Time Nick Message 10:32 LauwCost Hello ! Yesterday I asked a wiki's acces but I lost history. Then if someone gived me an id, I don't knox that. Sorry, my english is very bad. 13:36 gregon On #minetest channel more people than on #minecraft channel! 13:50 gregon In #minetest channel more users, than on #minecraft channel 13:53 erle gregon yes we read it the first time 14:00 srifqi i'm not sure that MC players are using Libera servers for IRC 14:05 ROllerozxa back when IRC was cool, minecrafters were usually on espernet 14:05 ROllerozxa unsure how active #minecraft is on espernet nowadays though 14:06 erle IRC was never cool lol 14:06 erle :D 14:06 erle then again how old are you hehe 14:07 erle i think the cool kids always go for some proprietary service that shuts down at some point 14:07 erle remember AIM, back in 2009? 15:51 tarsovbak hi 17:34 Ingar erle | IRC was never cool lol -> you're just not old enough 17:36 erle i get tears in my eyes when bo burnham sings “circa 99” 17:37 MTDiscord I remember when my friend who lived down the street got extra phone lines so he could run his own dial-in BBS, and can confirm that IRC was never actually cool. 17:37 MTDiscord Maybe that's still not old enough. Maybe for IRC to have been "cool" I need to have died before IRC was invented... 17:39 Ingar my main take is, after serviving dozens of prorietary chatboxes, IRC still lives 17:39 Ingar *surviving 17:41 erle yes 17:41 erle that's true 17:41 MTDiscord "serviving" is a good word to use for "running a difficult server and making it out alive." 17:56 Ingar "I servived Minectaft Java Edition by migrating to minetest" 18:10 celeron55 i'm doing some distro upgrades on the VPS, please allow for some forum and wiki downtime 18:10 celeron55 eh 18:10 celeron55 it's not actually a VPS but anyway 18:13 erle doing distro upgrades on the physical machine in the corner of the room? :D 18:13 Ingar not that it matters that much 18:15 Ingar if an upgrade fails on a physical machine in the room, chances are you have to get up and hook up some monitor/keyb. With a VPS, you connect to the console 18:15 celeron55 well it's a tiny physical "machine" in a rack packed full of similar "machines" (computer-on-card, let's say) in some gigantic scaleway datacenter in france i think 18:16 Ingar celeron55: I have 2 VPS at Scaleway 18:17 Ingar no complaints about their services 18:18 celeron55 yeah i've had absolutely no problems with them, this machine is just underpowered both due to being old and due to being a cheap physical machine 18:19 MTDiscord If only there were a way to obtain a newer machine with more power 18:19 ROllerozxa why did you choose a worse server to migrate onto anyways 18:20 ROllerozxa like, the old server which still runs an old copy of the wiki feels much faster than the current one 18:20 celeron55 uh, what 18:21 ROllerozxa well I don't know the specs of it but I assumed it to be more powerful 18:21 celeron55 i don't understand what you're talking about 18:21 celeron55 start from about 1 kilometer from where you are now 18:21 celeron55 let's see if i understand then 18:21 ROllerozxa https://oldwiki.minetest.net is on the old server right 18:22 celeron55 yes that one. well that's going to have two factors: that server has almost no load now, plus one of these years it was moved onto a newer datacenter so it literally does have more power 18:23 celeron55 but its main problem is that it's running an ancient version of openbsd which doesn't even have working acme client for let's encrypt 18:23 celeron55 and one does not simply upgrade openbsd 18:24 celeron55 it basically requires a reinstall and re-set-up, and everything changes in every release so everything breaks if you're trying to use ansible or something (like i tried) 18:25 ROllerozxa I see 18:27 ROllerozxa well, the (virtual) server hardware appears to still work on it even though the OS is outdated 18:28 celeron55 yes i could try to get to a point where i can just wipe it and install something sane like nixos on it (like this other one has, which as i've found isn't half bad for a server) 18:30 celeron55 now i'll boot it from nixos very-ancient to slightly-less-ancient, wish me luck 18:32 celeron55 i'll have a few versions to go after this. trying to not be reckless by skipping versions 18:33 celeron55 yay, of course the forum broke due to a php upgrade 18:33 celeron55 well at least it booted 18:33 erle celeron55 do you have some kind of ingress caching thing like varnish or so or is it direct passthrough? 