Time Nick Message 00:24 fluxionary did any other servers git hit other than your-land? 00:24 MTDiscord by the stupid spammers 00:24 MTDiscord yes 00:25 MTDiscord ctf, edgynet servers, a few mineclone servers 00:28 fluxionary does anyone need help keeping the spammer off their systems? 08:21 Oblomov hello, I'm contributing to the nodecore translations on weblate. I think it would be appropriate to have a game-specific glossary (aside from the generic minetest one) 08:22 Oblomov Warr1024 said I can try doing it myself, but now that I tried I found out I can't for obvious reasons (permissions) and they're offline 08:23 Oblomov if any other weblate minetest maintainer is online now and they could create the component, I would really appreciate it 08:23 Oblomov sfan5: ^ 08:23 Oblomov rubenwardy: ^ 09:11 Oblomov or celeron55 even ^ 10:26 ayaka settl3r[m]: I already got mese 11:34 settl3r[m] ..in HHS server? 11:35 settl3r[m] congrats! then you can now construct travelnets cool 11:42 ayaka my plan was to make mese armor first hah 11:42 settl3r[m] since when do you play on hhs? 11:46 ayaka since you mentioned it 11:46 ayaka yesterday? 11:57 settl3r[m] cool. i hope this server grows further, then it will become ever more immersive 11:58 settl3r[m] are you new players all still (kind of) near spawn region? 12:00 settl3r[m] wondering, if we could all band together.. so that a pvp-permadeath would not be a threat for us anymore.. (but pve-death would still be a thing) 12:01 settl3r[m] or at least, we could have a full mutal NAP 12:01 settl3r[m] s/mutal/mutual/ 12:01 settl3r[m] * or at least, we could have a full mutual NAP (non-aggression-pact) 12:01 settl3r[m] * or at least, we could have a full mutual NAP (non-aggression-pact: no killing/griefing/stealing) 12:02 settl3r[m] * or at least, we could have a full mutual NAP (non-aggression-pact: no killing,no griefing, no stealing) 12:02 settl3r[m] * or at least, we could have a full mutual NAP (non-aggression-pact: no killing,no stealing and no changing of other players builds) 12:04 settl3r[m] of course, when new players join, who don't know our group, they could become a threat later, but we could already have a strategic advantage. 12:04 settl3r[m] * strategic advantage. We could become the "security force" of that hardcore server, even :) 12:05 settl3r[m] "The Mithril Patrol" or "Diamond Patrol" ^^ 12:05 settl3r[m] or "Diamond Squad" :D 12:07 settl3r[m] Who of you, who joined recently would like to be part of such a group? 12:27 definitelya I died oof 12:29 definitelya > settl3r[m]: * or at least, ... xD 13:11 settl3r[m] oh no! 13:11 settl3r[m] how? 13:13 settl3r[m] we could also chat there: https://app.element.io/#/room/#hightime:matrix.org 13:21 settl3r[m] Which material is best for armor/weapons: gold, Mese, diamonds or Mithril (mod) ? 13:21 settl3r[m] and which material is the strongest for building: granite (mod?), obsidian (mod?), Mese, diamond or Mithril (mod)? 13:25 settl3r[m] "I died oof" <- would it be hard for you to restart with new char and go to your previous base? 13:26 definitelya No but maybe another time. It's a bit lonely there. 13:26 settl3r[m] whatever you do, thanks for having joined and my condolences :( 13:26 settl3r[m] yeah, very empty 13:26 settl3r[m] but also therefore, very secure (pvp-wise) 13:26 settl3r[m] ..for a hardcore server, at least 13:27 settl3r[m] (as only mobs or own mistakes could kill you) 13:27 settl3r[m] how did you die, if i may ask? 13:28 definitelya A random DM. 13:28 settl3r[m] yikes! 13:28 settl3r[m] in bright daylight? 13:29 definitelya hey I tried to melee it, so... 13:29 settl3r[m] ok.. near a cave? 13:29 definitelya yes 13:30 definitelya avenge me, and all that! 13:30 settl3r[m] ah. thanks for the info; i have to be extra-careful now.. 13:30 settl3r[m] caves are evil 13:30 settl3r[m] yeah! 13:30 settl3r[m] i will smash all mobs to oblivion ^^ 13:30 settl3r[m] with my mighty (puny^^) sword :) 13:31 settl3r[m] wooden sword! xD 13:31 settl3r[m] jk ^^ 13:31 definitelya If I am ever to make a game, I'll add world-eating slugs / worms to it. 13:31 definitelya so the numerous caves have a cause. 13:31 settl3r[m] yeah, and NPCs which are able to mine stone! :) 13:31 settl3r[m] digging tunnels randomly through the underground 13:32 settl3r[m] making every block insecure ^^ 13:32 settl3r[m] and combine it with ultra-hardcore 13:32 settl3r[m] =hardcore without fodd-healing 13:32 settl3r[m] s/fodd/food/ 13:32 definitelya You can butcher them for slime, and you can eat it!!! 13:32 definitelya pog 13:32 settl3r[m] oh good idea.. 13:32 settl3r[m] :D 13:33 settl3r[m] would you ever play in a server with ultra-hardcore which had those mining NPCs roaming the underground and fire dragons roaming the overworld? if healing was only possible with golden apples? 