Time Nick Message 04:38 MTDiscord I always assumed Brazilian Portugese translations were for Brazilian people, but I guess today I learned something. 04:41 Mantar :D 11:20 MTDiscord I'm going to give #14068 the poke 11:20 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/14068 -- Fix node placement collision detection failure [The Ghost Node] by jordan4ibanez 12:09 Bombo hi ho, is there a xmas tree in minetest? ;) with ornaments etc 12:31 calcul0n_ Bombo, there are a couple xmas mods: https://content.minetest.net/packages/?q=christmas 12:32 calcul0n_ and this one which adds cool crafts: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=7780 12:32 ROllerozxa I still have my ornaments mod from last year which I haven't uploaded anywhere yet... maybe this christmas :) 12:38 MTDiscord some of us discord folks are ornaments at this time of the season, but you IRC folks can't see that ;) 12:42 MTDiscord Bombo, apples, using the soothing32 pack, look like onaments 🙂 12:43 MTDiscord Put them along with torches on the tree. 12:58 Bombo mkay let's see 13:38 * mtvisitor is reviewing some irc logs during the weekend. (https://wiki.minetest.net/IRC) 13:38 MTDiscord Let me know if you find anything good 13:39 mtvisitor not yet, have a nice day. ;-) 13:41 MinetestBot 02[git] 04grorp -> 03minetest/minetest: Touchscreen: Make server-sent overrides of button textures work (#14145) 1346c930c https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/46c930cf701087d63eb0e23fb403e45f2eb3966a (152023-12-23T13:39:42Z) 14:03 Swift110-mobile_ Sup folks 17:33 Swift110-mobile_ Oh 17:33 Swift110-mobile_ I got to install minetest on my pc