Time Nick Message 00:00 MTDiscord Mind you* 14:23 copygirl How would one get the current selection box of a node? 14:24 copygirl This is for "facedir" nodes that should only have a single box. 14:24 copygirl (But may be rotated.) 14:28 copygirl I find this node using a raycast, so I believe I have access to a box_id. 14:31 MTDiscord copygirl: see https://github.com/appgurueu/modlib/blob/master/minetest/boxes.lua. this solves a more general problem, so strip as you see fit. 14:34 copygirl There's no builtin? T_T 14:37 copygirl In typical Lua fashion, haha 14:37 copygirl Thank you. 15:15 copygirl I can assume these two are equivalent? 15:15 copygirl for off = 0, 3, 3 do 15:15 copygirl for _, off in ipairs({ 0, 3 }) do 15:16 copygirl I find the latter easier to read so I might use that instead. 15:17 copygirl I picked what I needed but it seems to break for when the node points up or down. 15:26 copygirl Here is the code if anyone can spot any obvious mistakes. 15:26 copygirl https://gist.github.com/copygirl/607ed2d28bb26d7e21dcd1b1b9e0ede6 15:27 copygirl But yeah for param2 = 4 or 6, and equivalent facedirs (in the case of NodeCore lenses), it gives me incorrect values. 15:27 copygirl https://imgur.com/GnM1XIs.png Here's a screenshot, if that helps in any way. 15:30 copygirl I'm writing a rotation mod and need to find the edge closest to the cursor. 15:54 copygirl @luatic: Any idea if that's my fault or the source not working for this usecase? 16:29 MTDiscord copygirl: it is possible that i have a bug in my code. i did test this manually with some facedir nodes (stairs and slabs, iirc), but that was a while ago so i don't remember how thorough i was. have you tried visualizing the boxes it gives you e.g. using https://github.com/appgurueu/disable_build_where_they_stand/blob/master/test.lua ? 16:33 copygirl Honestly the code looks like forbidden magic so I'll try to write something that'll make more sense to me. 16:38 erle luatic copygirl have you considered the wisdom of TDD 16:40 copygirl TDD? Please enlighten me. 16:46 jonadab That's where you write a series of tests first, before you write the actual code. 16:47 jonadab It works reasonably well for data-handling code but falls over pretty hard for UI work. 16:47 jonadab Because users are really hard to automate. 16:47 copygirl Ooh, test driven development. 16:47 copygirl Yeah I know that but I'm laaazy. 16:48 jonadab Heh. 16:48 jonadab Just be sure that you harness your laziness correctly, along with suitable amounts of impatience and hubris. 16:48 jonadab Great things can be accomplished. 16:49 copygirl @luatic: Oh and the values I was getting back from the rotated boxes where offset by an amount that made it seem like it didn't rotate the box to point upwards. 16:49 copygirl I didn't need to visualize it explicitly because it was offset by a number of texels I could count. 16:51 rubenwardy You only write one test first, make it pass, and then repeat 16:52 MTDiscord erle: have you considered the wisdom of i'm not getting paid enough to TDD everything minetest i do :^) 16:53 jonadab Theoretically, automated tests are supposed to save time, by finding bugs as soon as they go into the code, so you don't end up having to do a git bisect later. 16:54 jonadab The extent to which this works in practice, is a matter of some debate. 16:54 jonadab And probably depends on the nature of the codebase. 16:56 copygirl They can be incredibly useful, but also, in my case, I'd have to generate the expected values to test against. Then it's a chicken and egg problem, in a way. 16:56 copygirl Unless I hand-calculate them and I could make a mistake too. 16:57 copygirl Or I could misunderstand the docs, and think it should work differently. 17:06 copygirl https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/12e98678f64a798f1ad38a50b820e60f96eca321/src/client/mesh.cpp#L301 17:06 copygirl This actually helps a bunch. 