Time Nick Message 00:16 MinetestBot 02[git] 04lhofhansl -> 03minetest/minetest: Allow saturation to be controlled by the server. (#13075) 131e7804a https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/1e7804aaf66e2c2a81f81267923621dea17cb274 (152022-12-26T00:15:32Z) 00:33 FavoritoHJS 01today i figured out kiwiirc supports markup with ctrl+B/I/U and color with ctrl+K, tell me how discord handles 00T01T02T03T04H05H06H07H08I09I10I11I12S13S14S15S15141312111009080706050403020100 00:34 sfan5 discord doesn't have colors 00:34 sfan5 objectively inferior 00:35 FavoritoHJS now what I don't know is how to return colors to default after changing them, else I have to pick one and hope everyone is using light/dark mode 00:35 FavoritoHJS aww man the irc logs don't same markup D: 00:35 FavoritoHJS save* 00:37 FavoritoHJS i know that should be possible, the messages from @@MinetestBot can change color depending on dark mode but all I can see in the color picker is a "nuke all color from this message" option 00:39 FavoritoHJS also about discord color handling, I was half-hoping it was going to use an ansi escape code block for that, as that supports bold, underline (no italic though) and some colors 00:40 FavoritoHJS talking about that, here's something i had stashed in my toolbar that might be useful for someone: https://rebane2001.com/discord-colored-text-generator/ 00:41 FavoritoHJS Generated text isn't completely optimized but for quick markup it should be Fine:tm: so long as it doesn't exceed 2k (or 5k for nitro) chars 07:06 lissobone 3 21:00 MinetestBot 02[git] 04SmallJoker -> 03minetest/minetest: Lua API: Document shader dependencies of set_lighting() (#13079) 1303e7101 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/03e710160f5c573b74097173b8202f209e5106ad (152022-12-26T20:59:55Z) 23:10 FavoritoHJS aaaaagh why must technic act like this 23:10 FavoritoHJS the energy crystals aren't blocks, they're items, right? 23:11 FavoritoHJS so you would think the crystal appearance would be a prerendered texture, right? 23:11 FavoritoHJS `inventory_image = minetest.inventorycube()` begs otherwise 23:12 FavoritoHJS this means that without modding the mod itself (something that won't work on servers), it's literally impossible to make the crystal texture appear like an item instead of a block 23:14 FavoritoHJS and before you say "muh client mod" a) not plug and play and b) can't redefine nodes afaik, not even cosmetic redefines 23:17 FavoritoHJS also why are dusts at the bottom of the inventory slot? I know it's not incorrect, just weird when held... 23:23 FavoritoHJS also also technic textures seem odd, like they are copied from somewhere else... 23:23 FavoritoHJS also also also why are so many textures in general using transparent alpha when that doesn't work with items