18:33 ROllerozxa hmm oops 18:34 ROllerozxa does nixos have some php74 package in the repos 18:34 celeron55 i'll just prepare the next nixos upgrade, messing with phpbb right now would be insane 18:34 MTDiscord Discourse when 18:35 erle is that another proprietary cloud offer from atlassian or a similar company? 18:36 ROllerozxa it's some modern forum software 18:36 MTDiscord https://github.com/discourse/discourse 18:36 celeron55 if they have a phpbb import option which can gobble up our ancient database, it could be an option 18:37 celeron55 but i'm not betting on that 18:37 MTDiscord We've had this discussion 18:38 MTDiscord https://meta.discourse.org/t/migrate-a-phpbb3-forum-to-discourse/30810 18:42 erle i almost bet it's a laggy javascript webshit 18:42 erle (the fun thing about laggy javascript webshits is that they tend to lag on almost every computer regardless of speed because of multiple network-condition things that apparently the devs never encounter because they are never accessing forums via moobile connections or so) 18:42 celeron55 it is. the only reason phpbb isn't is that it was made 30 years ago 18:43 jonadab Yes, please don't install any web-forum software that _requires_ Javascript for basic functionality. 18:43 ROllerozxa phpbb is cosy 18:43 erle i was a backend developer once but i was shoved into security matters after i complained a lot (this did not make me complain less, but other people took me more seriously because comlaining became my job) 18:43 jonadab _Using_ Javascript if it happens to be available is fine. 18:43 mrkubax10 if phpbb works then why change 18:44 MTDiscord Because it doesnt 18:44 jonadab But the ones that require it are built on terrible js frameworks from hell and must die. 18:44 erle never change a running system vs never run a changing system 18:44 erle who would win 18:44 jonadab phpbb has always been problematic, but in a different way 18:44 erle also these js-only things are horrible for archival or accessability or “save as” in browsers 18:44 erle i saw it recently on some page that wanted to tie several fedi links 18:44 Krock phpbb is like Windows. it is an ancient piece of software that some may like it, others don't. It works and does the job so it's fine 18:44 erle like half of them weren't working in archives 18:45 mrkubax10 then what's the issue with phpbb 18:45 erle windows right before the towers fell was the pinnacle of user interface design and XFCE is the only modern cosplayer carrying that torch 18:45 erle (this is a hill i am willing to get slightly nauseous on) 18:46 celeron55 yes, phpbb is really nice in being able to just save the page to archive something important 18:46 celeron55 and it's very thin on system resources 18:48 jonadab At one point PHPBB benefitted somewhat from its widespread deployment, on the "everybody already knows HTML" principle. (Except, s/HTML/PHPBB/.) MediaWiki likewise, but it's not really a discussion forum. 18:48 * jonadab still fondly remembers majordomo. 18:49 mrkubax10 idk just use Bubble over Gemini protocol then 18:49 erle "everybody already knows HTML" 18:49 erle gemini intentionally sucks 18:49 erle gemini is just retro cosplay, the same way as pico8 is 18:49 erle “oh let's do it VERY SIMPLE (except for that TLS stack we totally like)” 18:50 jonadab erle: "everybody already knows HTML" dates to a time when most of the people on the internet *did* know HTML. Late nineties. 18:50 erle yes 18:50 jonadab Well, mid-to-late. 18:50 erle prof. dr. dr. style 18:51 mrkubax10 erle: are you using plain HTTP then? 18:51 mrkubax10 because HTTPS is bad apparently (it has TLS!!!!) 18:51 erle that's not it 18:52 jonadab https isn't bad compared to http (unless you're trying to telnet into the port to diagnose issues with the server software, but that's rare for web services). 18:52 jonadab But it does use SSL poorly, compared to e.g. ssh. 18:53 jonadab It seems to be more concerned with "Did the person who runs this server pay money?" than "Is this server the same one you used last Tuesday, like you think it is?" 18:53 erle what i am saying is not ”TLS bad” 18:54 erle i am saying that gemini does indeed preserve some kind of complexity so that you can never implement it fully yourself 18:54 erle the kind of complexity you don't want to do away with 18:54 erle but like 18:54 erle what about content negotiation? 