17:16 muurkha I feel like Hypothesis helps a lot with improving the cost/benefit tradeoff of automated tests. I don't remember if there's a Minithesis for Lua 17:20 jonadab I tend to write somewhat paranoid code, e.g., functions check whether their inputs are the kind of thing they're supposed to be and complain bitterly if not, etc. 17:21 jonadab And then when the code calls a function, it'll check whether the returned result is the right sort, as well. 17:22 jonadab Although I'm not as good about that in lua, probably because I'm not as familiar with the language and don't really know what I'm doing yet. 17:30 muurkha it sounds like you wish you were using a statically typed language ;) 17:30 copygirl I too wish I was. 17:37 muurkha my wife was suffering a bit from trying to understand the API the other day in a way that I think a statically typed language might have helped with 17:37 muurkha she was getting a node with get_node inside the on_use function for the teapot in our mod (mostly hers by now) 17:38 muurkha and couldn't figure out how to get the position of that node so she could spawn some particles 17:39 copygirl This looks a lot cleaner. I do use {min,max} boxes with vectors instead of the array based ones, because they are easier to work with. https://gist.github.com/copygirl/4eba97936dd02182e6eb1af155b1943a 17:40 muurkha well, but of course the position is the argument to get_node, but there isn't a local way to see that that object has .x, .y, and .z 17:40 muurkha statically, I mean 18:20 MTDiscord copygirl: if you're specifically interested in selectionboxes in NodeCore, for nodes that can be rotated, I really try to make them invariant with rotation, so you shouldn't have to account for rotation. If rotating a node caused its selectionbox to move, that would create a big annoyance when you tried to right-click again and the box had moved and now you were pointing at a different node. 18:21 copygirl @warr1024: Lenses have selection boxes based on rotation. 18:22 MTDiscord Oh interesting, it looks like they're close to stable but not quite. Well, that's a bug, anyway. 18:23 MTDiscord yeah, prisms are right, lenses were apparently just close enough to right that I didn't notice they were wrong. 18:25 copygirl So, what you're telling me is I wasted a couple of hours of debugging this? 18:25 muurkha in a sense debugging is always "wasted" 18:26 muurkha because you could have guessed what the bug was at the beginning of the whole process 18:26 MTDiscord I couldn't tell you that. If you want a solution that's going to work with multiple games, or even all possible mod content for nodecore, you might need the general solution. If you only care about vanilla mechanics, then it could be. 18:26 MTDiscord Debugging is also in some sense never wasted, because you always learn things in the process, usually more useful things that you are even aware of... 18:27 muurkha agreed, I think that perspective is equally valid and more productive :) 18:29 MTDiscord Hmm, interesting: at one point, lenses and prisms both had selectionboxes that were "snug." I must have fixed the prism one at one point because it wobbled around too much, but I missed the fact that lenses did too because they only move by like 1 pixel worth. Not only should their selection boxes have been invariant in rotation, but apparently they should have had the same selection boxes as each other too. 18:32 copygirl (My code doesn't work 100%.) 18:33 copygirl Okay the issue is just having switched the rotation order. 18:33 copygirl I did it the same as the Minetest code I linked earlier, but that's apparently not it. 18:44 MTDiscord Heh, I kept hearing you say "lua is a bad language" on the stream but never actually managed to ask what you meant by that ... so I guess you just mean "it's not statically typed?" Yeah, it definitely isn't. 18:45 MTDiscord I spent a lot of my early years, once I got into languages with complex types, with static typing, and it was a huge liberation to discover natively-dynamically-typed languages. Probably a good sign that you've been looking for dynamic types all along is when you look back at old code where you "invented" dynamic data structures using static ones. 18:46 copygirl Dynamically typed, lack of useful standard library, differences between different runtimes, a bunch of weird and annoying language decisions. 18:46 MTDiscord If you long for static types and are stuck in dynamic land, about all you can really do is document your structures well, and do a lot of testing. 18:46 MTDiscord Static typed langauges tend to rely on compile-time type checking, dynamic ones tend to rely on tests. 18:47 copygirl For example, why does `"Vector: " .. vec` not invoke the __tostring metatable function? 18:47 MTDiscord that's not a lack of a useful standard library, that's a lacking on minetest's part. 18:47 copygirl Maybe it's just age. Also, indexing arrays at 1 was a silly decision. 18:47 MTDiscord Indexing arrays at 1 was the main silly decision that lua made. 18:48 MTDiscord setfenv was also a mistake, which they mitigated and eventually corrected in later versions, but there are a few people who are still in love with that one. 18:48 copygirl `~=` instead of `!