Time Nick Message 01:32 Extex I'm doing some tinkering with shaders and have a question. How would I access artificial light values inside the fog section of the nodes shader? 05:04 Peter_Lankton wow im surprised no one has made a dyed water mod yet. at least no one on contentDB has. 06:24 Swift110-mobile I think if there was an subgame that was similar to sim ant that would be awesome 10:37 imi can I somehow confiscate items? whether be it placed, in inventory or dropped? e.g. I want all default:stone to be gone, or something similar. 10:42 MTDiscord kill 10:42 MTDiscord all stone? why 10:43 MTDiscord (accidentially pressed Return , apologies) 10:43 Blockhead256[m] alias the item to air I guess 10:43 Blockhead256[m] that would also turn all the stone in the world to air, which could certainly have consequences 10:55 imi stone is an example whatever node 13:15 MTDiscord The reason there is no dyed water mod could be because of how poorly MT handles different fluids meeting one another. 13:34 imi when you want to alias an existing item to an existing item it causes a segfault 14:30 rubenwardy Minetest mentioned in GitHub blog post: https://github.blog/2023-05-10-game-bytes-may-2023/#improved-graphics-performance-improvements-and-lots-more-in-minetest-5-7-0 14:34 sfan5 and then they use that ancient screenshot 14:34 sfan5 which I think is on our website so not their fault I guess 15:12 imi lol 15:35 MTDiscord Not a bad screenshot, but a bit ironic that the article mentions improved visual effects and that screenshot shows none of them. 15:37 MTDiscord Also, they put us in the wrong section, under "games" instead of "engines". Or maybe they should have had a separate category for projects in transition 🤔 15:38 rubenwardy minetest is closer to roblox than unity 15:46 MTDiscord I guess, if the typical new player experience for Roblox is "so how do I play?" "Well, first, you have to make a game." 15:48 MTDiscord But MT is more often than not packaged along with the MTG. So their categorisation works more or less. But as a previous retired Roblox player in my youth, my experience was joining servers. 15:51 MTDiscord Not making games in the first place. And since that is mostly the case with Minetest for new players. That's how ig Minetest is understood by a wide audience. But. it is indeed, in its core, an engine. 15:55 MTDiscord MTG being packages with MT is still a bug; the fix for it has just been taking a long time. And making a game IS how you play MTG, so that's still valid. Just because we don't make it obvious to players that that's what MTG is for doesn't really change that, and after they try to "play" for an hour or two, they start to figure that out anyway. 15:59 MTDiscord Yep, I've seen that during my time here at Minetest 16:00 MTDiscord It's not that MTG alone can't be fun at all, but as-is it has a very narrow target audience, i.e. only people who just had their wisdom teeth pulled (https://xkcd.com/861/) 16:01 MTDiscord The normal way to play it is to quickly get bored, then go shopping for mods, and then quickly get overwhelmed and spend the next week having internet arguments about which mob API is the "best" one. 16:01 MTDiscord Idk about the part where you said "making games is how you play the Minetest game". MTG on its own isn't the reason why people play MT, there's all the games and servers, yes. 16:02 MTDiscord I don't know if that's a Roblox kind of experience, but it doesn't feel like much of a "game" experience to me either. Usually I want to have something significant to have played BEFORE getting in arguments about it... 16:02 MTDiscord Hmm 16:03 MTDiscord It's both and neither one individually 16:04 MTDiscord Minetest's de facto offerings being so heavily skewed toward online play also doesn't do it many favors among people who have crappy internet or are stuck on mobile on metered networks, and who may have limited MP options ... and especially considering some of the inefficiency of the network protocol, and the general lack of care some mods show for network impacts, and the fact that one bad mod can spoil a whole game... 16:05 MTDiscord In any event, even if it's not really an "engine", it's certainly not a "game", as I don't know of any other games that require you to install a game to play on them. 16:06 MTDiscord Well, it should be placed somewhere as it is seen. 🤷 16:13 MTDiscord It does sort of point out the silliness of trying to maintain separate categories of "game" and "engine" and whatnot without any provision for hybrid or borderline cases. I'm fairly sure we aren't the only example that doesn't want to fit into a nice neat box. 16:13 MTDiscord (ironically for a cube-focused game platform)