Time Nick Message 01:38 Blockhead256[m] lava casting is a controversial but valid artform :) 01:39 muurkha what's controversial about it? 01:41 Blockhead256[m] it's considered ugly and a form of griefing in a lot of places 01:41 Blockhead256[m] it's kind of like grafitti in a sense: not desired by most people who see it, bad to put where it's not wanted, but has its own merits 01:57 muurkha huh, I had no idea 11:07 imi hi, is there a way to bind a function to a dropped item despawning from the ground? 11:13 Blockhead256[m] there is no callback for that; when a dropped item is past its age, it will delete itself in its on_step. So you would need to override the on_step of __builtin:item 11:13 Blockhead256[m] for an example of a mod that overrides dropped item behaviour, see Item features/builtin_item https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=3188 11:15 MTDiscord When an item is about to despawn, tehre's minetest.registered_entities["__builtin:item"].get_staticdata(self) 11:16 Blockhead256[m] the source code for dropped items is here: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/5.6.1/builtin/game/item_entity.lua 16:04 Guest54 AncientMariner the texture compression instructions in your game contain “optipng -o7 -zm1-9 -nc -clobber *.png” – this is missing the most important bug, people putting several kilobyte of exif data in their PNGs. i suggest to add ”-strip all” to tthat invocation. 16:18 MTDiscord For image recompression, I actually recommend running them through every tool you can find (e.g. optipng, advpng, and ect), in series, keeping the result at each step that reduces its size. Some tools work better on some inputs than others, and you can cache already-optimized results so you only have to batch-run this stuff every so often when you've got new textures. 16:19 MTDiscord I don't exactly have it as a pre-commit hook, but I do run this process basically before each NodeCore commit. It can add up to quite a difference... 16:19 Guest54 do you use a texture atlas? 16:22 MTDiscord No 16:31 Guest54 Warr1024 so how big are your textures usually? 16×16? 16:36 MTDiscord Generally yes 17:28 MTDiscord "i suggest to do the same for anything in nodecore" from #-dev ... haha, I don't even know how to do that. 17:28 MTDiscord I sorta doubt though that there's any way I can store images in item meta that's more efficient than just letting MT's media handler deal with it... 17:28 Guest54 Warr1024 do you have paintings or so? 17:28 MTDiscord No 17:29 Guest54 well the case i have are *generated* textures. a world download will not have them. 17:29 Guest54 https://git.minetest.land/erlehmann/xmaps/src/branch/master/init.lua#L424 17:29 Guest54 uh, this may be, actually, a thing i need to fix in mineclone2 17:30 Guest54 i thought i had fixed it, but it might not be merged 17:30 MTDiscord The only case of generated textures I know of in the NodeCore ecosystem would probably be @kimapr (they/*)'s paint mod. I'm not sure what that does as far as optimization goes ... though I also suspect that the media transfer aspects of it are probably not the most costly. 17:31 Guest54 i'm looking into it 17:31 Guest54 but this is not about optimization, it's about world dls working (and making it a bit easier to modify the texture later on) 17:32 Guest54 i think it … puzzles together a painting using texmods, i.e. [combine 17:33 Guest54 minetest.register_entity(modname..":paintent",{ -- PAIN TENT 17:33 Guest54 hahahaha 17:33 MTDiscord very yes 17:34 Kimapr i could probably use the png texmod here, would be more efficient 17:34 Guest54 you could probably use tga_encoder, would be more efficient lol 17:34 Guest54 how big are your textures? 17:34 Kimapr dynamic media? 17:34 Guest54 like your paintings 17:34 Kimapr 8x8 per node face 17:34 Guest54 then i suggest to just leave it as it is 17:35 Guest54 it's not worth the hassle to deal with dynamic media 17:35 Kimapr that is the most likely thing i'd do 17:35 Kimapr still [png would be more efficient that the [combine abomination i have 17:36 Guest54 less backwards compatible. also minetest.encode_png is a bad joke. 17:36 Guest54 regarding your combine thing – if it is crazy, but it works, it is not too crazy 17:40 MTDiscord I don't know if it's fair to say that encode_png is really a "bad joke", but I would definitely recommend reading the room carefully before opening with it at open mic night at the comedy club. 17:42 Guest54 Warr1024 throw the devtest checkerboard into optipng and see it become 1/20 of its size. for added insult, convert the same thing to tga, gzip it, the result is 1/30. 