18:54 erle gemini does not have that 18:54 erle jonadab do you know marginalia? 18:55 mrkubax10 you know that I mentioned Gemini mostly as a joke even though I like it 18:55 jonadab I do not. 18:55 mrkubax10 maybe that was not obvious enough 18:57 MTDiscord c55: one actually DOES simply upgrade OpenBSD ... but that's a new feature, within like the last year. You'd have to non-simply upgrade it a handful of times first to get it there now... 18:58 celeron55 are you joking, how did they do that with their non-existent resources and total focus on something entirely different than upgrades 18:58 celeron55 does it work? 18:59 MTDiscord Well, it was never that complicated to begin with in principle it was just always maddeningly MANUAL. Apparently somebody must have gotten fed up with privately maintaining the script they used to do it and made it official. 19:00 celeron55 well anyway, here we go, next boot 19:00 celeron55 let the raffle begin 19:01 MTDiscord It works, but with the same caveats as before. You still need to check their upgrade guide page to make sure there aren't any special exceptions. And you still need to do one release at a time, no skipping. And you still take certain risks, depending on how much you've customized. And you still have to manually review your config files with the merge tool (debian puts me though this too, but I rarely customize as much ... Mac OSX 19:01 MTDiscord actually puts me through it too in their own way, but they just replace the files and give me my old copies separately) 19:01 celeron55 well that sounds pretty much the same as with nixos 19:01 celeron55 the only distro i've not felt is like that is fedora, which i use on my PCs 19:02 MTDiscord If you're more than like 2 or 3 releases behind, though, I find it may make more sense to just backup, wipe, reinstall, and reapply your customizations from the git repo you made for that purpose after having done that for like the 3rd time. 19:02 celeron55 it will refuse to dist-upgrade if something is wonky, or at least will tell you beforehand it's going to rm -rf / 19:02 celeron55 and fedora even supports hopping over one release, any release you like 19:02 MTDiscord I haven't really noticed a ton of difference between distros/OSs in terms of how hard they are inherently to upgrade, so much as it just seems to be a function of how aggressively I've modified the system. 19:03 MTDiscord I don't think Debian supports skipping releases but Debian has other ways of making that issue moot 😏 19:03 celeron55 arch was the worst, they make their users go through ridiculous hoops or otherwise the system will very difficult to fix if you don't notice, or at least did 15 years ago 19:05 celeron55 on the other hand i've heard fedora had issues back then also and they got their act together pretty much just before i got in 19:05 celeron55 that's 9 years ago though 19:08 celeron55 >If you're more than like 2 or 3 releases behind, though, I find it may make more sense to just backup, wipe, reinstall, and reapply your customizations from the git repo you made for that purpose after having done that for like the 3rd time. 19:08 celeron55 but... i've had to do that zero times with Fedora 19:08 celeron55 it's not worth the effort when you literally don't need it 19:08 MTDiscord cool 19:09 MTDiscord I ran OpenBSD exclusively for a whie because it was the only unixlike that I had learned, and Linux was too messy and complex to pick up for a while. 19:09 celeron55 the first time you do need it, it would have been worth the effort though 19:09 MTDiscord Eventually, I learned how to use Linux, so now I run OpenBSD decidedly non-exclusively. 19:10 MTDiscord OpenBSD also taught me to source-control my configuration so I could detangle it from standard system crap, which has come in handy on Linux when I want to clone or move a setup. 19:10 celeron55 in our game of guess-what-nixos-version-i'm-running-now, let's nix-channel our way out of yet another one 19:11 celeron55 looks like the php error looks still the same 19:16 muurkha warr1024:yup 19:16 v-rob IMO, from my user perspective, phpBB is one of the best online pieces of software around. It's definitely better than very JavaScripty stuff like Discourse, and it's still cleaner and less annoying than kinda JavaScripty stuff like GitHub or Gitea. Client-side JavaScript just makes for a bad user experience for software that doesn't need much interactivity. 