Time Nick Message 00:54 erle i know this critcism is not welcome, but just for the record: the approach in this PR is not the best approach in the history of approaches, to say it mildly https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/14020/files 00:55 erle (in case this does not convince you, just pretend i am writing this purely for “told you so” purposes when it turns out to suck) 01:14 sfan5 if you know your criticism is not welcome, why did you state it? 01:53 erle sfan5 because it might not be welcome to you, but to someone else. and by the way, i was not banned for being factually wrong on issues as far as i know. 01:53 erle the correct interface you probably want to have if you *use* this api looks a bit different 01:53 erle but you can infer that yourself (if you write a non-toy mod that uses it) 01:55 erle i mean i can say “look at what tga_encoder does to make this case easy for the user” but i said that before multiple times 01:59 erle just so i don't appear unneccesarily vague: the “mistake” here is the automatic color reduction. if you have a mod that inputs random pixels, you most likely want to control the output format, not have it randomly vary. 01:59 erle and yes, you can reduce filesize that way. that is absolutely correct. 02:02 erle from my POV this PR still approaches the issue in a “what is something that addresses some critcicism and is easy to implement” way 02:03 erle also i assume that no part of coming up with that had anything to do with “ask people who actually write bitmaps what kind of API they might want” 02:04 erle (not because i wasn't asked but because the API that you get than looks different) 04:26 MTDiscord Is there a way to limit how much terrain gets mapgenned? I want to generate only the mapblock the player is in, and mapblocks immediately adjacent to it. If it has to generate a whole chunk at a time that's fine, but I'd like to generate only the minimum set of chunks to cover those specified mapblocks. 06:30 BuckarooBanzai You might have success with the `max_block_send_distance` setting, but _if_ that even works you would only see as far as the current chunk (and those loaded already) haven't tested it though ;) 06:32 BuckarooBanzai and afaik no: you can't load some mapblocks only, you have to load the entire chunk, otherwise the mapgen will trigger again if it encounters a non-generated (on-disk) mapblock (at least this is what it did last time i played with that though, few years back) 07:56 MTDiscord I'd be fine with chunks then if that's the limit. I just don't need to eager generate mapblocks that are 2 map chunks away from me in physical space but I don't even know if I'll ever find a way to reach them in parametric space, so any mapgenning there is likely wasted. 07:57 MTDiscord We really need the ability to control which map chunks get generated and which do not. Like, the engine should ask if it's okay to emerge something and if the mod says no, then don't. 07:58 MTDiscord Also IIRC I could just change mapchunk sizes to be 1 or 2 blocks. In my case the "cells" that the map is divided into will be aligned 2x2x2 mapblocks. 08:00 BuckarooBanzai in theory it would be possible to do the whole mapgen-limit thing in lua already: place a "sentinel" node in each generated chunk and do your work in an lbm/abm 😏 08:00 MTDiscord Sight range is not an issue because it's already limited by geometry, and in fact I can see the culler working well via wireframe; I have to noclip into walls before I see the nearby mapblocks. But I'd also like to skip the mapgen and network transfer work, and maybe disk space, too... 12:16 Miner34 Some time ago, i made something that may be useful for server admins or debugging 12:18 Miner34 It's a python module that allows you to get some data from MT's logs 12:18 Miner34 If useful i can make some examples 12:19 Miner34 You can find it here: https://github.com/Miner34dev/Minetest-log-data-extractor 12:47 erle i think it is unreasonable to close this PR just because you don't want me to report more bugs https://github.com/minetest/minetest/pull/13955 12:47 erle it is *done* 12:47 erle the only thing needed to do is merge is 12:47 erle it 15:24 Guest47 hi 17:34 MTDiscord Hello guest47