Time Nick Message 02:55 Lesha_Vel hi 03:15 Wuzzy Perlin Explorer 1.0.0 released: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=28027&p=409461 06:20 jojje Hello, I have just set up a server. How can I change the privileges for my player? 08:06 lemonzest jojje: in the config for your server you should have a name field thats the admin user who can use the privs command 08:06 lemonzest it will be "name = " and the name you chose for admin, log in under that name 08:07 lemonzest then it will be something like "/grant name priv" I think, or something like that, not 100% sure of the command 09:41 jojje lemonzest: thanks :) 12:50 hn_ ok fine back 12:50 hn_ so how to open crafter? no idea... 13:15 hn_ ded chat 15:21 hn_ nvm. now i dont want crafter. now i want alternative to both minetest and minecraft... 15:22 MTDiscord you're still in #minetest... ? 15:23 hn_ ikr? 15:23 hn_ but want alternative to it so rwalted 15:23 hn_ *related 15:24 mrkubax10 stop pls 15:24 mrkubax10 btw ubuntu releases now 15:26 MTDiscord cool, so you can get an ubuntu release with less than a year old packages? 15:26 MTDiscord how revolutionary 15:26 erle ubuntu has LTS releases and beta releases 15:26 erle so why is a new ubuntu beta interesting? 15:27 erle oh Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS 15:27 mrkubax10 afaik it's release of 22.04 LTS 15:27 erle that is the last 15:27 erle so the new one is just a new non-beta 15:27 erle well 15:27 erle i use debian stale 15:28 sfan5 good news for all friends of stale software: the fresh release of Ubuntu 22.04 includes Minetest 5.4.1 15:29 erle nice 15:29 mrkubax10 werid, why it doesn't contain 5.5.0 15:29 MTDiscord oh my, that's only one version out of date! 15:29 erle because 15:31 mrkubax10 *dramatic silence* 15:31 definitelya mrkubax10: Probably due to packaging difficulty related to Irrlichtmt. 15:40 sfan5 could be but it's not like that's unsolvable, they're probably short on time 15:42 aoki hn_: I also want more games like that 15:42 hn_ ubuntu is kringe... 15:42 hn_ woah, reilly? aoki? 15:43 MTDiscord no, ubuntu is just regular cringe, kubuntu is kringe :P 15:43 definitelya True, hopefully it's taken care of, soon. 15:43 aoki I want more immersive games like minetest 15:43 hn_ i want just alternative with mods in python 15:43 aoki huh 15:43 aoki I'd prefer mods in erlang 15:44 hn_ nvm 15:44 mrkubax10 what's wrong about Lua? 15:44 aoki lua is too easy 15:44 MTDiscord PHP modding API when 15:44 hn_ for me non-understandable lol 15:44 aoki but more seriously, having erlang's concurrency model for mods would be pretty cool 15:44 hn_ no, python 15:44 mrkubax10 SQL modding api when 15:45 aoki LMAO 15:45 hn_ no. 15:45 aoki javascript 15:45 definitelya aoki: It doesn't get more immersive than VR. ;) Have you heard of NeosVr? 15:45 hn_ what? 15:45 aoki I have not! 15:45 aoki oh, it even works on linux 15:45 hn_ ah, metaverse. pfth 15:45 definitelya It's a FOSS VR platform, I think it's awesome if you are into that. 15:46 definitelya hn_: no 15:46 definitelya >.< 15:46 hn_ google said 15:46 aoki can I buy nft 15:46 hn_ Neos Metaverse - also known as NeosVR 15:46 hn_ right from google 15:46 definitelya aoki: I don't think so lol. 15:47 aoki minetest resources should be nft 15:47 aoki like gold 15:47 aoki and then you can trade it on minetest stock exchange between servers 15:47 hn_ there is oins mod 15:47 hn_ * coins 15:47 aoki no, connect it to actual blockchain network lmao 15:47 aoki as nft 15:47 erle on the upside, ubuntu packaging means more people bitching about incompatible APIs! 15:48 hn_ possible... 15:48 aoki interfact through mods 15:48 erle which hopefully, one day, will lead to people adopting development practices where the rugpulling ends 15:48 hn_ but requires security turned off due to networking 15:48 erle i mean the LTS users will be stuck on 5.4.1 for 2 years 15:48 hn_ lol 15:49 hn_ and use debian with dev-newest 15:49 aoki hn_: yeah, and also a bunch of other headache like having to setup a wallet and figure out how to mint tokens 15:49 hn_ maybe 15:49 erle > minetest stock exchange between servers 15:49 erle lol 15:49 erle call it block exchange 15:49 hn_ possible 15:49 aoki stonks 15:49 aoki multi-server economy 15:49 hn_ just to disable