17:43 MTDiscord somehow it feels like I've heard this conversation about encode_png before... 17:43 Guest54 well, i have said it since the beginning that to get good performance for png you need to use prefilters 17:43 Guest54 other people have explained it better http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/chapter09.html 17:44 Guest54 > Filtering is a method of reversibly transforming the image data so that the main compression engine can operate more efficiently. As a simple example, consider a sequence of bytes increasing uniformly from 1 to 255. Since there is no repetition in the sequence, it compresses either very poorly or not at all. 17:44 Guest54 if you instead prefilter it to represent the difference between values, it's very compressible 17:46 MTDiscord usual erle spam 17:46 Guest54 it won't matter with an 8×8 image anyway 17:46 Guest54 except if you like to make it 20 times the size :P 17:48 Guest54 i mean it's obvious if you read that text why optipng takes ages for even small images 17:48 Guest54 imagine having a palette image, you might want to reorder the palette entries to get better compression after prefiltering the bytes 17:51 Guest54 this is also a funny thing, glitching PNGs with prefilters https://ucnv.github.io/pnglitch/ 17:53 Guest54 here is more https://lo.calho.st/posts/image-glitching/ 17:53 Guest54 proller you did the large map thing, right? 17:53 Guest54 how did you make it backwards compatible? 17:53 Guest54 like can a server have large map and the client just does not get a large map? 17:54 Guest54 i mean, if it's compatible with existing minetest you can just start hosting a big server as a test ground 17:54 Guest54 i am pretty sure you'll find a bunch of issues regarding mods, for example 17:58 proller old client should not recieve anything with 31000+ coords 17:58 Guest54 and that works, without recompile? 17:58 proller but no problem with floats 17:59 Guest54 i must say that you are mistaken about 31000 probably 17:59 Guest54 old clients can indeed handle terrain that is a bit more out 17:59 proller join server fm: Climbing to infinity 2 (32bit infinity map) 18:00 Guest54 i think the only thing you need to make sure is that there is a shell of ignore mapblocks 18:01 proller skipping sending better than ignores 18:01 Guest54 well ignore is just “unloaded on the client” 18:03 Guest54 proller i am not exactly sure, but you could try sending old clients stuff up to ± 32500, that should leave a comfortable shell around the map if i am not mistaken 18:04 Guest54 what mapgen is that anyways? 18:04 proller yes, but now anything is sended and your old cliend will crash when trying make mesh near 32768 18:05 Guest54 just substract 2 mapblocks from that and you should be save lol 18:05 Guest54 safe 18:05 proller yep 18:06 Guest54 i teleported to 0,-32000,0 and there was water 18:06 proller its math mapen, removed from mt many years ago 18:06 Guest54 where is the top 18:06 Guest54 i go to high elevation and just start falling 18:07 proller https://freeminer.setun.net/map.circles/map-x3-2018-10-02-14-06.png 18:07 proller its very sparse 18:08 Guest54 at -100,1000,50 there is a sky island with a horse on top 18:09 Guest54 proller where can i find that structure? 18:10 Guest54 give coords plox 18:10 proller and very big, this structure radius 10-20 milions block, and now you can explore ! 18:10 proller better to start from 0,0,0 18:10 proller and look up 18:11 Guest54 wtf 18:12 Guest54 have you ever played on anarchy servers? 