Time Nick Message 17:58 Bombo hi 17:59 Bombo can anyone help me with this error: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'draconis' in callback luaentity_Step(): ...e/minetest/.minetest/mods/draconis/api/behaviors.lua:199: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'turn_rate' (a nil value) 17:59 Bombo behaviors.lua:199: local wayp_threshold = width + (width / self.turn_rate) 18:00 Bombo https://github.com/ElCeejo/draconis/blob/main/api/behaviors.lua#L199C14-L199C14 18:09 Krock Bombo: that value is specified in on_step, which might mean that there's a zero delay between spawning of the mob and the call for this movment 18:09 Krock for an easy fix, use (self.turn_rate or 4) line done above 18:12 Bombo Krock: yes thank you it did work now i could join the server again :-) 18:13 Krock you should report the full backtrace to the repository so that it's fixed for the next person as well 18:14 Bombo t's an issue already for 2 weeks https://github.com/ElCeejo/draconis/issues/33 18:33 mazes_83 do you see me here @Panq7 18:56 Bombo hm it crashed again with the same error