Time Nick Message 00:18 swift110-mobile Sup 00:24 Scribble2 not much, was 'tinking around on Scratch for a few, just fer fun. need food in me, maybe pancakes 00:25 swift110-mobile Ok 00:25 swift110-mobile I need food too 00:26 Scribble2 right on, I'll send ya some once they're cooked 01:36 swift110-mobile Thanks 01:36 swift110-mobile Goodness, I might order some Chinese food. I’m hungry and I really don’t feel like cooking nor do I feel like washing dishes afterwards. 05:35 mtvisitor hallo, good afternoon. 05:35 mtvisitor https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=25693&start=50 05:36 mtvisitor i have some low prority task(s) and project(s) on this game server. 05:37 mtvisitor if there are some players from the Fortune(Forbes)500 global company, we could have some game topics on that game server. thanks. 05:38 mtvisitor have a wonderful weekend.🤝 13:40 MTDiscord wat 14:10 swift110-mobile Sup 15:10 MTDiscord Well swift, I think everyone that reads what mtvisitor wrote just became part of a fortune 500 company or something