Time Nick Message 06:12 lissobone luatic: why wouldn't one want to work in Lambda calculus? 06:13 lissobone mistere_123: well, one can add one's own parameters that would default to the humidity and heat of a given point. 06:14 lissobone And then manipulate on them... 06:14 lissobone  09:04 jonadab Does the game even retain knowledge of heat and humidity once terrain generation is complete? 09:06 jonadab Though I suppose they could just be calculated again the same way; the algorithm has to be deterministic or stuff wouldn't line up when new areas are generated next to existing ones. 09:18 sfan5 heat and humidity (by the engine mapgens) are deterministic 09:19 sfan5 but for lua mapgens it would be important to have some way to set them so the get_heat get_humidity functions work 11:08 MTDiscord I suppose the get_heat and get_humidity founction could be over-ridden for lua mapgens... hmm 14:39 hare_hare_yukai sick 14:40 hare_hare_yukai i somehow unbanned myself 14:54 celeron55 your ban is still there, you're avoiding it by changing your ip. that's not polite 14:54 lissobone What happened? 14:54 lissobone No, seriously, I wasn't in the channel at the moment, and the description given to me by hare himself wasn't so informative either. 14:55 lissobone It was so informative that an integer overflow had occurred and it turned negative. 14:56 MTDiscord Why hare_hare_yukai was banned btw? 14:58 hare_hare_yukai oh. 14:58 hare_hare_yukai well sick 15:32 muurkha 09:06 -!- mode/#minetest [-q hare_hare_yukai!*@*] by ShadowBot 15:33 muurkha celeron55: perhaps that's what hare_hare_yukai meant by "unbanned": their +q was removed five hours earlier 15:34 muurkha jonadab: there is a "hydration" mod 15:34 muurkha sometimes people change IPs unintentionally; most ISPs don't grant static IPs this millennium 16:56 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Desour -> 03minetest/minetest: Move sound_openal and sound_openal_internal into new src/client/sound… 13606215f https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/606215fae9fd3307482846ab9e60c840c9ffcbbc (152023-09-30T16:54:26Z) 16:56 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Desour -> 03minetest/minetest: Split sound_openal_internal into serval files 13bbc64a2 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/bbc64a2eb5ed8a01324379636b5708e317f39087 (152023-09-30T16:54:26Z) 16:56 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Desour -> 03minetest/minetest: Put the internal sound definitions into a new `sound` namespace 13c90c545 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/c90c545d3395dc22f1ec43ca4f8a95e0f6fa5a14 (152023-09-30T16:54:26Z)