Time Nick Message 00:17 dibesfer[m] Heho 01:26 muurkha hehho 01:47 MTDiscord I have come for your fedora 01:47 muurkha tricked you, I switched to Debian 25 years ago 01:58 MTDiscord :( 02:09 dibesfer[m] My fedora was so fancy 02:09 dibesfer[m] And i didnt took the time to change it to XFC 02:10 dibesfer[m] Guess its always easier to pick an already premade distro like Xubuntu 02:10 dibesfer[m] Not easier shit 02:10 dibesfer[m] But simpler 02:11 dibesfer[m] Imagine LINUX OS 02:11 dibesfer[m] Save your distro the way its setted as a bootable usb 02:11 dibesfer[m] For installing into your friends pcs 02:12 dibesfer[m] Desktop environment is everything for a player 02:20 muurkha I like that idea 07:19 Sobinec Im back! 07:19 Sobinec After such a long time... 07:19 Sobinec Also, my old nickname was alexbrown or something 07:23 muurkha welcome back 07:23 Sobinec :D 07:23 muurkha we're still full of drama 07:23 Sobinec Same story, right? 14:34 dibesfer[m] Real 14:34 dibesfer[m] Hahahaha 14:35 dibesfer[m] đŸĒģ 14:35 Sobinec I didn't get it lol 14:37 dibesfer[m] Bad 14:37 Sobinec Can you explain plz? 14:37 dibesfer[m] Arknia is open btw 14:38 dibesfer[m] Go take a look to America 14:38 Sobinec Im not sure if I can :( 14:38 dibesfer[m] Y dear 14:38 dibesfer[m] Server list search Arknia 16:52 dibesfer[m] Rich people begging money 16:53 dibesfer[m] Always 💛🖤 But UBI 💙 18:02 Wuzzy Niklp 18:09 Niklp Hi Wuzzy, can we talk via PM's? 18:10 Wuzzy talk 20:18 VoidStalker Since Libera Chat is deportalling Matrix rooms at the end of the month, are you going to opt into bridging? Matrix is my only method of accessing Libera Chat rooms as Libera blocks Tor and VPN registration. 20:18 MTDiscord its been mentioned in a few places 20:19 celeron55 i don't see why not, but please be proactive about it, i.e. just literally tell us what to do 20:19 celeron55 i don't use matrix and not many irc people do 20:20 celeron55 (or, well, i do maybe a few times a year just to see how it has developed, but that's besides the point) 20:23 celeron55 none of the terminology makes sense to me. portal? plumbing? EMS? is there some sort of default way to bridge it in the future? who hosts it? how do you enable it? 20:24 celeron55 it seems something is provided, meaning it's not like bridging to discord 20:25 celeron55 but not sure, it's all a mystery 20:26 rubenwardy yeah, that libera.chat blog post was pretty bad 20:27 rubenwardy unexplained technical acronyms and jargon, no clear way forward 20:27 MTDiscord I setup a plumbed bridge a long time ago, and now am completely unable to find sane documentation on how I'm supposed to do it. I found a thingy on the matrix-side that looks like it's supposed to do it, but it doesn't work (internal error, of course) right now. 20:28 MTDiscord It requires somebody to be an operator on the matrix side, also being (or working with) an operator on the IRC side, and following some set of instructions that it seems nobody has clearly established yet. 20:28 MTDiscord IIRC the blog post was supposed to have suggested that they'll get a guide out or something, but who knows how long that could take... 😑 20:32 VoidStalker I'm unsure if this helps, but it should make the Matrix jargon easier to understand. 20:32 VoidStalker https://github.com/MilkManzJourDaddy/matrix-org/wiki/Glossary-of-Terms-in-Matrix 20:33 celeron55 i'll just wait until someone posts an easy to follow tutorial 20:34 celeron55 it's bound to happen 20:34 MTDiscord Yeah, the problem wasn't trying to understand the jargon, it was trying to find an article that wasn't just explaining the difference between "portal vs plumbed" but how to actually DO them. 20:35 MTDiscord Specifically, there are a ton of articles out there that explain that "portal rooms Just Work" (which, no, they don't at least, not in about a month) and "plumbed rooms are explicitly set up" (okay, but HOW?) 20:45 VoidStalker[m] I'm trying, it's not easy to find the information which is terrible. 20:46 VoidStalker https://matrix.org/blog/2017/03/11/how-do-i-bridge-thee-let-me-count-the-ways/ 20:54 MTDiscord Right that's yet another article that describes all the terminology without telling us anything about how to do it. 20:55 MTDiscord IIRC the Libera bridge only supports plumbed and portal rooms, and portal rooms are going away in under a month. Nobody here has the time and energy to setup hosting for a new bridge, so basically whatever Libera/Matrix does with their plumbed rooms is the only reasonable option. 