19:16 celeron55 looks like the oldest version of php the most recent nixos will provide is 8.0.29. not sure if that will help with the error 19:17 muurkha v-rob: I haven't tried Discourse 19:17 MTDiscord phpBB is, like much of the php ecosystem, an unholy abomination that simply does really useful work by virtue of its absolute unwillingness to die. 19:17 muurkha but generally I agree 19:17 MTDiscord This flat "JavaScript bad" idea sounds influenced by bloated libs and modern oddities. JavaScript itself is fine... 19:18 MTDiscord well JS itself is not completely fine, but there IS a fine subset in there :-) 19:18 v-rob I've never had an account on any Discourse system, but https://discourse.libsdl.org/ is an example. Slow and annoying even without an account. 19:18 muurkha the open-source Reddit codebase is a pretty decent experience, except on the majority of computers people use now, which are cellphones 19:19 v-rob I don't like JS as a language much (it's a worse Lua), but that's not the point. If web browsers embedded Lua, client-side Lua would still lead to crappy interfaces like Discourse. 19:19 v-rob Not to say that phpBB doesn't have any useful JS. For instance, clicking the buttons that add [b][/b] tags use JS, and that's definitely very nice. 19:20 v-rob It's only a problem when the software relies on JS for its basic functionality, like Discourse or GitHub. 19:20 celeron55 i don't think discourse is crappy due to lua. it's just a weird design compared to phpbb. it doesn't stick to the same UI design and discussion organization principles 19:20 celeron55 eh 19:20 celeron55 crappy due to javascript* 19:20 v-rob When it gives me three seconds of JS loading bar, I' 19:20 v-rob m not happy 19:20 celeron55 it's somehow based instead of hierarchy based, or something 19:20 celeron55 tag based* 19:20 erle well js-mostly or js-only software usually divides the responsibilities differently 19:20 celeron55 (apparently i can't type anymore) 19:21 erle like they write an easy-to-write API 19:21 erle and then try to cobble an interface together from it 19:21 erle or so i have seen 19:21 erle instead of first working out the interface requirements (which you are forced to do if you can't frankenbuild your html together out of js client-side) 19:21 celeron55 i think php is seeing new relevance nowadays with its strict hierarchy as people grow exhausted from the extreme flatness of modern discussion platforms 19:22 celeron55 phpbb* 19:22 v-rob Gitea, on the other hand, is an annoying "we'll use client-side JS for important functionality, but we also automatically reload the page randomly to support no JS for people who don't want it" It's a special version of annoying. At least phpBB is consistent by always reloading when you press things like "Preview" 19:23 v-rob This is, of course, not an endorsement of php or phpBB. It just so happens that these sorts of web apps are often written in php. (After all, if you're using Node.js, you're almost certainly using lots of client-side JS as well) 19:24 v-rob But, life goes on. I just hope we keep using phpBB. 19:27 MTDiscord If we could get the load time of a forum page down to 3 seconds, I'd be thrilled. 19:27 MTDiscord Hell, if you could get it under like 5 seconds, I might stop asking people to post screenshots instead of links 😆 19:27 v-rob I shudder to imagine the loading time with Discourse... 19:28 MTDiscord The only Discourse forum I sometimes look at is https://blenderartists.org/ which doesnt have a terrible load time ... better than minetest forums at least 19:30 celeron55 this is the only discourse forum i ever use. i think this one is nicely organized in a way discourse is supposed to be organized so that the main page looks lively enough https://forum.sailfishos.org/ 19:33 celeron55 i think i could get used to our forum if it looked like that 19:34 celeron55 of course, given it's a game forum it should have more themeing 19:34 celeron55 currently it doesn't have almost any either 19:34 MTDiscord Discourse is configurable enough that we could even have a look similar to the current one, with a bit more optimized UX 19:35 ROllerozxa assuming