Time Nick Message 02:01 MTDiscord Big endian or little endian? 02:01 MTDiscord Ahem 02:02 MTDiscord May I make a minor suggestion: If you are worried about losing float precision on the conversion perhaps you could cast it to an integer and then store it? Heck you could get a string of the bytes using a lua library then store it and recover it so it does not change 02:03 MTDiscord Perhaps you could just use integers? If we had access to the c api we could utilize a ulong but that is another can of worms 02:03 MTDiscord Medium endian 02:04 MTDiscord If you use the floats as int then you could just roll over when the data overflows the float buffer bloop blop and pause whatever you're doing for that one tick 02:04 MTDiscord IIRC doesn't MT's serialize handle high precision number formatting? 02:04 MTDiscord If you're feeling absolutely out of your mind, you can use strings to store huge numbers as chars 02:04 MTDiscord I think it uses like 18 decimal digits or something to achieve that though 02:06 MTDiscord Hmm, uhhh, maybe a library that uses a comparitor alphabet stored as enums and enumerate the string to get mathmatical output? Like ba + ba = ca 10+10 = 20 02:07 MTDiscord I think I am losing the plot here though, convert that stuff to integer and then utilize a secondary float to carry over it's tail then add them back together on reload of data 02:07 muurkha currently popular computers store everything as chars 02:08 muurkha for like the last 40 years 02:08 FavoritoHJS oh no, not imex dneidna 02:08 MTDiscord chars are secretly integers but don't tell anyone that I told you that or M* * * * * will come after me 02:08 muurkha in the sense that all their memory is byte-addressable 02:09 FavoritoHJS what m? 02:09 MTDiscord 🥸 02:09 MTDiscord No idea what you're talkin about bub 02:10 FavoritoHJS you say chars are integers... but what if i told you everything is an integer 02:11 muurkha your mom's an integer 02:11 FavoritoHJS even pointers, to the horror of those looking to avoid tripmines 02:11 FavoritoHJS "Hello, I would like the value 3 above this pointer" 02:12 FavoritoHJS they have played us for absolute fools 02:20 MTDiscord Everything isn't an integer, everything is whatever arch your pc is at and it pretends it's not 1 0 02:21 MTDiscord https://tenor.com/view/angry-mad-crazy-rage-finn-gif-14171670 02:22 FavoritoHJS (laughs in assembly, then modifies this sentence to start with cries) 05:42 lissobone Hello everybody. 06:00 MTDiscord Hello 06:02 lissobone Greetings. 06:02 lissobone I have a feeling that the name "test royale" is kind of lame. 06:03 lissobone NucleoTest? 06:08 lissobone I'll go with that name. 06:08 lissobone OK, maybe now. 06:08 lissobone Not*. 06:13 MTDiscord The Dome Of Doom 06:14 lissobone Sounds attractive, but the battlefield is not a dome. 06:14 lissobone It's a cylinder. 06:43 MTDiscord Cylindrical Slaughter Scope? 06:44 lissobone Probably. 06:44 MTDiscord Coil Of Cacophonous Catastrophe 07:22 MTDiscord Command sent from Discord by LMD: 07:22 MTDiscord !tell fluxionary I've documented this thoroughly in https://github.com/minetest/minetest_docs/blob/master/doc/classes/MetaData.adoc#set_intkey-value and https://github.com/minetest/minetest_docs/blob/master/doc/classes/MetaData.adoc#set_floatkey-value: Minetest coerces Lua numbers (64-bit doubles) to 32-bit integers or 32-bit floats depending on the method you use, thus often losing precision. If you want to reliably store Lua numbers, you can do 07:22 MinetestBot MTDiscord: I'll pass that on when fluxionary is around 07:22 MTDiscord that using `tonumber` and `("%g.17"):format(num)` (not `tostring`!). 07:23 MTDiscord Oh and BTW it's very well possible that Minetest formats floats as %f.6 in the metadata, which would cause slight precision loss even for 32-bit floats. 09:13 lissobone So, the API is almost finished. 09:14 lissobone It has almost all functions needed to build a basic game. 09:15 lissobone The loot, I think, should be kept as a separate mod, since players might want to not rely on any extra loot at all or program something on their own. 09:16 lissobone That way, the API can be used in a full game. 10:57 lissobone Currently testing it with 2 players. Works fine so far. 10:59 lissobone There's a single problem, though. 11:00 lissobone If there's a dungeon above sea level, a player might get teleported into it. 11:08 lissobone I'll deal with this later. It's time to implement radiation damage. 11:23 calcul0n_ you might have a look at how technic handles it, it's pretty good 11:23 calcul0n_ (and not too complicated iirc) 11:24 lissobone I want to make a table that would contain "effect" values for each competing player. 11:24 lissobone This same value is used to calculate the probability of the geiger counter beeping. 11:25 lissobone Well, not the same, actually. 11:25 lissobone The effect value that's used for the counter isn't accumulative. 