20:56 VoidStalker Okay I found something. On the Matrix side, you need to enable the integration manager scalar.vector.im, click IRC (libera.chat) and set it up. 20:57 MTDiscord It looks like if you're using Element, there's an "add integrations/widgets" interface that's "standard" in the client and lets you try to configure this stuff. Of course it doesn't work right now, but it's there I guess. 20:58 VoidStalker I tried it in a test room, it invites [appservice](). 20:58 MTDiscord This is sort of one of the big downfalls of diverse and federated services: all of the "please just tell me what I need to click" level support just ends up boiling down to "well it depends on which client you're using to connect to which federated node" 20:58 VoidStalker The bot hasn't joined for some reason, though. 20:59 VoidStalker MTDiscord: Generally you can assume most people are using either Element or SchildiChat. Schildi is a fork of Element so instructions for Element apply to it as well. 20:59 MTDiscord I setup plumbing for one of the nodecore channels long ago and it was a pain but it ended up working okay. I forgot how I did it, though, so searched again, and couldn't find anything that looked like the instructions I used before. I found that integrations UI, but it just doesn't work, and I can't tell if it's because it's deprecated and I should do it a different way, or it's just broken for now (maybe because of a huge demand spike 20:59 MTDiscord now for setting up plumbed bridging) or whatever. 21:00 MTDiscord Well, generally I can assume that, yes, but I'm not the one writing the docs 😏 21:06 VoidStalker Matrix is a decent protocol, unfortunately it has terrible documentation. 21:06 VoidStalker There probably won't be any documentation on it, but if an IRC room can be bridged to XMPP instead, then Matrix users can join because at least in my experience, it was easier to bridge to XMPP. 21:11 MTDiscord The problem with the docs right now is that they're way too generic. Since this Libera/Matrix situation is kind of a special case, though, I'm hopeful that somebody will write a more specific how-to for all the people who are now suddenly looking for this documentation. 21:14 MinetestBot 02[git] 04imre84 -> 03minetest/minetest_game: Extend inventory action logging to include bones (#3040) 13d86435d https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/commit/d86435d86cb06e2f6808a5134cc9a361913a9951 (152023-07-05T21:14:02Z) 22:00 Guest49 How is it that those who've expressed a religious view are bullied, called names, and otherwise assualted without consequence, but when someone make any factual historical reference to either NAMBLA or previous DCM classifications of homosexuality, they get banned? 22:01 Guest49 I've read through the forums enough to see a very proactive LGBTQ+ politics, and a very anti- religious outpouring from those very LGBTQ+ people.  Is this a LGBTQ+ project or an OPEN project? 22:07 MTDiscord How to do entity shadows hmm 22:15 fluxionary is there a way to colorize a translation string in such a way that if an argument contains color itself, it doesn't clobber the color of the remaining message? 22:15 fluxionary i guess i can just strip colors from the argument, hm. 22:16 fluxionary would be nice if i didn't have to though 22:22 MTDiscord Unfortunately colorization and localization probably don't interact all that well. It may make sense to split the string up into multiple and then add the color/locale bits when gluing them together. 22:23 MTDiscord Though I guess if you want to translate a string like "you got the @1 key" and the @1 needs to be allowed to move around inside the string, but be colorized, that could be messy. I wonder if translate(string_with_param, colorize(translate(param))) works as well? 22:32 fluxionary the problem is that the way colorization works now doesn't allow for "parentheses" - you set one color initially, then you set it to white at the end, instead of to whatever was defined at a higher level. i'm just gonna go w/ the "strip color from the argument" option. 22:47 MTDiscord oh, right, yeah, there's no way to like "pop the new color off the stack". would be nice, for sure.