it is hosted on a server that can handle the software, sure I guess 19:35 celeron55 showing the active topics on the front page is pretty useful. i use phpbb's new posts and unread posts pages a lot 19:35 celeron55 but the hierarchy is important also. splitting the page between the two is smart 19:36 celeron55 not that there's almost any hierarchy in discourse though. it's just a single level 19:36 celeron55 (at least for what i've seen) 19:37 MTDiscord It looks like they might support 2 levels of categories, but otherwise rely on tags 19:37 MTDiscord I wonder if there are html-only micro forum frontends you could host alongside Discourse for the minority that refuses to run JS 19:38 MTDiscord Though it would have to be read only :p 19:38 celeron55 rebooted again, forum error changed very very slightly. interesting 19:38 celeron55 next up: the next version 19:40 celeron55 uh oh, weird errors. i guess this is the time for actually reading some release notes 19:40 ROllerozxa mediawiki is spitting out a bunch of deprecation warnings on 8.1 now 19:41 MTDiscord A big driver of why I've leaned toward Linux and away from OpenBSD, even for servery stuff, is Docker (and to some degree Kubernetes). 19:49 celeron55 error: file 'nixpkgs/nixos' was not found in the Nix search path 19:49 celeron55 this looks pretty bad 19:52 celeron55 ah it was nothing, just forgot to run nix-channel --update. too many upgrades already 19:55 celeron55 now the target release is latest, 23.05 19:55 celeron55 if this works then it's the time for figuring out the php issues 20:03 MTDiscord https://tenor.com/view/spongebob-meme-spongebob-doctor-revive-defibrillator-gif-5304585453076024179 20:03 MTDiscord Dr Celeron will revive the server 20:04 MTDiscord Dang I forgot gifs don't go through the irc 20:04 MTDiscord I mean, they "do", they just might not embed on some clients 20:10 celeron55 laughing wasn't invented for IRC 20:10 ROllerozxa IRC is serious business 20:12 celeron55 aand reboot 20:14 celeron55 okay so, the php version is now 8.1 20:15 celeron55 i wonder if 8.0 would help 20:16 ROllerozxa phpbb was already broken on 8.0, but mediawiki looks to have worked fine on 8.0 20:16 erle > gifs 20:16 erle > autoplay embed 20:17 erle yeah that just makes it very easy for an enterprising joker to goatse everyone 20:17 MTDiscord Imagine not having a setting to disable autoplay 20:17 erle also it's hell for battery lifetime 20:17 erle imagine requiring explicit consent for playing videos in a clinet 20:17 erle client 20:18 celeron55 i don't understand how people can tolerate autoplaying videos on chat clients 20:18 celeron55 it's infuriating 20:19 celeron55 and then when you disable autoplay and click them to play, often there's no way to make them stop 20:19 DeepThgt idk how most people can tolerate half the software they use 20:19 erle yeah but that autoplay video thing is particularly distracting 20:20 celeron55 looks like nix is telling me not to use php 8.0 because it depends on openssl 1.1 and that's considered insecure 20:21 DeepThgt ok, general minor performance issue i have been battling, perhaps someone can clue me in. I am using a glider mod on my server, and notice visual jitter when flying. What do i need to be looking at serverside (or client side for that matter) to solve this? 20:21 celeron55 well thanks for informing me but i only have about an hour left of this day 20:21 DeepThgt things ive tried: playing with every setting that involves mapblocks in minetest.conf server-side 20:22 erle DeepThgt how does this jitter look exactly? 20:22 erle like i have no idea what ”visual jitter” is 20:22 DeepThgt well, give me a moment and ill see if i can obs 20:22 erle meanwhile, why does the red channel in my gimp go up to 500? https://mister-muffin.de/p/zZDV.png 20:22 DeepThgt infrared, obviously 20:23 DeepThgt sarcasm, i dont actually know 20:23 ROllerozxa what version of phpbb are the forums running btw? 3.3.5 looks to be the first version that supports php 8.0 20:23 MTDiscord I've heard clients complain about web design when the red error messages "aren't red enough" so maybe gimp finally has a solution for it. 20:23 DeepThgt also, whoever chose phpbb over discourse 20:23 DeepThgt thank you 20:24 DeepThgt i hate discourse with a firey passion 20:24 celeron55 erle: you're using the LCh colorspace. which is nice, but it does things like that 20:25 celeron55 doesn't map very well to RGB 20:25 celeron55 or, i mean, that's the way it maps 20:27 DeepThgt not the best video, but still shows the issue https://files.catbox.moe/vpg6vo.mkv 20:27 DeepThgt you see when i take flight, the motion is laggy? 