Time  Nick            Message
00:00 fluxionary      on a scale of 0 to 10, impossible would it be to move the community to luajit w/ `-DLUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT`
00:00 fluxionary      ^how impossible
02:25 Blockhead256[m] "the" community? impossible, some people are still running 0.4.16/.17 engine forks...
02:26 Blockhead256[m] Lua 5.2 breaks compat with the debug library which breaks a bunch of mods like advtrains and dbf
02:26 Blockhead256[m] *dbg
02:26 Blockhead256[m] so 10/10
02:27 Blockhead256[m] even if someone went full time testing and fixing all the mods in minetest-mods and mt-mods, the sheer amount of people left behind who don't update their software often would cause a stir
02:27 muurkha         I thought LuaJIT was 5.1 anyway?
02:29 muurkha         new Lua versions are for new embedders.  you aren't supposed to try to update existing software that embeds Lua to use a new version of Lua; they aren't backward-compatible
02:51 luk3yx          https://luajit.org/extensions.html#lua52
03:45 muurkha         seems like it's still basically 5.1
23:44 fluxionary      i suppose i mean the community that keeps up to date and develops for new features. i don't anticipate the changes would break many mods, and if so the fixes wouldn't be hard. but getting such a luajit library distributed would be tricky, no?
23:50 fluxionary      it's it's almost certainly too big a hassle just so i can use some extra metamethods
23:53 muurkha         that just isn't how Lua works