13:34 settl3r[m] so you would have to mine deep to get gold, but then you are in permanent danger of encountering those pesky mining NPCs.. 13:34 definitelya Slug-milking is such an underrated mechanic in Minetest. 13:34 settl3r[m] lol 13:35 settl3r[m] ..but.. there would be a mechanic with which you would be able to build NPC/mob-proof structures: unoptanium, very rare and only found at depth below -4096 13:35 settl3r[m] but that stuff would protect your bases against dragon and miner-NPC attacks 13:36 settl3r[m] good idea? 13:36 settl3r[m] ok, maybe that server should have a semi-safe zone between +-500 near spawn (0,0,0) 13:37 settl3r[m] in that 1000m wide area, no fire dragons or miner-NPCs could spawn (but they could wander into it) 13:37 settl3r[m] then there would be an inner core of +-50 blocks at spawn, which they could not even enter. 13:39 settl3r[m] but.. players could attack other players everywhere, and spawn would become the contested battleground.. 13:39 settl3r[m] only few would dare to venture outside of it.. 13:39 settl3r[m] and the fire dragons would only spawn below the altitude of 10km 13:40 settl3r[m] and they would be unable to fly higher than 20km 13:40 settl3r[m] so you would be safe above 20km altitude (from mobs), but of course not safe from other players 13:43 settl3r[m] and below 20km depth there would be an extremely strong ore: adamantium, with which you could craft extremely high-level armor, much stronger than diamond.. but at these depths even more mysterious creatures would lurk: strange critters which are able to eat stone and become invisible 13:43 settl3r[m] these creatures would be unable to roam higher up than ~15km depth 13:45 settl3r[m] i wonder, if such a dev-project could be doable, even.. 13:46 settl3r[m] of course, near spawn (+-50 blocks) even the depths would be perfectly safe (from NPCs/mobs) 13:46 settl3r[m] so everyone would try to mine there, to obtain precious ground resources.. combined with ultra-hardcore, this could create a very immersive setting.. 13:48 settl3r[m] ok, to counteract players becoming overpowered, below spawn only the ultra-deep stone-eater mobs would be able to spawn (to guard the adamantium) 13:48 settl3r[m] so players would rush to mine the gold below the spawn.. 13:49 settl3r[m] * the gold and the Unopthanium below the 13:49 settl3r[m] * the gold and the Unopthanium (the element of Thanos ^^) below the 14:21 settl3r[m] erle we could talk about that topic in https://matrix.to/#/#minetest-offtopic:tchncs.de 14:26 erle ping settl3r[m] 14:27 settl3r[m] hi! 14:37 erle settl3r[m] i am sorry, i am not going to use matrix. no matrix client i have found takes less than 800M RAM (i have 2GB total) and i have looked into the protocol – it is poorly thought out, changes all the time, and interoerability is a joke compared to IRC and XMPP. 14:39 settl3r[m] ok, do you know of another offtopic channel, where we could talk about it, which i can join with my Element.io client? 14:39 settl3r[m] hi 14:40 erle i know no other protocol where joining a room with 1000 people can hang the *server* you are logged in ;) 14:41 settl3r[m] we just need an (offtopic) IRC channel which has a bridge to Matrix.. 14:41 settl3r[m] i never had hangs.. strange 14:41 settl3r[m] it works like a charm, always, never had any issues with Element.io 14:42 settl3r[m] maybe you could join with another client? 14:42 settl3r[m] like SchildiChat? 14:44 sfan5 "no matrix client i have found takes less than 800M RAM" you haven't found weechat? 14:48 erle wasn't the matrix plugin the only one that could make weechat interface actually laggy? i haven't tried it in a while 14:49 settl3r[m] at least, Matrix is better than poor "discord" 14:49 erle probably 14:50 settl3r[m] in the beginning, discord wasn't that bad, but since big money purchased it, it went downhill quickly :( 14:51 erle the thing is, i think the protocol literally can't be implemented in a low-resource way. it's some kind of eventually consistent distributed event store where someone put a chat interface on top. 14:52 settl3r[m] hm. we could use a Tixati chatroom..? 14:52 settl3r[m] but that one is closed source.. 