20:28 celeron55 ROllerozxa: i'm not sure how to find out when it doesn't actually run 20:28 celeron55 ROllerozxa: 3.2.x 20:29 celeron55 3.2.10 at least, by grepping the code 20:29 MTDiscord DeepThgt: Discourse didnt exist when phpbb was "chosen" 20:29 DeepThgt i wish it still didnt exist :D 20:30 erle celeron55 oh thanks. how do i disable it? 20:30 celeron55 erle: well click the HSV button 20:30 celeron55 but i do recommend LCh, it better corresponds to how eyes see colors 20:30 celeron55 i.e. it's easier to make nice looking things using it 20:31 erle celeron55 max is still 500 with HSV. the thing is, the *slider* only goes to 100 or 255. but then i can click the button to further make the number go up. 20:31 erle the limit is like 5 times it should be 20:31 erle it can also go to -500 20:31 erle what colorspace is this 20:32 celeron55 that's a bit weird but in terms of colorspaces red does go higher than 100% of what the RGB colorspace supports so it does still make sense 20:33 celeron55 or, i mean in terms of the human eyesight 20:33 erle celeron55 https://mister-muffin.de/p/SJAX.png 20:33 erle this is HSV 20:34 erle also note how i was able to make thegreen channel -1275.0 20:34 ROllerozxa celeron55: I mean it's worth a try to upgrade I guess, you've got backups of the current 3.2.10 forum install and database right 20:35 ROllerozxa mediawiki looks to work fine though, as long as deprecation warnings are hidden 20:35 celeron55 erle: that's probably already impossible or at least grossly unrealistic 20:35 erle yes 20:35 erle i wonder wtf is going on here 20:36 DeepThgt 11 - 14 sec in shows exactly the issue https://files.catbox.moe/y7sr1w.mkv 20:36 DeepThgt im a little lost on what is causing it, client side ive had the issue on a pretty beefy system as well as low end ones 20:38 erle DeepThgt are you rubberbanding? 20:39 erle DeepThgt also does this happen in singleplayer? 20:39 DeepThgt define rubberbanding and let me check 20:41 celeron55 that's the wiki warnings hidden 20:41 celeron55 was just a php_flag[display_errors] = off 20:42 ROllerozxa yes, looks good 20:42 erle my green channel goes to negative -1275 :( 20:42 celeron55 now i need to choose whether to become a twig developer or whether to yolo a phpbb minor version upgrade 20:42 erle what's a twig 20:42 ROllerozxa PHP templating library 20:45 DeepThgt the issue is not occuring on single player 20:45 celeron55 i'll have to do a backup first 20:45 celeron55 it's looking like no forum for tonight 20:47 celeron55 i'll try a few hacks meanwhile 20:47 celeron55 what 20:47 celeron55 i just changed an if(something) to if(0) in twig 20:47 celeron55 and now the forum loads 20:48 ROllerozxa LOL 20:48 celeron55 i'm deeply disappointed of the challenge 20:48 celeron55 it's going to be pretty slow now as the backup is being made though 20:51 erle is it a good idea to backup it WHILE it is running 20:51 erle ? 20:51 ROllerozxa mariadb should be able to handle that 20:51 celeron55 well, it's not going to catastrophically break 20:52 celeron55 if some newly made attachment is in a badly synced state it doesn't really matter 20:53 DeepThgt erle, postgres can handle live backups too 20:53 celeron55 this is mariadb. i'd like postgres but migrations between them are practically impossible 20:53 celeron55 phpbb misuses each of its sql backends in creative ways that make 1:1 migrations very difficult 20:54 DeepThgt ah 20:54 celeron55 i tried it once, and failed 20:54 DeepThgt i havent played with phpbb much really 20:54 DeepThgt just installed on a vps once and failed to do anything with it 20:54 celeron55 i'm not an sql guru though 20:56 jonadab I use mariadb quite a bit and have used postgres a little, but I know nothing about the non-user-facing aspects of PHPBB, other than "it's written in PHP". 20:57 DeepThgt erle, if by rubberbanding you are referring to the server complaining about me moving too fast like it does with the hacked clients then no 20:57 DeepThgt log shows nothing unexpected 20:58 jonadab In principle if the code uses a decent level of abstraction, it shouldn't _care_ which DB you're storing the data in. But PHPBB was written way back when PHP was _extremely_ terrible, so I can readily imagine that it might do odd things. 