security but can be done 15:50 hn_ and requires centralised server 15:50 erle could be but it's not like that's unsolvable, they're probably short on time 15:50 erle sfan5, the truth is that ubuntu just takes debian testing and leaves most of the packages in whatever state they are in 15:50 aoki hn_: not true 15:50 erle sfan5, meanwhile, debian people come to your project and ask about packaging and stuff 15:51 erle sfan5, as has happened with minetest. debian people also give you messages like “we are intending to release soon, are you sure you don't want to make a new release, hint hint” sometimes 15:51 hn_ mine version - 5.5.0 15:51 erle i absolutely despise the ubuntu development practices 15:51 hn_ thk 15:51 hn_ modded deb 15:51 erle i made a lot of emoji for unifont and a game that used emojis and for half a year ubuntu users were like HALF THE CHARACTERS DO NOT DISPLAY 15:51 erle because ubuntu sucks 15:51 hn_ yep 15:51 hn_ indeed 15:52 erle meanwhile, the unifont contributions got to debian faster than to arch 15:52 hn_ not saying that it also sends data to external servers (in differece from windows that it says about it) 15:52 sfan5 erle: I know what ubuntu does, "they" is referring to the debian maintainers 15:53 hn_ indeed lol 15:53 hn_ except of wallpapers xd 15:56 hn_ this lol : https://ibb.co/NT2h61p (why empty world doesnt detect default nodes? lol) 15:57 hn_ noone? 15:57 hn_ mod is epty 15:57 MTDiscord have you defined the aliases? 15:58 hn_ means ? 15:58 MTDiscord ...the mapgen aliases for the default nodes it generates. kinda important yknow 16:00 hn_ i just have this : https://codeberg.org/hacknorris/electronics.git thats all 16:00 hn_ mods folder empty same as menu (doesnt exist in gitblub cause empty) 16:03 hn_ so what now ? 16:03 MTDiscord register some nodes 16:05 hn_ means ? 16:05 hn_ i was just testing empty game 16:06 erle go to content tab 16:06 erle download stuff 16:06 hn_ (means - literally empty - only gave description and name) 16:06 hn_ and yes, i have few downloads 16:06 MTDiscord a game without any mods that add content is just that - a game with no content 16:06 hn_ nodecore, voxelgarden, minebase... 16:07 hn_ but i forced flat and it produces singlnode 16:07 MTDiscord I don't know what you were expecting, unknown node world or something 16:07 hn_ literaly 16:07 MTDiscord hn_: that's because you don't have any nodes registered. 16:07 definitelya hn_: minebase is discontinued(?) 16:07 hn_ because it should take from mtg? 16:07 hn_ i thihnk 16:08 MTDiscord it doesn't. minetest is independent from minetest game 16:08 hn_ well... now i know thk 16:08 MTDiscord for an actual bare bones game if you want a base to work on, check out void game. here's its mod that registers essential nodes: https://gitlab.com/4w/void/-/blob/master/mods/void_essential/init.lua 16:08 hn_ its incontentdb ? 16:09 MTDiscord yeah it's in contentdb too 16:09 MTDiscord not that it would be of much use in itself, you wanna make a game right? 16:10 hn_ yeah, wanted just to know... (starting from smaller thing, on OS ending :'D ) 16:12 hn_ and a question - is there a thing to achieve a bed-similar chair on which i can sit and could boost time by 5% ? 16:13 hn_ but to have a sitting position, not staying 16:16 hn_ noone? 16:16 hn_ no way to change position ? 16:29 erle hn_ maybe ask question on forums 16:31 hn_ nvm 16:31 hn_ going to make something bigger outside 16:42 MTDiscord hn_: attaching to an entity and setting the sitting anim? 16:42 MTDiscord dunno how it would be able to boost time without being weird for other players though 16:43 hn_ just sitting without moving. like bed 16:43 hn_ with an exact position of sitting (not stand lol) 16:46 hn_ can i have yet another big and weird question needing you to visit 2 urls ? 16:48 MTDiscord what, do you want me to ask you a question? 16:48 hn_ no, just that here is error : https://termbin.com/e9ue 16:48 hn_ and here is source : https://github.com/hacknorris-aka-penguin/minetestOS 16:49 hn_ why it says file doesnt exist while it does ? 16:50 ROllerozxa that's... not how you include files in minetest lua 16:50 hn_ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 16:50 hn_ i took it from lua help page, not mt so should 16:50 hn_ (also) 16:51 hn_ i deal with it for over 1 month... 