14:52 settl3r[m] ..so security cant be verified independently 14:52 sfan5 why are you looking for a different one at all 14:52 settl3r[m] because of erle 14:52 settl3r[m] i want to talk offtopic with him 14:53 settl3r[m] ..which i dont want to do here, to not disrupt the Minetest talk 14:53 erle this enables hilarious attacks btw 14:53 erle at one point a server implementor found out that you can totally inject events in the past and gave themselves moderator rights in some big matrix channel by sending an event that made it appear as if that person had joined years ago before the channel was locked down 14:53 erle “eventually” consistent 14:53 erle sfan5 do you use weechat with matrix? 14:53 erle if it can do e2e verification with element, i might try it again 14:53 erle you can just use an irc client and log in here and do /query 14:53 sfan5 erle: I use neither 14:53 sfan5 settl3r[m]: does the matrix bridge not allow you to PM people? 14:53 sfan5 alternatively erle can create a temporary IRC channel which you can join 14:54 erle ah, good idea. 14:54 settl3r[m] oh? i didnt know about PMs 14:54 erle i only tested the matrix bridge once back when freenode still was a thing, but it had horrible lag. 14:54 erle i try to query you 14:54 settl3r[m] i'm still new to element lol 14:55 settl3r[m] also, i want to talk with a group, not just 2 people in DMs 14:55 settl3r[m] it is more fun to have a channel 14:55 erle i just wrote you, see it? 14:55 settl3r[m] ok 14:55 erle the combination of element/synapse is about the only client/server combination that seems to work reliably with matrix. the reason is that the “official spec” is changed when the devs find out that, for example, the spec says something else than what synapse does. 14:56 erle this makes it so that basically every other client or server is playing catch-up all the time. 14:56 erle which, even if matrix *was* a well-designed protocol, would make it next-to-impossible to actually have a proper ecosystem 14:58 erle compare this to XMPP, where basically any client and any server will talk, because literally anything beyond the most basic chat and presence is an extension. you can make an XMPP client in an afternoon. you can make an IRC client in an hour. 14:59 erle now, i totally know why that is the case: the matrix devs say that extensions lead to different clients being incompatible so they do not like it. instead they prefer a monolithic standard that everyone follows. 14:59 erle as it turns out, this model only works well, if your monolith is not changing all the time. 15:00 settl3r[m] we should be pragmatic and use what is available, is my policy 15:00 settl3r[m] afk 16:30 jonadab In practice, communications software never works well unless it uses an open protocol. 16:31 jonadab Proprietary protocol invariably means one entity controls the official software, so there's no competition, and the result is always terrible. 16:32 aoki ok you are missing the fact that by having only one entry have control over protocol/client/server means it's very easy to change protocol for rapid prototyping 16:32 aoki but of course it's also true that eventually this one entry would go corrupt 16:33 jonadab Rapidly changing the protocol for rapid prototyping only makes sense when the software isn't ready for release yet. 16:33 jonadab Once you have users, you Do Not Do That. 16:33 jonadab (Users other than the developers themselves, I mean.) 16:38 PrairieWind howdy 16:40 ROllerozxa hi there 16:40 ROllerozxa I see you've successfully managed to come over to the... cozy side. the IRC side. 16:41 Krock become a 1337 h4xx0r now 16:41 PrairieWind Im not sure what that means 16:41 Krock it's the ancient texts 16:42 Krock https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=1337%20h4x0r 16:42 PrairieWind well, I am not a geek...I think 16:43 Krock hence "become" and not "you are" 16:43 PrairieWind does wearing cowboy clothes count as being a geek? 16:43 PrairieWind or is it the computer definition? 16:44 Krock computer side of things mostly. 