18:12 Guest54 proller btw did you see the lavacasting option i made? 18:12 Guest54 if you make it so that lower visc fluid drows slower, you can make walls nicely https://mister-muffin.de/p/u3-K.png 18:13 Guest54 i thought about it and i have to say, if you can spill lava all around making it harden is not the biggest issue 18:13 Guest54 everything will be on fire or covered in lava anyway 18:13 proller my servers have much better liquids than other ;) 18:13 proller and lava is not problem 18:14 Guest54 then i suggest you add that patch and enjoy your lavacasts :D 18:14 Guest54 it's probably dropping too slow though 18:14 Guest54 not sure 18:14 Guest54 took me a while to figure out how fluids work 18:16 Guest54 i like this map 18:16 Guest54 it's so random 18:17 Guest54 though it seems the server is under load 18:17 Guest54 i teleported and do not start falling, which probably means i am not getting sent a mapblock 18:19 proller this liquids works on not mt code, and they almost perfect ;) 18:19 Guest54 proller can you make downflow of viscous fluids less fast then? 18:19 Guest54 lavacasting is nice 18:20 Guest54 to build huge walls for a castle for example 18:20 Guest54 or huge triangles (you make stairs, stand on top, first use lava, then water) 18:21 proller this liquds have finite volume, you cant make walls with them (as in real life) 18:21 Guest54 damn 18:21 Guest54 minetest is just like real life, where i routinely put 1m³ of dirt in my hands 18:22 Guest54 and chop down trees without any tools 18:22 Guest54 i think on april 1st chopping down trees with bare hands should just hurt the player hehe 18:23 Guest54 or just turn the entire game into exile mechanics :D 18:34 proller this is other liquids mechanics without water/lava pillars and with seasonal snow/rain 18:34 Guest54 i noticed that there was water without an apparent source 18:34 Guest54 regarding source, where is the code lebowski 18:35 proller it was removed from mt many years ago 8) 18:36 Guest54 where is the code you funny person 18:36 Guest54 pls link 18:36 Guest54 i want to see different fluid 18:37 Guest54 gib 18:37 Guest54 i mean you must have compiled that server from something 18:38 proller ok, https://github.com/freeminer/freeminer/blob/master/src/fm_liquid.cpp#L99 18:39 Guest54 ok cool thx 18:40 Guest54 ohh that's where the melting water comes from 18:40 Guest54 neat 18:41 proller for full dive use creative mode and set some spring:water_compressed spring:lava_compressed spring:dirt_compressed 18:41 proller yes, dirt is liquid too 18:41 Guest54 i supposed its hard to build a house in your world lol 18:41 Guest54 noob houses out of dirt, just flowing away 18:42 Guest54 next up: players are liquid too 18:42 Guest54 amoebatest 18:42 proller you can use dry dirt 18:42 proller but when next rain coming... 18:42 Guest54 cute liquid flow 18:42 proller yep 18:42 Guest54 i had expected something more … crude 18:43 Guest54 you know the liquid model in dwarf fortress? 18:43 proller my favorite is houses from ice 18:43 Guest54 https://www.dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Pressure 18:43 Guest54 > When a liquid is moved (or created) with pressure, it attempts to locate the nearest tile on the same Z-level as its destination tile (for falling water, this is 1 Z-level beneath its original location) by moving north, south, east, west, down, or up. As it tries to locate an appropriate destination, the liquid will first only try to move 18:43 Guest54 sideways and downward - only when this fails will it attempt to move upward. 18:44 Guest54 proller can your liquid flow model do u-bends? 18:44 proller Sokomine, i remember it was your ice castle on road server 8-9 years ago? ;) 18:45 proller Guest54, yes, should enable pressure feature 18:45 Guest54 imagine pressure in a huge lava chamber in a volcano haha 18:46 proller liquid_pressure=1 18:46 Guest54 if you dig into it from the side, does it immediately pop out at max speed? 18:46 Guest54 can you drain the ocean into a cave system? that's always the best test for finite water hehe 18:46 proller it limited by liquid levels store, max 64 or 32 18:47 proller yes, oceans to caves can be drain, BUT it can be adjusted 18:48 proller most of water disappeared from surface, not very playable 18:49 Guest54 what do you mean 18:49 proller to prevent this 0 level of water is self regenerating (slowly) 18:50 Guest54 you mean stuff stays wet? 18:51 proller ocean beds have too many caves 18:51 Guest54 obv you need to literally flood-fill those 18:52 proller yes, its liquid_fast_flood setting ;) 18:53 proller you can make world with constant volume of liquids (but needto disable evaporation and snow-rain) 18:54 proller or playable (by default) 23:30 Sokomine proller: i played on the road server soem years ago. but i don't remember exactly what i had build there. do you have a screenshot at hand? 23:33 proller no screenshots, but server still alive 23:34 proller i just remember you complained about your melted building