Time Nick Message 00:26 shaft Is calling a function that doesn't exist supposed to core dump the whole game? 00:26 shaft In Lua 00:28 shaft I tried calling table.find and it doesn't exist. It took me a while to find the line that caused the issue because it made the entire game crash instead of showing a useful message like it usually does. 00:28 shaft I'm still running 5.7 until a new appimage releases 02:23 Mantar shaft: that doesn't seem right, under normal circumstances it should give you an error about table.find being a nil value. 15:48 shaft Mantar: It doesn't though. You can try it yourself. It core dumps the whole game. 15:48 shaft 5.7 though. 15:59 shaft Okay, if you call table.find() during startup it works fine but if called during runtime it core dumps. 16:04 sfan5 2023-12-08 17:04:28: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'test2' in callback environment_Step(): .../mods/test2/init.lua:307: attempt to call field 'find' (a nil value) 16:04 sfan5 works for me 16:04 sfan5 error even shows in the gui 16:09 jonadab Are any of the arguments to the function call calculated? 16:10 jonadab Worst comes to worst, throw the core into gdb and get a backtrace. 17:06 shaft Not during runtime. Take my birds mod and change find to table.find. https://gitgud.io/blut/birds/-/blob/master/init.lua?ref_type=heads 17:06 shaft By runtime I mean not during "startup" 17:07 shaft I know, everything is runtime in a script. 17:44 Bombo *doh* "Insufficient gcc version, found 6.3.0. Version 7.5 or higher is required." 18:25 jonadab Bombo: Heh. I have a couple of systems that still have 6.x myself. Although my main system has 10.something. 18:26 jonadab Oh, the fileserver has 8.x 20:13 MinetestBot 02[git] 04garymm -> 03minetest/minetest: Improve Irrlicht instructions (#14055) 13634e49b https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/634e49b96138a9337a9b3104d3eb52e77954c6f4 (152023-12-08T20:11:54Z) 20:13 MinetestBot 02[git] 04ZenonSeth -> 03minetest/minetest: Check if liquid can flow into empty node before picking it as source … 132ec3325 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/2ec3325381b4f456fc1dedb1db577ad75c9c63fd (152023-12-08T20:13:18Z) 20:14 MinetestBot 02[git] 04grorp -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix unittest failure for release versions (#14067) 13689aaf5 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/689aaf50b3cbd709cfdf4df17fec4ba119bfd222 (152023-12-08T20:13:33Z) 21:52 Mantar I'm having an occasional segfault during a minetest.forceload(), gonna try to get a debug trace 21:52 sfan5 try with --debugger 22:36 Mantar I find attaching the gdb process myself is usually more helpful 22:48 lizzie is there an event handler, or a way to detect, when nodes of a given type become loaded? (ie, a mapblock goes from unloaded to loaded, that contains that node) 22:48 sfan5 lbm