16:51 ROllerozxa you need to use dofile() with minetest.get_modpath 16:52 hn_ how ? 16:52 hn_ (now im dumb) 16:52 hn_ ( + need to rewrite 100 files) 16:54 ROllerozxa `dofile(minetest.get_modpath('minetest_os').."/root/etc/main.lua")` 16:54 hn_ two dots ? 16:54 ROllerozxa concatenation 16:54 hn_ ok 16:55 ROllerozxa if you have a lot of file includes you might want to write a helper function to make it less verbose 16:55 hn_ and now how to include in same directory? can use require ? 16:55 ROllerozxa still dofile 16:55 hn_ and what is a helper function ? 16:56 hn_ (im a noob now lol) 16:57 ROllerozxa small functions that helps you out, dunno how else to describe it 16:57 hn_ how to make? how it helps ? 16:57 hn_ o.O 16:59 hn_ for the now rrewriting files btw 17:00 hn_ also a next thing - cant it be boosted by lfs? 17:00 ROllerozxa what kind of lfs? 17:00 hn_ lua filesystem 17:00 hn_ addon 17:01 hn_ (require) 17:02 hn_ so nooone? 17:03 ROllerozxa uh, minetest already provides I/O functions, or do you wonder if they are slower than lfs? 17:03 hn_ less typing 17:03 hn_ im not caring about speed 17:03 hn_ ;p 17:03 mrkubax10 ... 17:04 ROllerozxa are you kidding me 17:04 hn_ no 17:04 hn_ for the now thank god i didnt wrote it all i needed to change 25 line 17:05 hn_ sif i'd wrote all it and only saw this error i could have even 1000 lines to rewrite 17:05 hn_ so i very dont joke 17:11 ROllerozxa anyways so what's this minetest operating system project about? 17:12 hn_ mostly "apps" in formspecs and binaries as commands in one of such app 17:12 hn_ + user management and custom home dirs... like for testing/learning purposes 17:13 hn_ and anyways - why minestest takes mod dir as this in .minetest not .var/.minetest ? having bugs again... 17:13 hn_ (installed fromflatpak) 17:13 hn_ and again 404 ... 17:15 hn_ oh, now know why error. nvm 17:15 hn_ (forgot slash)( 17:16 ROllerozxa when in doubt blame flatpak 17:17 hn_ no, now fine. it was mine error :'D 17:17 hn_ as i saaid - forgor slash... 17:17 hn_ but now having error with syntax? probly... 17:17 hn_ this : shell_commands.lua:3: ')' expected near 'do' 17:18 hn_ need to add semicolon like in bash or how ? 17:19 hn_ ? 17:24 hn_ ded chat? 17:24 ROllerozxa my crystal ball is broken, could you perhaps link to the code 17:24 hn_ moment 17:25 hn_ this : https://termbin.com/dl2z 17:27 hn_ and this error full : https://termbin.com/qoap 17:28 hn_ ROllerozxa ↑↑↑ 17:28 ROllerozxa hmm, have you tested if it's a case of lua being picky and wanting a space between the closing paranthesis and 'do'? 17:29 hn_ was both with and wothout and still 17:29 MTDiscord try having the same number of closing parens as you have opening ones 17:29 ROllerozxa oh whoops, didn't even notice that 17:30 hn_ no, now thrown no lib. probly fixed but gimme moment 17:30 ROllerozxa yeah you need another closing one, gotta have balance 17:30 ROllerozxa (I'm expecting a certain xkcd to be linked right about now) 17:31 hn_ no, not needed. now findong way to install lfs (changed OS'es in between) 17:35 MTDiscord No need to link the xkcd, it's implied. 17:35 hn_ yes i also like this comic... no need to send 17:35 MTDiscord Also, while the fortune cookie one is the nominal reference, bonus points for thinking of the one about LISP. 17:36 MTDiscord the "weapons from a more civilized time" one, not the "hacked it together in perl" one 17:36 mrkubax10 did someone say ("lisp" "expression")? 17:36 mrkubax10 :D 17:37 hn_ anyways - why system throws that lua doesnt exist while i have it inMINETEST? 17:37 hn_ (installing package manager for it) 17:38 hn_ hlp 17:38 ROllerozxa flatpak includes lua statically linked with minetest right? 17:38 hn_ means ? 17:38 ROllerozxa or maybe you have luajit installed with your package manager 17:38 hn_ so how to install luarocks ? to install lfs ? 17:39 hn_ (yep started messing up) 17:39 mrkubax10 I would avoid using external libs when creating mods 17:39 hn_ its for github 17:40 hn_ ;) 17:40 ROllerozxa well it's like any other package isn't it, you are probably more knowledgeable about your own system's package manager than I am 17:40 ROllerozxa `(package manager install) luarocks` or something 17:40 hn_ synaptic worked 17:41 hn_ (like always) 17:41 mrkubax10 so it's not minetest mod? 17:41 hn_ it uses externals 17:41 hn_ but yes for mt 17:42 hn_ mt still doesnt see lfs... 17:42 hn_ geez 17:42 * ROllerozxa wonders what synaptic is 17:43 hn_ package manager? gui ? debian ? 