=` is another 18:49 copygirl Maybe not as big of an impact but .. why, y'know? 18:49 MTDiscord That's more of a nitpick than a serious flaw. I mean, SQL ANSI NULLs are a bigger mess than that... 18:49 MTDiscord Compared to something like JS, Lua avoided a LOT of the pitfalls that JS is still paying for. 18:49 copygirl I always found metatables to be a sort of additional meta-language put on top of Lua. 18:49 MTDiscord metatables are weird in lua, but not as bad as they are in JS. 18:50 copygirl JS is another horrible language. 18:50 MTDiscord If these things make lua a "bad" language then "bad" is tautologically meaningless. 18:51 MTDiscord JS is a very good language that was turned into a bad language by a few bad decisions, and they've spent a lot of time trying to compensate for it. They've actually succeeded and turned it into a good language, but only IF you know to avoid the bad parts. Luckily there are enough people out there who will tell you what to avoid 😆 18:51 copygirl I mean I'm no expert so I will not claim this as an objective fact, but I sure subjectively dislike Lua. 18:52 copygirl JS was thrown together in two weeks. 18:52 copygirl That's not how you language design. 18:52 MTDiscord The "thrown together in 2 weeks" part of JS is actually all the best stuff. It was the shit that happened afterwards that was bad. 18:52 MTDiscord It turns out that "just copy from a language that was already really elegantly designed" was a pretty good design approach and only took like 2 weeks. 18:53 MTDiscord Just take Scheme and make it look like C. 18:53 MTDiscord Ultimately it seems like there's a "law of conservation of shittiness" for languages. The more elegant you make the core language, the shittier you make the ecosystem, and the more extensive the ecosystem, the worse the core language. 18:54 MTDiscord You can have an amazing langauge with a terrible ecosystem like Lua or Scheme, or you can have a huge ecosystem with a shitty core language like Perl5 or Java, or you just have to pick a good compromise somewhere between. 19:00 copygirl I was pretty happy with C# but unhappy with M$'s handling of open source. 19:02 MTDiscord I was happy with C# back when I used to use it for work. It was a good "pragmatic" language where they made a ton of compromises so you weren't locked into any one paradigm, and that "hybrid" approach made it very flexible and versatile. 19:03 MTDiscord The one weakness I found with it was that it was very originally steeped in static-typing and their dynamic typing primitives were still very kludgey at the time, and it wasn't easy to do mixed typing. 19:04 MTDiscord To be fair I'm always kinda trying to push the boundaries in certain areas, like mixing static and dynamic typing (a data type should have these known properties, but can also have additional unknown ones) or dealing with crazy concurrency, or massive metaprogramming (meta C# in T4 templates got very messy very fast). 19:09 MTDiscord I went deep down the dynamic rabbit hole with JS since then, and it wasn't the dynamic typing that really killed it (though I've run into the limits of pure dynamic types too), it's the concurrency stuff. JS has pretty good robust concurrency in terms of async dispatch, but it's the dependency management and rejoining threads that really kills it: needing to remember whether you need to await, and awaiting not being the default. 19:10 MTDiscord I think C# at the time copied the same mistakes, but in C#'s case its static typing actually helps compensate for it a bit. 19:29 erle luatic the interesting observation i made about TDD and applying LANGSEC principles and a bunch of other practices (e.g. religiously follow REST instead of making some some stateful mess with session IDs and so on) is that overall, you save time – but only if you have a long-term view. 19:30 erle luatic e.g. it is way harder for someone to design a shitty API if they have to test it, because it means the tests will look gnarly. 19:31 erle one of my favourite examples of that is apenwarr redo, which does not actually function properly when called recursively. since the test cases do call it recursively, there is some unholy magic in them. 19:33 erle case in point: a coworker wondered how to write a simple config file parser today and wondered if regexes with capture groups work for his case. they do – and are much more obviously correct than the spaghetti config parser he showed me. 19:34 erle last night i encountered a memoization primitive in some lua code. luatic warr1024 do you have any idea if this makes sense in most of minetest or not? 19:34 erle like do mods actually contain pure functions? 