Time Nick Message 00:04 MTDiscord The difference between gnome and KDE is KDE apps have stupid names, gnome apps have stupid workflows 00:07 Scribble2 lols. Gnome2 was fine, why they had to go & change your desktop into a phone is beyond me 00:10 Scribble2 not digging Wayland. thought latest & greatest, yay, the future is here boys... but it's a let-down 'cuz ya can't link one laptop to the next with Synergy / Barrier / Lan-Mouse. thinking of going back to X11 with it 00:13 MTDiscord Wayland is about ready for production as I am ready to go into the WWE 00:14 Scribble2 lols, you been training in the backyard all these years huh? 00:16 MTDiscord Oh yeah BROTHER 00:30 MTDiscord Many missing features in Wayland, not as stable 00:33 Scribble2 that's what I've heard. the fact that it won't follow your mouse or keyboard is supposed to be a security FEATURE, but I find it more of a hinderance. wish there was a setting in there that let you turn it off. they could even give you a warning like "are you sure you wanna break your computer?" yes, I'm sure... 00:35 Scribble2 I feel like every YouTuber / Twitch streamer etc, who's ever used those HUD apps that show which keys you're tapping while playing would miss out 00:36 MTDiscord It kind of prevented key loggers maybe? I'm sure there's still exploits 00:38 Scribble2 yea. that's the idea behind it anyway. just wish they left it up to you, to decide how ya like to use your PC 03:27 swift110-mobile Sup folks 03:28 Scribble2 'sup 03:36 swift110-mobile How r u Scribble2 03:38 Scribble2 back's aching, but doing OK. trying to get back in that programming mode, but feel like my brain's running as fast as molasses 03:43 swift110-mobile Oh, I understand my back was hurting the other day. In fact it was yesterday and I’m just really glad to get that pain went away. 05:13 swift110-mobile Scribble2: what r u up to 05:14 Scribble2 nearly asleep, was watching a youtube "Game Development with LÖVE 2D and Lua – Full Course" https://youtu.be/I549C6SmUnk 05:15 swift110-mobile Col 05:15 swift110-mobile I’m just watching YouTube 05:15 Scribble2 it's a bit slow, drifting off. really want a milshake. think I'm gonna grab one, vanilla, sprinkle some cinnimon & ginger in there 05:16 MTDiscord Mhm mhm, we got a serious case of sleepy in here 05:16 MTDiscord https://tenor.com/view/puppy-tired-tired-puppy-doggo-cute-puppy-gif-9446132869263243239 05:16 swift110-mobile Oh wow 05:16 swift110-mobile I’m wide awake 05:16 Scribble2 aww 05:17 swift110-mobile I feel great 05:17 swift110-mobile Just planning on moving to another apartment. Looking forward to this being over. 05:23 Scribble2 moving can be exciting, wears ya out tho 11:24 swift110-mobile Yeah Scribble2 17:04 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Reorder ObjectProperties struct 13585ca90 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/585ca90ae0620dc8fd4dd7afb4ca3af433efbec7 (152024-03-06T17:03:57Z) 17:04 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix some common SAO methods to not generate useless update packets 13c524c52 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/c524c52baa5456cff87127b3c4c41b5758b91c7a (152024-03-06T17:03:57Z) 17:04 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Move PlayerSettings class to client code 13badd427 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/badd42789af375193a187e5c72552649b56f28a1 (152024-03-06T17:03:57Z) 17:07 MinetestBot 02[git] 04y5nw -> 03minetest/minetest: Try to preserve metatable when exchanging data with the async env (#1… 13fc80f65 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/fc80f65a6d958b730af869399b131c84b0b6f72a (152024-03-06T17:04:49Z) 19:36 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix attached sounds stopping if objects are removed serverside (#14436) 13bf52d1e https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/bf52d1e6242607440bfa35d6e81e5909e0c46977 (152024-03-06T19:36:02Z) 21:35 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Reduce translations log spam 13d88f086 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/d88f0866b74e7a010e93233c067871c462edca78 (152024-03-06T21:33:32Z) 22:08 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/serverlist: Drop support for announce via GET 1378e6c48 https://github.com/minetest/serverlist/commit/78e6c48c85bd691ef4c7310bce347d724b36b4c2 (152024-03-06T22:07:08Z) 22:13 Scribble2 trying to remember what langiages you can write plugins in HexChat. think you can do Lua, but it wasn't as well documented as whatever lang they prefer, was it Lisp, Python..? 22:16 Mantar python, lua, and perl 22:17 Scribble2 oh i C... that's too much for my wee brain to think about right now. I'll whittle away at that thought process over the next week or so. maybe try something easy like a MadLibs script on Love2D to begin with. need caffeine in me. who's got some Dr Pepper? 