Time Nick Message 00:02 jonadab What would it take to allow server operators to run a script over their installed modules and get the benefit of this compression, without needing to fork all the modules? (I mean, presumably you'd have to run the script again any time you update the modules, but you'd want it to not be much more complicated than that.) 00:02 jonadab Assuming here that module authors keep using PNG because it is what they know. 01:51 erle jonadab the only thing needed is a small shell script that you run every time on deployment. you could develop heuristics for autocompression, but as long as i seem to be the only person running benchmarks on this, i STRONGLY suggest to not even try it. you WILL get it wrong if you try to just wing it. 01:51 erle and i do not mean you in particular 01:52 erle i mean everyone who does not look deep enough into the issue 06:42 yunfan87 anyone playing mineclone5? 07:00 MTDiscord yunfan87: mineclone5 is currently unmaintained 20:14 juninho Hi 21:37 MinetestBot 02[git] 04rubenwardy -> 03minetest/minetest: Use formspec version 6 in the main menu (#13761) 130cbf96c https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/0cbf96cc839e1b8202ad782420c9b50fa14ad052 (152023-08-28T21:36:54Z)