16:44 PrairieWind well, I am not an expert at computer stuff 16:45 PrairieWind unless you want a retro style website as ruben considers it. 16:45 PrairieWind that I can do 16:45 Krock as a retro style website owner I can totally understand the fascination 16:46 Krock or at least... keeping Javascript and CSS to a minimum 16:46 PrairieWind I use a lot of css, and as much javascript as I can understand 16:46 PrairieWind let me see if I can find the link, somewhere 16:47 PrairieWind https://codepen.io/prairieastronomer/pen/BaJOBwM 16:47 PrairieWind its a website for a fake store for my siblings' pretend country 16:48 PrairieWind that I ran on my raspberry pi 16:48 Krock that's definitely an RPI-friendly website 16:48 PrairieWind I used to have full php 16:48 PrairieWind and a bit of sql for the item list 16:49 PrairieWind but thats all gone for whatever reason 16:49 ROllerozxa you were self-hosting with a raspberry pi? cool! 16:49 PrairieWind and I was working on trying to figure out sql for an account system 16:49 PrairieWind yes, I was, but just on the local network 16:49 PrairieWind it was quite fun while it lasted 16:50 PrairieWind https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/lamp-web-server-with-wordpress 16:50 PrairieWind this was a good resource when I was doing it 16:51 PrairieWind I decided I hate wordpress though, so thats off the list 16:51 ROllerozxa I used to self-host websites myself on a raspberry pi when first starting out 16:51 ROllerozxa I recently switched over to a VPS though but it was still a fun experience 16:52 PrairieWind I have a github website for my coding stuff. 16:52 PrairieWind but thats about it 16:52 PrairieWind right now its the stupid jeykll page based system, untill I code a better website. 16:55 ROllerozxa what's so bad about jekyll? 16:57 PrairieWind its super annoying 16:58 PrairieWind I want a menu, but I am having all kinds of problmes just to get the menu plugin for it. 16:58 ROllerozxa ...menu plugin? 16:58 PrairieWind https://github.com/forestryio/jekyll-menus 16:59 ROllerozxa you don't get a menu by installing a plugin, you get a menu by writing the code for one 16:59 PrairieWind I know that 16:59 ROllerozxa github pages does not support external jekyll plugins so you'll need to implement it yourself with liquid 16:59 PrairieWind liquid? 17:00 ROllerozxa yeah the templating language jekyll uses 17:00 PrairieWind hmm 17:00 ROllerozxa the {% something %} and {{ something }} things 17:02 ROllerozxa the kind of menu system the plugin implements is really easy to reimplement btw, you can use the same kind of YAML data, but you access it from `data.` in the liquid code instead of `site.` 17:03 ROllerozxa might be a bit more complicated than that in reality, but you could always just implement it as static HTML. if it's not changing very often or is part of a reusable template it's no biggie 17:26 rubenwardy Yeah, you should write an include for a menu, or just include it in the layout or page 18:55 hn quick question - someone have a tutorial for n00bs to create a medium-good game? means - with custom sky, something like mesecons (but made by myself), maybe even animals... yk 19:17 hn can someone say which settings are to modify? `disallowed_mapgen_settings= ` ? 19:17 hn @everyone 19:18 hn and im talking about flat!!!! 19:18 hn @everyone @here 19:18 hn !!! 19:21 MTDiscord thank god the IRC bridge does not allow everyone pings on the discord side 19:22 hn >:_| 19:26 hn SO ANYONE KNOWS ?!?!?!!?? 19:27 ROllerozxa take a deep breath, count to 10, disable your capslock and ask your question again 19:27 hn `disallowed_mapgen_settings= ` ? AND WHAT TO MODIFY IF I WANNA HAVE EALLY FLAT MAPGEN IN GAME? 19:28 hn *REALLY 19:28 hn means - no decorations, no caves... (like development test game) 19:29 hn and i know why i ask... setted timer for 15' . and slowly moving out of game idea... 19:30 ROllerozxa see mgflat_spflags 19:30 hn but it even works in game.conf ? 19:30 hn there? : https://minetest.gitlab.io/minetest/games/ 19:33 hn dead chat >:-| 19:49 Guest5220 IDENTIFY Polo Mar10n 19:55 MTDiscord Well, there's one person who needs to reset their nickserv password now... 19:57 POLO haha 19:57 ROllerozxa oh my, I didn't even realise that was what it was 20:47 erle ROllerozxa i went the nodebox route, thanks for the suggestions. before: https://git.minetest.land/attachments/5272a9bf-8458-4367-9a20-770dd1484633 after: https://git.minetest.land/attachments/2eeab816-034a-474c-9d41-4e66fbc8605e 20:52 ROllerozxa awesome, I'm glad it worked out well! 20:54 erle well, i learned a few things working on it 20:55 erle most importantly, the plant drawtype “randomly sink into the ground” thing is not useful for me. 20:55 erle because it sinks between 0 and 1/8, but that does not always cover the ground to a 15/16 farmland node 20:56 erle ROllerozxa the way i faked the UV mapping for the nodebox is really cursed 21:01 rubenwardy !tell hn attempting to ping everyone is very rude, your problem isn't that important. Have some more patience please 21:01 MinetestBot rubenwardy: I'll pass that on when hn is around 21:52 runs hi guyz 23:00 Hawker I love people lol 23:00 Hawker ping olliy 23:00 Hawker oops 23:00 Hawker XD