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IRC log for #minetest, 2023-02-21

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13:39 muurkha Hexapodia as the key insight?
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15:07 MinetestBot Wuzzy: Jan-26 19:57 UTC <ROllerozxa> Whenever you have the time, could you go through some of your older mods and migrate them off of repo.or.cz and onto codeberg?
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16:20 Chis27 hello?
16:21 RhineDevil hello! has cora been here lately?
16:22 Chis27 has there been thoughts of an ios port?
16:23 ROllerozxa ios port is not happening for a number of reasons
16:23 Chis27 ... which are
16:23 Chis27 cause it seems relitivly simple
16:23 rubenwardy https://wiki.minetest.net/FAQ#Can_you_add_support_for_iOS.3F
16:24 Chis27 c++ is pretty versatile
16:24 Chis27 you dont need a mac
16:24 Chis27 or $80
16:24 Chis27 just use sideloadly
16:24 Chis27 or altstore
16:24 Chis27 or sidestore
16:25 ROllerozxa *facepalm*
16:25 Chis27 there are so many ways to sideload
16:25 ROllerozxa yeah get to work then
16:25 mrkubax10 cool thing about free software is that if some feature is missing you can implement it yourself
16:25 mrkubax10 or in this case port to some platform
16:26 rubenwardy we barely support Android, and that's easier and a more open platform
16:27 Jon[m]1 joined #minetest
16:28 Chis27 thats true, but the reason why in the faq is irrelevant due to more recent advances in sideloading so maybe it should just be changed to "we dont want to" rather than spreading misinformation on the difficulty of sideloading
16:29 rubenwardy I've edited
16:30 Chis27 thanks
16:30 galex-713_ joined #minetest
16:30 Chis27 ima try minetest on my computer when i get
16:30 Chis27 home
16:30 Chis27 i tried using a vm on my ipad
16:30 Chis27 but it was so laggy lmao
16:37 Wuzzy What does frame_blend in object:set_animation() do?
16:51 MTDiscord <luatic> nothing, it's buggy AFAIK
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16:57 Wuzzy okay but any idea what it is *meant* to do?
16:57 Wuzzy Should I document this parameter as "reserved for later use" then? :D
16:57 MTDiscord <luatic> I think it's supposed to blend animations but IDK
16:58 Wuzzy yeah i messed around with this and any non-zero value makes the object turn inside out lol
16:59 Desour blend as in interpolate position, rotation and co.? if yes, interpolate how? linear? spherical linear? some other non-linear thing?
17:00 Desour TIL: minetest has a faq
17:00 Chis27 lmao
17:07 rubenwardy faqing 'ell
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20:32 bogroll1234 anyone want to join my server? afs-minetest.duckdns.org:30005
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23:02 MTDiscord <PrairieWind> what game and mods?
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