19:34 erle at first glance, it seemed to me as if everything important is a side effect 19:36 erle copygirl the house in which i live is on an inclined street. depending on which entry you take, the lowest floor is zero- or one-indexed. it is infuriating. 19:44 MTDiscord I'm not sure what you mean by "makes sense" 19:44 MTDiscord erle: yes, but maybe i often don't have, and in hindsight may not even regret not having had, the "long term view" 19:44 MTDiscord like that somebody would do memoization in lua? 19:45 MTDiscord I rarely take a purely long-term view. It's just as short-sighted to assume that long-term views will come to fruition as it is to ignore the long time. Some projects only make it into the medium term realistically, so you have to balance between short, mid, and long term needs. 19:45 MTDiscord modlib contains a helper for memoization. so i'm pretty sure i used that at least twice. 19:45 muurkha copygirl: .. doesn't implicitly coerce its arguments to strings because type coercions is an area where Lua errs more in the direction of monomorphism and explicitness 19:45 copygirl But it works with numbers. 19:45 MTDiscord muurkha, heh, I hadn't really thought about it, but it's almost like Lua is trying super hard to avoid JS's mistake there :0) 19:46 muurkha you have the same situation in Python; "Vector: " + [] says TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "list") to str 19:46 muurkha when I was first moving from Perl to Python I found this annoying, but came to like it\ 19:46 muurkha I agree that indexing arrays at 1 was a mistake. not sure about setfenv 19:47 MTDiscord coercing numbers to strings when concatenated into a string makes some sense, yeah. JS went off the rails by coercing strings into numbers. Lua arguably is TOO cautious here ... but there's no one exact correct place to land, it's going to depend on the varying expectations of programmers. 19:47 muurkha a lot of the stuff that JS started out with was copied from Perl and kind of regrettable 19:49 muurkha having tests often saves time even on a fairly short timescale, like a day, especially if you're using Hypothesis; but it depends a lot on what you're writing 19:49 muurkha TDD may or may not be beneficial; it's certainly psychologically helpful sometimes, but psychologically counterproductive other times 19:49 MTDiscord Well, the regrettability of any decision is of course dependent on your personal regretting skill, so it's hard to say anything definite about one language or another that's not a matter of taste. 19:50 muurkha it does help with API design IME 19:50 MTDiscord I've found a lot of languages that are very distatesteful when taken as a whole to nevertheless be really good for doing practical work, as long as you're able to constrain yourself to a useful subset. 19:50 MTDiscord The key thing is that it's YOU who's doing the constraining, so you get to pick a sane subset that works for you rather than having one dictated. 19:50 muurkha I'm reluctant to say that a regex is ever obviously correct 19:51 muurkha I've seen far too many regexen that appear obviously correct but actually contain subtle pitfalls 19:51 MTDiscord Any solution that's obviously correct must be to a problem that's too trivial to really worry about, so I'm not sure if the ability to be obviously correct is a really useful property. 19:52 muurkha yes, it's true that Lua does coerce numbers to strings in .. (and Python doesn't) 19:53 MTDiscord The coercion thing is a consistency/convenience trade-off. If Lua didn't coerce numbers, it would be more consistent, but it'd probably be way more annoying. 19:53 muurkha JS coercing strings into numbers was just imitating the four successful scripting languages at the time: sh, awk, Perl, and Tcl, all of which allow you to add "3" to "4" without complaint 19:54 MTDiscord Those languages existed in a somewhat different context though where all incoming data was inherently stringly typed and you never got a 3 that wasn't a "3" 19:54 muurkha arguably that's not true of Perl or Tcl 19:55 muurkha and arguably it was true of JS 19:55 MTDiscord It actually seems weird to imitate them even knowing the precedents it was based on because of the difference in context. 