Time Nick Message 10:37 copygirl Is there a way to define a node that has a different shape / nodebox depending on its param2 value? 10:42 copygirl At least from the API it doesn't look like it, so I might have to make things complicated with multiple nodes and using facedir where appropriate. 10:54 erle copygirl is this still the “microblocks” thing? 12:14 copygirl erle: I suppose? 15:41 lzsab hello! 15:41 lzsab I saw that Minetest returned to Google Play and that RollerTest is still available. Just an observation regarding the indicative rating, Minetest is for 12 years, and RollerTest for 10 years. Which would be the most reasonable? 15:44 Krock lzsab: depends on the content that is distributed with the client. To be safer, 12+ would be my pick 15:44 Krock (i.e. content provided by the visited servers as well) 15:45 lzsab yes, I think in that too 16:02 ROllerozxa The age ratings on Google Play are based on a questionnaire that developers fill out regarding their app. Things such as online interactions (i.e. multiplayer servers) are not rated, but the content available through the content browser is assumed to fall under the rating. So by default there is a blacklist on Android that filters packages on ContentDB with content warnings (e.g. bad_language, horror, violence...). 16:03 ROllerozxa When I look, Minetest is rated PEGI 12 and ROllertest is rated PEGI 7. I'm unsure why they're different as they both provide the same content from CDB and the same serverlist, I assume I filled out the questionnaire slightly different in some way. 16:04 rubenwardy Minetest used to be rated much lower but then Google retroactively raised the limit 16:04 rubenwardy presumably, someone reported Minetest whilst playing on a server or with some mod installed 16:04 rubenwardy or maybe they found something in the CDB section 16:08 lzsab I understand now. I dont play Minecraft, so I dont know if is possible to access servers on mobile version, it is free for all publics 16:08 lzsab *the rated is free 19:08 MinetestBot 02[git] 04superfloh247 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix undefined behaviour in modulo360f (#13976) 137cb20dd https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/7cb20dd6c28794d5651ee835cca067ebbdfbcf5b (152023-11-12T19:08:33Z) 19:10 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Desour -> 03minetest/minetest: Add new flags to minetest.features for 5.8.0 features (#13978) 138cf76e0 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/8cf76e004fe9bda21762437cbbcbd8750378e7f1 (152023-11-12T19:08:57Z) 23:41 yoda_ a question if anyone is here 23:42 yoda_ I tried programming the mob spawner wasnt successful can someone give me an example 23:44 erle yoda_ show code 23:46 yoda_ I just place lava_flan 3 2 3 3 Y 23:49 yoda_ https://postimg.cc/56hJvPPs 23:50 yoda_ I just need an example 23:51 erle on how to spawn a mob? 23:51 erle yoda_ so you want to spawn a specific mob right? 23:52 yoda_ yes 23:52 yoda_ from a spawner 23:53 yoda_ there is no information in how to program a spawner online 23:53 erle there is, wait 23:55 erle yoda_ https://codeberg.org/mineclonia/mineclonia/src/branch/main/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners 23:56 yoda_ thanks Ill look into it 23:57 erle i hope this helps 23:58 erle i mean it ultimately boils down to minetest.add_entity(pos, entity) 23:59 erle but the whole setup of having a spawner node is interesting