11:26 lissobone Each global step the effect value would be added to each respective player's accumulative effect value, and if it exceeds a certain amount, a proportional amount of damage will be dealt. 11:27 lissobone Slightly more realistic. 11:28 lissobone And this is the time I'll need Octave once again to more effectively visualize my calculations. 13:12 lissobone I have got an idea. 13:13 lissobone What about playing sounds to each player separately depending on the velocity of the sound-emitting object? This would supposedly affect the pitch. 13:13 lissobone But you can't change the pitch while the sound is playing, as far as I know. 13:13 lissobone Bad idea. 13:53 rubenwardy lissobone: that's called the Doppler effect 13:54 rubenwardy There's a PR that adds it #12764 13:54 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12764 -- Sound refactor and improvements by Desour 14:00 lissobone I have read it. 14:24 lissobone I have finished the damage algorithm. 14:24 lissobone Time to test it (and experience lung failure). 14:27 lissobone It works. 14:27 lissobone The damage value is rising consistently. 14:28 lissobone Works exactly as intended. 14:28 lissobone The damage is 1 each time, but it speeds up. 14:29 lissobone It's too realistic. 14:46 lissobone I am perfecting the algorithm. 15:12 lissobone Any suggestions? 16:25 MinetestBot fluxionary: Jan-09 07:22 UTC I've documented this thoroughly in https://github.com/minetest/minetest_docs/blob/master/doc/classes/MetaData.adoc#set_intkey-value and https://github.com/minetest/minetest_docs/blob/master/doc/classes/MetaData.adoc#set_floatkey-value: Minetest coerces Lua numbers (64-bit doubles) to 32-bit integers or 32-bit floats depending on the method you use, thus often losing precision. If you want to reli 16:34 MTDiscord If you want to reliably store Lua numbers, you can do that using tonumber and ("%g.17"):format(num) (not tostring!). 16:45 MTDiscord Yeah, it just sorta sucks that you have to expand an 8-byte double into like a 20-byte decimal-in-ascii string instead of doing the sane thing and keeping it 8 bytes. 17:10 MTDiscord Taking into account the exponent and sign it may even be longer than 20 bytes ;) 17:11 MTDiscord You can keep it somewhat shorter using hex, but hex exponents aren't supported on Lua 5.1. 17:11 MTDiscord Even using base 16, you're bound to be twice as large as base 256 ;) 17:34 lissobone Question. 17:35 lissobone Has anyone here ever heard of Ruben Vardanyan? 17:41 lissobone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Vardanyan_(politician) 17:43 ROllerozxa isn't he the creator of minecraft 17:44 MTDiscord I'm not sure if we endorse any non-wardy rubens here. 18:03 rubenwardy the real ruben ward is remaking Simpson's Hit and Run: https://www.youtube.com/@reubs 18:04 rubenwardy I'm just a tribute 18:04 rubenwardy oh, they're reuben ward 18:05 rubenwardy I probably should have spelt it reuben as that's more common in the UK 18:08 MTDiscord compromise: rüben 18:09 rubenwardy no idea how you'd pronounce that 18:09 rubenwardy please remember that I'm English and thus uncultured 18:15 lissobone German umlauts are pronounced like this: 18:15 lissobone First, pronounce the original unumlauted sound. 18:15 MTDiscord you could even anglicize it as rueben 18:15 lissobone Done pronouncing? 18:16 lissobone Now, place your tongue so it touches your lower jaw teeth. 18:16 lissobone Say those very sounds. 18:16 lissobone Congrats, you have successfully learned how to pronounce umlauts. 18:16 lissobone This is a hack I accidentally invented myself. 18:17 lissobone All German umlauts (ä, ü, ö) follow this rule. 18:18 lissobone Note: the unumlauted vowels are pronounced differently in German. 18:20 lissobone A like O in mOuse, U as in lUbe, O as in bOre. 19:34 MinetestBot 02[git] 04rollerozxa -> 03minetest/minetest: Add option to exclude Development Test from release packages (#13081) 13d0b6f21 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/d0b6f217ae4743ee0caa44b90c53e0e8ae2d1e31 (152023-01-09T19:34:13Z) 20:01 MinetestBot 02[git] 04TurkeyMcMac -> 03minetest/minetest: Always set globals in __newindex (#13131) 13d69cb4f https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/d69cb4fb5d74753b06cc9c42e2a221e82506705a (152023-01-09T20:00:49Z) 20:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04x2048 -> 03minetest/minetest: Remove mapblock cache for mesh generation. (#13124) 13139db66 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/139db66901a76dc95747335145606839aae746bb (152023-01-09T20:40:08Z) 20:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Wuzzy2 -> 03minetest/minetest: DevTest: `chest_of_everything` mod: Add search, bag, improve formspec… 13a3177b8 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/a3177b89d8e68d39b8e2ad24e88cd87820d1135a (152023-01-09T20:40:41Z)