Time Nick Message 00:53 jonadab I wish stairs and slabs weren't necessary, but they are, because of an early design decision to make the player 2 nodes tall and unable to walk up a one-node step. If the nodes were a cubic foot, instead of a cubic yard, stairs and slabs would not be needed. The tradeoff would be, large structures would take longer to build. 00:55 MTDiscord I just made players able to step up a full node. Feels weird if you're not used to it, but it's pretty easy to adapt to. 00:55 jonadab Interesting. 00:55 jonadab I'm willing to entertain that possibility. Not 100% sure how I feel about it, but it's at least an interesting thought. 00:57 jonadab The other major argument for slabs, is concealed lighting. Which could be solved if arbitrary nodes could have an "emits light" property conferred on them somehow without changing their appearance otherwise. 00:57 jonadab At least a third of the slabs I place, you can't _see_ that they're slabs, because they're flush with full blocks on the visible side, but there's light on the other side. 00:59 MTDiscord full-node step is the standard for nodecore; it does feel like a very "game-level" decision, like, one that you'd have to design for, and not something you'd just slap into an existing game as an arbitrary tweak. 05:03 Blockhead256 I hereby declare the Matrix bridge dead (at least for tchncs.de users). I sent a bunch of messages a few hours ago, and they're no in the IRC logs 05:05 Blockhead256 well, you can read new messages from IRC. But you can't send. 05:06 Blockhead256 anyway the summary is: you *could* make a game with 300 mm or 600 mm nodes - but you would have to use 8x8 textures, and the world would decrease to even less than the somewhat-limiting 60.912 km 05:28 vejou[m] oh wow 05:28 vejou[m] its over? 05:29 vejou[m] oh it isnt 05:31 vejou[m] for me it isnt over yet 06:03 lissobone IT'S OVER 07:36 Swift110-mobile oh wow 08:47 lissobone hi 08:47 lissobone im recording water pouring sound effects 08:47 lissobone It's for the vape mod. 12:22 Kimapr[i] Blockhead256: tchncs.de currently has federation issues with the matrix.org homeserver (the owners of which also host the libera-matrix bridge) after a little oopsie happened https://text.tchncs.de/tchncs/about-the-matrix-incident-on-july-26-2023 12:29 kimapr[m]1 test 12:30 Kimapr[i] ^ matrix.org works 12:30 vejou[m] what is [i] 12:31 Kimapr[i] [i] is for IRC, as i was using my main nickname over Matrix as a bouncer (normally the bridge adds [m] to the end) 12:33 rudzik8[m] I wonder if Matrix (Element/Schildi) reactions are visible in any way from the IRC 12:33 Kimapr[i] nope 12:33 rudzik8[m] like, as a separate message or something 12:34 rudzik8[m] vejou[m]: are they? 12:34 vejou[m] that original message didnt send but your reply did 13:25 Blockhead256 yeah it's funny how the tchncs problems coincide with the imminent.. whatever's going to happen.. with the Matrix bridge. But as vejou (@matrix.org) is noticing, some messages just aren't getting through. So better to call it quits now I think, until/unless Minetest IRC people get it bridged properly 13:25 Blockhead256 and yeah, reactions are totally invisible from IRC, so don't use them in the IRC channel 14:09 vejou[m] people already said that the irc bridge didnt fully work but idk if this is from that or also from the tchnc issue 14:10 vejou[m] probably not from tchncs issue if none of the bots use that 14:26 kimapr[m]1 "and yeah, reactions are totally..." <- *do* use them specifically to hide them from IRC people 14:27 vejou[m] they dont bridge 14:27 vejou[m] even to discord 14:35 uvok Greetings. Any Mesecraft players here by chance? I'm trying farming at the moment, already lowered farming_stage_length since I'm playing singleplayer. I can grow rice + cotton, but not wheat. It stays in its first stage. Does wheat need special conditions to grow? (Farm plot, tilled, next to the ocean) (Minetest 5.7.0, Mesecraft 2023-03-21) 16:17 MTDiscord no, afaik wheat should grow regularly. Needs farm plot, wet soil 16:17 MTDiscord and light 16:18 MTDiscord and i'm the author of the game, so that should serve as a pretty good answer unless there is a bug im unaware of 16:29 smolcat uvok: ^ 16:34 uvok mesecraft: huh, okay. Thanks for the answer, maybe I just need to wait longer? Or do you see anything wrong here? https://furry.engineer/@uvok/110792038984719830 16:41 MTDiscord The page you are looking for isn't here. ? 16:42 MTDiscord bridge seems to have mangled the url: https://furry.engineer/@uvok/110792038984719830 16:42 MTDiscord farming stage length is a variable for all of farming_redo, not just wheat right? Because I had set the main timer to be very long and imitate crops taking about a season to grow. 90 days or some set time in Minetset 16:42 MTDiscord ty Roll 17:01 cheapie So I came across this a while back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HYLsLT56fQ 17:02 cheapie Since I seem to have Luacontroller<->Techage glue fully working now, I figured I'd try to clone it with a Luacontroller: https://cheapiesystems.com/media/lc-techage-elevator-small.webm 17:05 cheapie The first elevator in the video is a clone of joe7575's, the second demonstrates a larger one with a different style of doors, and the third shows one with many more floors (and another different door style). The bit at 5:00 with manually screwing up the position is to show the reset function. All three are running exactly the same code, the configuration is all done through the terminal. 17:26 MTDiscord its not the basegame wheat 17:28 uvok Hm, I set the farming_stage_length to 120.0 seconds. Also, I have the mods animalia and shallow_ores, but these shouldn't interfer with the growing I think? 18:06 uvok Oh, nvm. The wheat just started growing 18:14 uvok Another question, how does the Crafting Guide work? Or rather, why do some recipes not show up in the guide? (e.g. three papyrus = paper)