17:43 hn_ no nothing u know ? 17:43 * mrkubax10 thinks that it's definitely not *system* package manager 17:43 hn_ at me it is 17:43 hn_ (i use solydx still lol ) 17:43 hn_ (modded) 17:43 hn_ but anyways - why mt doesnt see ext libs ? 17:43 mrkubax10 s/package manager/package manager frontend/ 17:44 ROllerozxa ah so a package manager GUI frontend. I thought it was like a package manager and wondered why I've never heard of it 17:44 hn_ bro 17:44 hn_ apt 17:44 hn_ but nvm why it still throws that lfs doesnt exist? installed... 17:45 ROllerozxa bro I'm mentally handicapped I use arch 17:45 hn_ btw ? 17:45 ROllerozxa not arch btw, just regular arch :P 17:45 hn_ ok 17:46 * mrkubax10 is not cool enough for arch 17:46 hn_ ? 17:46 hn_ talking as system ? 17:48 ROllerozxa anyways about lfs not existing, are you sure flatpak is able to access system packages like that? flatpak is the one that has sandboxing stuff right? 17:49 hn_ ye 17:49 hn_ but minetest which is in my apt is as outdated as it doesnt support current maps 17:49 hn_ and flatpak is global so.... 17:51 MTDiscord hn_: why should MT use LFS? It'd only be reasonable for exposure to the Lua API, and even then there would probably be security concerns. 17:54 hn_ iterating thru all folder and searching for files to instantly register as commands? 17:54 hn_ now u know? 17:54 hn_ hope 18:02 ROllerozxa lol what if trucks in minetest 18:10 definitelya trains even 18:28 hn_ not transportaion mod ? 18:37 hn_ both trucks and trains... and airplane too =] 19:09 MTDiscord farm machinery… 19:24 MTDiscord hn_: this is already possible using the APIs MT provides 19:24 MTDiscord minetest.get_dir_list in particular 19:30 hn_ and what it does? (im still n00b. maybe tomorrow you have matrix? voice chat i ask) 19:30 rubenwardy it returns a list of files and dirs in a directory 19:30 hn_ ah, more like ls or tree 19:30 hn_ ? 19:33 aoki guys lets mine 19:33 hn_ ? 19:33 erle hn_, have you read the minetest book that rubenwardy wrote 19:33 aoki we need more mese 19:33 hn_ but i read it... few times, api.txt , wiki and dev wiki too... 19:34 erle aoki, make a mese messenger service mod with bright yellow mese postal boxes 19:34 erle every player gets a mese address! 19:34 MTDiscord I wouldn't bother with either wiki, they're horribly outdated 19:34 hn_ ikr? i just said i read 19:34 aoki erle, is that a reference to mese meme origins? 19:37 hn_ hey, how dumb it could be if i'd connect minetest to fediverse? means - give players nicks like in fedi (@user@instacne/ip.com) , make a post app which could work like mastodon and make profiles (for server too) ? 19:38 erle aoki mese is hungarian for fairy tale! 19:38 erle hn_ why start with an @ in the username? 19:38 aoki hn_, would be really cool to use public keys for player auth 19:38 erle user @ server 19:39 hn_ like mail. fedi is like mail 19:39 aoki hn_, to prove authenticity, we can sign other player's signatures 19:39 hn_ and make accounts for mt (optoinal) 19:39 aoki can even have paid accounts, where you'd pay for signature 19:39 hn_ ye lol 19:39 erle emilia made an encrypted messenger CSM i think 19:39 aoki based 19:40 hn_ well... but its not a global tihngy communicating over http using masto 19:40 erle i look it up i hope i find it 19:40 hn_ ok 19:40 aoki is fediverse instant messaging? 19:40 hn_ no 19:40 hn_ and i know it 19:41 MTDiscord fediverse is like FOSS Twitter 19:41 hn_ yep ans i use it 19:41 MTDiscord (well, Mastodon specifically is) 19:41 aoki oh cool, tweet right from the mines 19:41 hn_ ye 19:41 hn_ or make chatcommand 19:42 erle aoki fediverse is a distributed meming/shitposting/flirting solution for anarchists, queers & fossbros 19:42 aoki great 19:42 aoki finally anarchists can flirt 19:43 hn_ im not too much (only linux) 19:43 MTDiscord "fediverse" actually refers to the federated method of moderation/de-centralization, but usually it's used to refer to Mastodon 19:43 hn_ but i like it cuz got muted on twtt 19:44 rubenwardy GoodClover: Mastodon is part of the fediverse, but it's not the only app 19:44 erle did you ask for cracked minecraft or what 19:44 hn_ i know. 19:44 hn_ no i dont as for crack 19:44 rubenwardy Mastodon is really good, is has good UX and I've personally found it less toxic than Twitter 19:44 hn_ i talk about fedi 19:44 rubenwardy which is a surprise 19:44 hn_ yep. me too. and less addicting 19:44 erle it took twitter an attempt at insurrection to ban the annoying orange, so i think that getting banned there is an achievement. 