19:55 MTDiscord Perl cut its teeth as a text processing language. Tcl might have been a different case... 19:55 muurkha sometimes it can be hard to tell what circumstances made a good decision good 19:56 MTDiscord Well, a decision isn't really necessarily good or bad in itself; it depends on when you're asking. 19:56 muurkha 3 19:56 muurkha that's true too 19:56 muurkha but Perl was clearly wildly successful 19:58 MTDiscord I've written a lot of useful stuff in Perl. It had some big advantages as a "system" language, e.g. for admin scripts and stuff, in being available on the most platforms, and being saner than sh when it came to handling data. The key was to stick to some actually sane subset of it, and the problems with "readability" are that different people stick to different subsets of it. 19:58 muurkha well, also the switch to Perl 5 helped 19:59 MTDiscord Of course, introducing Python was supposed to solve that but it just xkcd 927'd things in a way: my knowledge of my own personal subset of perl didn't help me read somebody else's perl, but it sure as hell didn't help me read somebody else's python either. 19:59 muurkha but in 01994 if you departed from imitating Perl and Tcl without great insight, you were more likely to make your scripting language worse than to make it better 19:59 muurkha which I think was when Brendan designed JS? 20:00 MTDiscord The base of 01994 can only be described as "garden path octal" 20:00 muurkha haha 20:00 muurkha I read a lot of other people's Perl, even Abigail's 20:01 muurkha It wasn't that bad. Bug-prone but far from write-only 20:01 erle my long-term-view is usually “try to avoid useless path dependencies” 20:01 MTDiscord Perl lets you write some pretty horrible stuff but it doesn't make you. By the same token, I guess, there's no language that will stop a sufficiently determined person to write horrible code, and it's really pretty trivially easy to completely misthink a problem... 20:01 erle bad programmers can write PHP in any language? 20:01 muurkha erle: yet you unaccountably wrote that sentence in Roman letters 20:02 erle muurkha we live in a society! curious! 20:02 muurkha are you engaging in satire? 20:02 erle indeed 20:02 erle the latin script is already a path i am on 20:03 erle i don't want to make new path dependencies 20:03 muurkha oh, I see 20:03 MTDiscord "path dependencies" as in "I don't want to add any more dependencies along the path"? 20:03 muurkha no 20:03 MTDiscord or do you just mean you want to keep your $PATH var as short as possible 20:03 erle so my long-term view is “if i don't know the territory, chose whatever looks like it keeps my option open until i do” 20:03 muurkha a path-dependent outcome is one that depends on the path you took 20:04 MTDiscord Hmm, that's not really my long term view then, that's my short/medium term view. 20:04 erle Warr1024 a path dependency is a choice that reduces the solution space in the future 20:04 muurkha like arguably Dvorak is a better keyboard layout but we all use qwerty or minor variations because Sholes was first 20:04 MTDiscord Flexibility is less important in the long run because by the time the long run happens, you'll have a good idea of the scope of the problem. It's in the short term that you need to keep your options open. 20:04 erle for example, i have read (but not confirmed) that the standard gauge in europe is not optimal. however, it is individually rational to build more standard gauge tracks, because trains exist that run on it and there is a network of those tracks already. 20:04 muurkha erle: that's also a definition of "progresss toward a solution" 20:05 MTDiscord In the long run, I'll make it optimal. In the medium run, I'll make it maintainable. In the short run, I'll make it easily repleacable. 20:05 erle muurkha it can only be progress if i have a goal 20:05 muurkha most design choices are somewhat free 20:05 muurkha but if you don't make them arbitrarily you don't get a working design 20:06 erle i have seen enough refucktorings that were marketed as progress but actually had negative value because a) new dependencies b) lock-in into a specific solution space c) new bugs the old solution did not have 20:06 erle muurkha well, not always the choices are arbitrary. 20:07 erle usually i do have constraints 20:35 erle warr1024 do you have a comprehensive design document regarding nodecore, i.e. a thesis or so? 22:02 MTDiscord I had attempted to make one, but I was unable to maintain it. 22:03 MTDiscord I kept discovering principles that had exceptions and exceptions that turned out to be principles. 