Time Nick Message 03:55 Mantar Had a super weird error just now, anybody seen this happen before? createSector(): pos. over max mapgen limit 03:55 Mantar happened in the timer for a torch 04:30 Mantar huh https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11835 16:59 jonadab I like how the people who are confident the bug is real, consistently refuse to provide steps-to-reproduce that don't require modifying the server-side game code. 16:59 jonadab It's like they're actively *trying* to prevent the devs from believing them. 17:01 jonadab (If a modified _client_ were required to reproduce, then I could see an argument that, yeah, of course, griefers will do that. But the only steps-to-reproduce given required modified server-side code.) 19:39 Bombo oy vey 5.8.0 \o/ 21:38 Mantar jonadab: yeah, a little annoying that that's the only reference to the bug that crashed my server yesterday 22:16 jonadab Mantar: Indeed. Your sighting suggests the existence of a real bug, but with it happening once, on a server, you probably didn't get steps to reproduce. 22:16 jonadab Which is a bummer. 22:21 Mantar Yeah I have no idea how it happened, unless somebody was using a hacked client. Basically a torch node tried to check its conditions but was outside map boundaries? 22:21 ROllerozxa uh, wasn't that the bug that could be used to crash servers with carefully crafted packets 22:31 LizzyFleck which one 22:31 LizzyFleck (there were several) 22:31 LizzyFleck there was the register race condition and the teleporting out of bounds one and probably others as well 22:32 ROllerozxa #11835 was mentioned earlier today 22:32 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11835 -- InvalidPositionException in src/map.cpp is not caught, making it possible for players to crash the server 22:51 lizzie Hi, I'm working on my second minetest mod (for nodecore). My first mod mostly only did node related manipulations in the direct vicinity around player actions, so I didn't worry about loaded/unloaded mapblocks, but I'm wondering, what happens if get_node and/or set_node are called on an unloaded part of the world? 22:55 Mantar get_node will return "ignore" nodes 22:55 Mantar don't recall if set_node will cause it to load the area or not 23:11 lizzie ignore nodes? is that a node where the name string is "ignore"? 23:12 MTDiscord yes, it's a technical node with the literal itemstring ignore 23:12 MTDiscord is said to exist in any not currently loaded mapblock 23:13 lizzie cool, that should be manageable 23:13 lizzie thanks!