19:44 MTDiscord the UX depends on what interface you use ? I use tusky personalyl 19:44 hn_ (cuz of it i use) 19:45 rubenwardy Well, I was referring to the official web interface. I use Tusky on Android 19:45 rubenwardy there's an official Mastodon app though 19:45 hn_ oh, me too. tusky. with custom tabs =] 19:45 hn_ (and on ios official) 19:45 hn_ ey. why there isnt mt for ios ? lol 19:45 rubenwardy was released recently, will probably take some time to mature 19:45 rubenwardy https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.joinmastodon.android 19:45 erle rubenwardy many interfaces still heavily use the social media dark patterns that drive addiction, like endless scrolling or notifications or showing your friends avatars next to their messages (which i think drives engagement?) 19:45 rubenwardy hn_: license issues 19:46 hn_ ah 19:46 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest: Update docs to reference CSS Color Module Level 3 13583257f https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/583257f093b958be7e4e82803f53550e4a3beb8a (152022-04-21T19:45:20Z) 19:46 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix some debug info showing despite being disabled in the UI (#12205) 134558793 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/4558793caf48d63c74574ba740a96c92d0afcc2c (152022-04-21T19:45:47Z) 19:46 hn_ dumb apple :'D 19:46 rubenwardy see https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12176#issuecomment-1090329805 19:47 hn_ last comment ? 19:48 hn_ altstore? 19:48 rubenwardy the comment I linked to, my one 19:48 hn_ saw saw 19:48 hn_ fine 19:48 hn_ (while having 2 jb ipads lol) 19:57 hn_ (just asking, wont use this info) someone knows if minetest can be run on vr glasses? just asking if it looks okay cause 3d world should be very prepared for glasses i think :'D 19:57 rubenwardy there are rendering modes that allow you to view the world using VR headsets 19:58 rubenwardy but there's no integration with controllers or head movement 19:58 hn_ o.O thank. just had a thought. nvm 19:58 hn_ ah, ok 19:58 hn_ but why isnt. i think should be... 19:59 hn_ and other question - you are on matrix? so i could join tmorrow? (finally bought wireless headphones lol, having some questions) 20:00 rubenwardy I am on matrix, but I'm not a huge fan of voice calls 20:01 hn_ ah 20:01 hn_ sad 20:01 hn_ thought that there is a global group 20:02 rubenwardy there's an official MT space 20:02 hn_ where ? 20:02 rubenwardy https://matrix.to/#/+minetest:tchncs.de 20:03 hn_ thk 20:34 aoki has anyone tried using minetest with google cardboard? 20:36 aoki wait... there's side by side rendering mode 20:36 aoki hmm 20:37 aoki but does it support phone compas/accelerometer? 20:37 aoki that's pretty cool 20:55 aoki hm, neither top-to-bottom and side-by-side 3d modes seem to work on andoroid 20:59 rubenwardy I have, when those 3d modes worked on android 20:59 rubenwardy but as said Minetest doesn't support VR controls such as head tracking (acc/gyros/compass) 21:11 MTDiscord side-by-side works for me, but upside down and the GUI controls freak out 21:12 MTDiscord flipped upside down, not rotated 180deg. 21:13 erle just rotate the phone lol 21:15 MTDiscord but then everything's right-to-left 21:16 MTDiscord How do side-by-side and crossview actually differ? 21:20 aoki btw do you know why media takes so long to load on android? 21:20 aoki I am trying version from google play. Version from FDroid seemed a lot faster to load 21:29 aoki all I see is black screen :/ 21:30 aoki well anaglyph works on phone 21:30 aoki but side-by-side is black screen 21:31 rubenwardy slow loading is due to 64bit Android issues 21:31 aoki interesting 21:32 aoki cross eye view also shows pixelated mess instead of game