22:04 MTDiscord In a way right now rather than following a specific document I mostly just follow the example of the game itself. 23:27 erle Warr1024 even a broad outline that does not address exceptions would be helpful for me to understand the process though. like the idea with battle for wesnoth that no game mechanic or UX should be more complicated than a board game. 23:32 MTDiscord The original core idea was basically no popup GUIs in game, though that turned out to be more like a simple constraint than a guiding philosophy. It tells me what I need to not do but offers little direction on what to do. 23:35 MTDiscord There are other principles like interactions being driven by local circumstances only and general symmetries, but those are not that experientially focused. 23:36 MTDiscord Though, granted, having a universe that makes sense according to a lot of symmetries and consistent patterns ends up making a lot of difference for the players. 23:36 erle it does indeed 23:37 erle similar to how with wesnoth i never need to look for hidden information (because there isn't any) 23:37 MTDiscord There's a lot of superficial differences, like the fact that you need to learn a new system to reach another tool tier each time, but where it counts deep down there is a sort of logical sense binding the world together that some players seem to intuitively get and some don't, but seems hard for anyone to define in words. 23:37 erle did you ever play cataclysm dark days ahead? 23:38 erle the crafting system is not realistic, but believable. thus, no manual is necessary for everyday tasks. 23:38 erle it also hilariously trips people up who believe video game logic tropes apply everywhere 23:39 MTDiscord Heh, I always feel a bit torn between leveraging video game logic tropes for player expectations vs subverting them for the surprise factor. 23:39 erle case in point: my first player character in CDDA died of smoke inhalation, after i decided that to warm the room i could make a fire. 23:39 erle later i found out that drinking out of the toilet before boiling water is unhealthy 23:40 erle those two things were enough to convince me that if it is a bad idea IRL i better not try it in the game 23:40 erle that rule obviously can only be stretched so much for a game full of fantasy creatures 23:40 erle so it's not a realistic game 23:40 erle but it is a naturalistic game, it has some inner logic 23:40 MTDiscord That sounds kinda neat, but what's bad IRL is often less clear cut, and you can fall into the simulation trap.. 23:41 erle what's the simulation trap? 23:41 erle well, if it's not clear then you are taking risks obviuosly 23:41 erle the question is, is this risk a risk you want to take? 23:42 MTDiscord Rubenwardy has a good article about it somewhere. People get tempted in designing games to try to simulate real life mechanics more and more precisely and richly and just let interesting things emerge from all that depth, but it's a pretty inefficient way to make a game actually fun. 23:42 erle oh, that's realism 23:42 erle but i want naturalism 23:42 MTDiscord All that "naturalism" means to me is a lot of leafy green textures. 23:42 erle as a counter point, harry potter is neither realistic nor naturalistic, because it has no clear rules for magic and nothing bad happens when you give an 8th grader a time machine 23:43 MTDiscord Okay, so you want a universe that has rules, they just don't have to be our rules. 23:43 erle not only that 23:43 erle it has to be believable in some way 23:44 MTDiscord Yeah, that might be a good central thread under NodeCore's design. I wouldn't have identified it because I can't really imagine designing something any differently. 23:44 erle good scifi authors manage this btw 23:44 erle even when they write some gimmicky story 23:45 erle battlestar galactica is … weird. but it has some very clear rules that it never really spells out. 23:46 erle they hover in the background and i think they are designed to make the viewer uncomfortable in a way 23:46 MTDiscord Like I saw a video by Tale Foundry recently where they seemed to be criticizing magic systems for taking the magic out of them by making them systems, but honestly magic without a system feels like I can't really interact with the story, I'm just a passive observer. Even for a book that kinda thing is not good, and for a game it'd be bonkers. 