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IRC log for #minetest, 2023-09-01

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10:48 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetest: Remove usage of obsolete HighPrecisionFPU field f080aa2 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/f080aa29b57db124643c0cab5a3fac129f2c5f7c (2023-09-01T10:46:36Z)
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15:00 lissobone yoooo
15:01 lissobone is hare_hare_yukai here?
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15:04 s20 That guy from CTF?
15:11 lissobone not only
15:11 lissobone from jon's server
15:11 lissobone i'm looking for him
15:12 lissobone he got banned for saying that he is hacking (though he did nothing and was joking, but the admins are seemingly oblivious)
15:12 lissobone i wanna speak to him
15:12 lissobone and say "discord mod moment"
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