22:19 Scribble2 I used to have one that I made that when ya ping me it would give up a menu of things to do, like random oh, I don't remember some kinda random reply. the thought was to make it into a tiny IRC game 22:20 Scribble2 maybe it's on github. been so long, prolly lost to the ages. think the hardest part was getting a menu for the items. gtk or some-such 22:25 Scribble2 Simple IRC Chat Bot for HexChat - https://gist.github.com/doyousketch2/d7a00b54f8e5a398898eac2bcb058993 22:44 swift110-mobile Hey Scribble2 22:45 Scribble2 'yo. need food in me, oh what's in the kitchen? 22:47 swift110-mobile lol actually I have plenty of food at home 22:48 MTDiscord Well we got blocks, with a few blocks on the side 22:48 Scribble2 yum! think there 22:48 Scribble2 think there's some soup, gonna grab a bowl'ah that 22:49 swift110-mobile Cool 22:50 swift110-mobile I’ll likely cook when I get home 23:04 Scribble2 all out'a block-soup... had the 'tato-variety, of slow-cooked warmth. with some cornbread on the side :) 23:19 swift110-mobile sounds good 23:33 Scribble2 yea, think I'm going back to X11 tomorrow, when my brain's running again. can't even screenshot in flippin' Wayland, wtfunk 23:34 MTDiscord Wayland is poop and no one believes me 23:36 Scribble2 uh huh. saw a vid the other night where the guy was showing it off, but his cursor was off like 100 pixels the entire time, and there was some other visual glitch in there somewhere. just not buying that it's ready for prime-time. https://youtu.be/aUXexJ2np_w 23:36 MTDiscord Scribble2: you can screenshot on wayland, you just need to figure out how 23:36 ROllerozxa I tried wayland a week or two ago and it went well until I realised there is absolutely no way of recording the screen in wayland because of some excuse of security 23:36 MTDiscord there is a way!! 23:36 Scribble2 lols, yea - hold my camera up to the screen? 23:36 MTDiscord you just need to use your OS's / DE's built-ins 23:37 MTDiscord on Ubuntu i can get to those by pressing the "print" key 23:37 ROllerozxa luatic: what's the "DE built-in" equivalent for OBS huh 23:38 MTDiscord well if by recording you mean streaming then idk 23:38 MTDiscord but just to record screen videos yes also print 23:38 ROllerozxa what 23:38 Scribble2 I'm just sick of struggling. life's been too d'mn hard already. these are the 2000's, we're supposed to be in flying cars & beyond such squabbles with my desktop 23:38 ROllerozxa OBS can record video 23:38 MTDiscord there's also some combo but i can't remember thhat 23:38 MTDiscord ROllerozxa: so can GNOME 23:39 ROllerozxa I don't care about GNOME 23:39 MTDiscord https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749727888659447960/1215081316819931166/Screencast_from_07-03-24_003904.webm?ex=65fb73a9&is=65e8fea9&hm=2e2383447cd8599201d6deef88bb8758dff613f479b0d9b61d4d1a8310d14f0b& 23:39 ROllerozxa I just want my OBS 23:39 MTDiscord well, what DE are you using? 23:39 ROllerozxa none of your business 23:39 Scribble2 oh, I can record, with uh... some "Amazing Screen Recorder" plugin on my Brave browser, but for whatever reason you can't just hit PrtScrn and get a snapshot 23:39 MTDiscord it hopefully has some built-ins for recording the screen 23:40 ROllerozxa anyways SSR didn't work either 23:40 MTDiscord Scribble2: of course applications can record themselves 23:40 MTDiscord because that's not a security problem 23:40 MTDiscord ROllerozxa: because simple screen recorder is also an external application with no special privileges 23:41 Scribble2 this one's Plasma 6. it's decent, but I feel like it struggles on Wayland. I'll see if X11 fixes things, but my head's aching to attempt that right now 23:41 ROllerozxa luatic: why can't I grant it privileges 23:41 MTDiscord ah yes the combo was Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R supposedly 23:41 MTDiscord ROllerozxa: uhm uhm idk 23:41 ROllerozxa why do I need to embed a screen recorder into the kernel or something to give it privileges 23:41 MTDiscord just go use Ubuntu where it just werks 23:42 ROllerozxa I might as well switch to windows at that point 23:42 Scribble2 ditched Win10 for Arch already, not about to distro-hop 23:43 MTDiscord ROllerozxa: supposedly it is "worth noting that OBS studio with the obs-xdg-portal extension can also flawlessly screen record" according to some people on reddit 23:43 Scribble2 got sick of Win10 nagging me to upgrade to Win11 23:43 MTDiscord Do it now 23:43 MTDiscord upgrade to Linux 23:44 MTDiscord oh they did already 23:44 ROllerozxa luatic: why the hell do I need to install gnome just to get OBS to work 23:44 Scribble2 I did, it's so much faster. blazing, webpages such as https://civitai.com/images just fly when ya scroll through 'em now 23:45 MTDiscord You actually should install openSUSE for OBS 23:45 Scribble2 Win was laggy. hated it, but dreaded the struggle of repartitioning & all that 23:47 Scribble2 love that website. wanna generate some voxel images on there sometime