23:47 MTDiscord Heh, well, the rule that there should be a limit to one's understanding is not just naturalistic but kinda realistic too... 23:47 MTDiscord Like, you can approach predictability but you always have to account for some chance 23:48 erle IIRC discrimination in battlestar galactica happens on the human/machine axis and on the monotheism/polytheism axis – and not by skin color or sexual orientation or which god people subcsribe to. it feels consistent, but slightly off. 23:48 MTDiscord I actually refuse to correct some jank in NC partly because it's just too difficult and I'm getting diminishing returns on effort, but I also justify it in part that players should never expect perfection, accounting for imperfection is their responsibility. The errors can be reasonably bounded but not eliminated. 23:49 erle what would magic without a system even be? 23:49 erle in a game, i mean 23:50 MTDiscord Monotheists agreeing on one god but not caring too much which one seems a bit weird. Human/machine relationships being contentious seems sort of oddly appropriate in the era of emerging AI. 23:50 MTDiscord Magic without a system in a game would probably be just a series of disconnected pre-scripted events that would end up feeling very deus ex machina. 23:51 erle regarding accounting for chance, i like how xcom does it: even with a perfect hit, the damage from a non-area-damage projectile is rolled between 0% and 200% of its base damage. this keeps you from making risky moves because those *will* blow up in your face. 23:52 erle Warr1024 in battlestar galactica the monotheists do indeed agree i think, but they are discriminated against by the polytheists, who for some strange reason are uncomfortable with someone having only one god. 23:52 erle i mean, it does not really make too much sense 23:52 erle it just feels like it 23:52 MTDiscord An element of chance can add a lot of suspense to situations in the short run, but having predictable average outcomes makes things sane and balanceable in the longer run. I had some fun with some of the probability functions I used in NodeCore... 23:52 erle well, with xcom i always have to plan for my perfectly timed assault to go sideways 23:53 erle it would be a very boring game if i could just calculate what would happen in my head 23:54 erle either i need massive overkill or very good armor or area weapons … as you said, it adds suspense 23:54 MTDiscord Heh, that "could always fail" thing isn't something I've been able to make fit everywhere in NodeCore. Once you stop setting yourself on fire, you don't always have to worry about your machines breaking spectacularly. 23:54 erle well some things never fail in xcom either 23:54 erle applying a medipack never fails 23:54 MTDiscord Thankfully having a high skill ceiling means that even if it's possible to get in a technic-like "totally won and now bored" state, nobody actually has yet. 23:55 erle or activating a grenade. throwing it, however … if your skill is not too great, it might not get too far! 23:55 erle yes, that state is the fun-killer 23:56 erle in mineclone2 it was very easy to reach that state with duplication bugs, since it is basically a big grind. so we set ourselves new challenges. the biggest one was flooding the nether (the hell dimension), which entailed a) getting water there b) making a hole in the roof to flood it from above. 23:56 erle in the end we settled for a canal (water is illegal in the nether) 23:56 MTDiscord Having played both MC technic and MC better than wolves, the amount that the "fun phase of gameplay" was stretched by the challenge level in BTW really inspired my approach to balance in NC. 23:56 erle what is better than wolves? 23:57 MTDiscord Technic always felt like they wanted you to do something once the hard way, then they just gave you a machine that would make that a thing you no longer needed to care about, and you could move onto the next challenge. Laudable in some ways, but very impractical when the developers were unable to provide a constant stream of new challenges indefinitely. 23:58 MTDiscord Better than Wolves was an expansive MC mod (now it's in a mature maintenance-kinda state) that ended up adding a lot of "hardcore/challenge" features during the time I played. 23:59 MTDiscord Like, buckets no longer transported water, only a little splash at a time, so if you wanted water higher up than the ocean, you had to pump it up with pumps that required a power supply system and moved water up 1 block each.