20:58 DeepThgt was? 20:59 DeepThgt oh as opposed to the simply terrible state its in 20:59 celeron55 they pick the data types differently between mariadb and postgresql. like enum types and booleans 20:59 jonadab DeepThgt: If you think PHP is terrible now, you have *no* concept of what terrible can really be. 20:59 jonadab About twenty years ago, PHP was... so, so much worse. 20:59 DeepThgt well, my first pc i owned myself was windows ME 20:59 celeron55 php is pretty good today. the big companies that grew on it fixed basically all of it 20:59 DeepThgt i have some concept of terrible 20:59 jonadab Eh, WinMe isn't even one of the _bad_ versions of Windows. 21:00 jonadab Well, ok, it's not one of the _good_ ones either. And that's relative, because we're talking about Windows. 21:00 DeepThgt anything after 7 i dont really know 21:00 DeepThgt i finally gave up on all that around then 21:00 jonadab You don't want to. 7 is the best OS Microsoft has ever produced. 21:00 DeepThgt i liked xp 21:00 jonadab Vista with SP1 is second. XP with SP2 or later is third. 21:00 DeepThgt i use void now 21:00 celeron55 2000 was better than xp 21:01 jonadab 2000 was better than pre-SP2 XP. 21:01 jonadab By a wide margin, actually. 21:02 jonadab SP2 was a very big deal. 21:02 erle DeepThgt no idea then :/ 21:02 celeron55 still 2000 was the real deal. xp just rode on it first making it slightly worse and then slightly better 21:03 jonadab Me got a bad rap because a lot of hardware manufacturers didn't do support it properly; but on supported hardware it was easily an improvement over 98SE. 21:03 jonadab Not a _huge_ improvement, granted. 21:04 celeron55 all Me brings to mind is a blue screen. frankly the same goes for every windows 9x also 21:04 jonadab Well, yes, that product line never had memory protection. 21:04 jonadab But most OSes at the time didn't. Mac certainly did not. 21:04 jonadab (The various unices did, of course.) 21:06 DeepThgt well, thanks anyway erle 21:06 DeepThgt figured id ask before i just kept beating my head against the wall 21:06 DeepThgt if i figure it out ill let ya know in case you encounter it 21:10 erle DeepThgt does it also happen if you attach to a minecart and go very fast 21:10 celeron55 DeepThgt: my guess is the server is stopping to do some long calculation in Lua and while that's happening, the client is continuing to move the thing forward according to the velocity, and when the server then continues, it sends a new position to the client that is positioned rearwards from where it already moved to on client side 21:10 DeepThgt erle, yes 21:10 DeepThgt celeron55, that is ENTIRELY likely 21:11 DeepThgt considering how hard we are hitting lua 21:11 DeepThgt we had to switch to luajit cause we were maxing out the cpu with all the mods 21:11 celeron55 the first workaround to that is, remove all mods that do any mapgen stuff at least 21:11 celeron55 but you could also try to account for that problem 21:11 DeepThgt technic is heavily used on the server as is mesecons 21:11 celeron55 i mean, it's really just all about timing, and timing is measurable 21:12 celeron55 i suppose someone could even write a framework to handle it. sounds awful, but it will take a long time for mods to develop enough background processing to allow the main server loop to run smoothly enough 21:13 DeepThgt if by that you are implying that its lag due to worldgen, this occurs in areas that are heavily explored/previously generated 21:13 erle have you tried profiling the mods 21:13 celeron55 it's something else then 21:13 celeron55 but you're looking for a mod that doesn't split processing nicely between server steps but instead elongates a step too much 21:14 DeepThgt no, ty for the tip 21:14 DeepThgt erle, ^ 21:14 celeron55 it could be a mod that overall does a lot of processing. you could find it by basic profiling 21:15 celeron55 i suppose we should have a tool that would allow profiling the maximum processing time each mod does instead of the average 21:15 DeepThgt if i had to guess its technic thats killing us here 21:52 DeepThgt well, it appears line 381 of vector.lua is accounting for a good portion of the samples 22:01 DeepThgt https://imgur.com/yYEKnYH.png