Time Nick Message 14:51 MinetestBot Wuzzy: Nov-14 17:13 UTC do you have a good suggestion how I should translate 'schematic' for WorldEdit into German? 15:01 Wuzzy sfan5: I think "schematic" should be translated "Schematic". Sorry, I don't know any better. It's a very MT-specific term so it makes most sense to treat it as a loan word. It's how I did it with SchemEdit anyway 15:01 sfan5 thanks 15:01 sfan5 the only other idea I had was 'Schemata' 15:01 sfan5 but that doesn't really sound correct 15:02 Wuzzy no, it doesn't :D 18:42 mrkubax10 If node timer is started and I call NodeTimerRef:start again what will happen? 18:45 mrkubax10 Will it be ignored, restarted or another timer "instance" will be created? 19:01 DeepThgt It is a string, with a somewhat strange format 19:01 DeepThgt >somewhat 19:01 DeepThgt lol 19:01 ROllerozxa lol, formspec docs? 19:02 DeepThgt ya trying to increase the size of autocrafter's src inv 19:02 DeepThgt its not going well 19:02 DeepThgt lol 19:02 DeepThgt https://imgur.com/Kw9w2EJ.png such beautiful layout 19:02 DeepThgt lololol 19:04 DeepThgt the documentation does a poor job relating the examples to what the integers mean in it 19:04 DeepThgt i have only been able to ascertain the two that make up how many slots are present (obviously 19:04 DeepThgt ) 19:05 DeepThgt when i get it figured id like to submit a pr on the documentation for that, we need an explained example 19:15 mrkubax10 Nevermind about my question, I looked up in the source code 19:17 DeepThgt ok now starting to make sense 19:22 DeepThgt or not? i change size width and it does nothing to the form 19:25 DeepThgt apparently the size directive is meaningless, its set to 42 w right now, the form should be 42 inv slots wide, not 8 19:35 Krock DeepThgt: inventory list width is used by crafting grids only to detect shapes 19:35 Krock all inventory list visuals are defined by the list[] formspec element parameters 19:36 DeepThgt that is not what the documentation states 19:36 DeepThgt it states size defines the size of the menu, in inventory slots 19:40 Krock would you please be so nice to send a link to that sentence? 19:40 DeepThgt https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/formspec/ 19:40 DeepThgt under "size" 19:41 Krock oh you're talking about the formspec size in slots and not inventory list slots 19:42 Krock you should use formspec_version[2] or higher for proper formspec scaling 19:42 DeepThgt ya, changing the first number of the size directive in autocrafters.lua, as far as i understand it, should change the size of the entire form 19:42 DeepThgt i am using 2 19:42 DeepThgt trying to modify pipeworks/autocrafters to make src have bigger inv 19:42 Krock did you place a new node afterwards? 19:42 DeepThgt yes 19:43 DeepThgt its a simple enough task i thought, but i am starting to think formspec is needlessly complicated 19:43 DeepThgt idk why css/html wasnt used, everyone already knows it 19:43 * DeepThgt goes back to dinking with it 19:43 DeepThgt ty Krock ill figure it out eventually, im just kvetching 19:44 Krock > local size = "10.2,14" 19:44 Krock well yes changing that should also change your formspec size 19:44 DeepThgt inv 19:44 DeepThgt did you place a new node afterwards? 19:44 Krock assuming that the function is run; which happens upon construction 19:44 DeepThgt im guessing the existing contents are stored in nodemeta 19:44 DeepThgt hence the need to place another? 19:45 Krock try it 19:45 Krock simply turning it on or off should also trigger this function 19:47 DeepThgt finally! 19:48 DeepThgt ok, now i have a 2x wide box, everything to the side 19:48 DeepThgt i should be able to get it from here! 19:51 Krock good luck 19:56 DeepThgt https://imgur.com/FjqQ4JP.png there we go 19:56 DeepThgt ugly still, but 19:56 DeepThgt i need to fix the other elements now 19:56 DeepThgt thanks Krock 21:20 Baytuch| I tested the 5.7.0 version on my old computer with an Intel processor. It turned out that freezing appeared in the video. Perhaps this is related to the OBS version