Time Nick Message 01:03 MTDiscord I would call such a mod "modlib" but ... 03:41 Scribble2 istening to this kid talk about Lua to get back into programming mindset "Full Lua Programming Crash Course - Beginner to Advanced" https://youtu.be/1srFmjt1Ib0 03:42 Scribble2 updated Plasma5 to Plasma6. debugpoint.com/upgrade-kde-plasma-6/ Yay! background image gives you day / night cycles on the desktop 03:43 Scribble2 Was a PITA to upgrade, but I've wrestled before with Qt. it doesn't like to upgrade stuff that's running. so log out, Ctrl-Alt-F3 @ login-screen & commandline the cr'p out of it; show Qt who's boss, lol. uninstall Qt5 components, then install Qt6 / Plasma6 03:47 Scribble2 it's nice, but lost a KWin script called "KZones," which I happened to like. Could resize windows by dragging 'em onto a HUD icon. now I gotta settle for a keyboard version called "Rectangle" it's OK, but not used it it, and not sure how to make your own sizes / positions 11:05 ROllerozxa " background image gives you day / night cycles on the desktop" wasn't this already a thing in plasma 5? 11:08 ROllerozxa plasma 6 looks interesting, I heard wayland is the default but I hope they haven't completely dropped Xorg support yet 12:27 sfan5 they have not 14:03 MTDiscord It was dark mode and light mode images, it synchronized with the sunset in your timezone is new 14:38 Scribble2 yea, I'd imagine plasma5 could do it with a desktop widget or plugin, like conky. but fading effect is built in now 14:48 ROllerozxa I see 19:43 jonadab Desktop backgrounds depicting a day/night cycle go *way* back to that program in the eighties that drew Earth on the X root window with the night part in shadow. 19:44 jonadab It was 4-bit color, so really klunky by today's standards, but the idea is not new. 19:44 jonadab Almost as old as xeyes. 19:46 Scribble2 lols oh, well I've always stayed away from Qt stuff 'cuz I hate their naming-conventions in the actual programming language. Every flipping function in there starts qith a K 19:48 Scribble2 absolutely hate their syntax, but it feels like the best desktop experience so far 19:51 Scribble2 I like that all the settings are in the menu where you expect 'em to be. that was always frustrating in the past, running LXDE but have to run some Gnome menu to change a setting they didn't include