Time Nick Message 02:38 diceLibrarian you think we could have an admin-only button, that when pressed runs minetest.request_shutdown() 02:40 MTDiscord write the mod for it 03:02 MTDiscord lua on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) if minetest.check_player_privs(clicker, "admin") then minetest.request_shutdown() end end Now you make the rest dice, also I have not tested this in the slightest bit 06:43 MinetestBot fluxionary: Nov-09 08:42 UTC need packet captures to give targeted advice 06:44 fluxionary @sfan5: sorry i missed something. packet captures of what? for what purpose? 06:44 fluxionary (going to sleep just signed on to relay a meme to other people) 10:21 runs hi guyz 18:36 sfan5 !tell GreenXenith I'll decline due to lack of time 18:36 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when GreenXenith is around 21:22 FavoritoHJS want to get started on gpgpu, but all this stuff about all these "ai accelerators" that seem to be glorified matrix calculators yet are all code-incompatible with each other is not great 21:24 celeron55 well as far as what i've seen it's truly a mess. but you might be able to find some library that provides some compatibility while still allowing you to do what you want 21:34 sfan5 start by having an nvidia gpu because most of the stuff is written for it 21:44 FavoritoHJS to help future travelers, it seems like tensor cores are 4x4 (or i THINK post-3000, 2x8) multiplies in fp16 (or bf16, aka truncated fp32 to 16 bits; or post-3000, tf32, which should be called tf19 due to being truncated fp32 to 19 bits)... with bits of i8, i4, bool (src: anantech), fp32 or even (post-3000) fp64 in there as well? This is a fractal 21:44 FavoritoHJS of undocumented behaviour... SAVE US ABRASH 21:44 FavoritoHJS but there's basically nothing about how nvidia's sparsity acceleration works, or internals of raytracing acceleration (I feel like the public API must be wasting lots of cycles in abstractions...), or what amd and intel are offering, or video acceleration (which would actually be helpful, only cpu-compute the new bits of av1 and the bits imported 21:44 FavoritoHJS from vp9 use the gpu instead)... 21:45 cranezhou_ws_mt https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12746 21:46 FavoritoHJS almost reminds me of early pc audio except it's 30x more complex and a constantly moving goalpost 21:46 cranezhou_ws_mt i just updated this issue (tickets) with some of my comments. ;-P