Time Nick Message 05:31 MTDiscord I know a virgin when I see one 05:31 MTDiscord How else would I see myself in the mirror 05:47 hare_hare_yukai the world is a better place after i ejaculate 05:52 erle_off_ice wtf 12:02 lissobone Howdy, fellow men. 12:14 definitelya o/ pretty man! lol 17:19 jonadab DFTT 18:03 MTDiscord What the fuck is happening 18:06 muurkha fatalisterror: a plane is passing overhead, spring is beginning, the moon is full, and I am drinking mate 21:35 erle_off_ice muurkha i think i recognized a weak antimeme (a self-keeping secret) that is not based upon a cultural taboo. i am pretty sure that everyone who figures it out by themselves has equally good reasons as me to not reveal what it is, which is why i only feel comfortable telling you what it is not. the thing i am referring is not round, for example. 21:35 erle_off_ice like, it is not a sphere. it's a really weird feeling to repeatedly consider writing what it is only to reject it, like it makes me want to think of something else – but i probably will not forget it. 21:54 MTDiscord What the hell are you talking about 21:56 erle_off_ice i have a pretty good reason to not tell you 21:57 erle_off_ice and i also have a good reason to not tell you why to not tell you 21:57 erle_off_ice which is a bit weird, i admit 21:58 MTDiscord You need to lay off the "ice" dawg 22:00 erle_off_ice what is “ice”? 22:00 erle_off_ice oh 22:00 erle_off_ice sory 23:09 MTDiscord Meth 23:26 muurkha no, mate 23:33 erle_off_ice i think amazon is trying to tell me something about egirl career options at NATO https://mister-muffin.de/p/aNpF.png 23:42 muurkha I think Belle Delphine has made some songs about this. If her egirl career prospects are so poor, yours are probably worse 23:42 muurkha maybe you could make a suitable Minetest skin 23:42 muurkha My wife likes the Aurora goddess skin 23:49 erle_off_ice i did not know that belle delphine made songs