ee3a95b4e72a410f5500d88a946c255979cd87b5d6bafedea1fdea1778e& 23:49 MTDiscord I wonder if it's a conflict between HTML title's use as "tooltip" with its use for "hint for non-visual accessibility" (e.g. how screenreaders describe the element when tabbed over to)