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IRC log for #minetest, 2022-02-09

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00:34 Crawler hi
00:37 Crawler is here maybe an person which can give me an link or explain short how i can activate mods in the server? i has try it but nothing has worked actually i have installes the standart mods from the aptitude how worldedit and some more
00:38 Crawler and btw... i has try to find a documentation but i hasnt found anything for server
00:39 MTDiscord <Jonathon> you have to enable them in world.mt or dump them in worldmods
00:42 Crawler the others has looked hoe load_mod_name = true or enable_modnamepart = true what i have to put in the conf from the server. for what is this?
00:42 Crawler *how
00:46 Crawler ah ok... self explained :D
00:46 Crawler i have open the worlf .mt :D
00:47 Crawler thanks for your answere
01:06 Crawler but is there maybe a good documentaion about this?
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07:15 erlehmann if anyone of you has seen minetest being weird with memory, please look at the screencast attached here and tell me if you know that pattern https://git.minetest.land/Mineclonia/Mineclonia/pulls/234#issuecomment-31677
07:16 erlehmann (allocating until RAM is full, then giving the memory back, then doing it again)
07:16 erlehmann i would *really* like to know what about ABMs or node timers can lead to this :/
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12:58 MTDiscord <Warr1024> are you using ABMs or node timers for this?
13:00 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I use both of them extensively for various things (they have different use-cases) but don't have any known memory leak issues with them.  At least, the things that cause my server to run out of RAM don't seem to be reliably related to either.
13:03 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Node timers are "expensive" since they create a thing per node, so if you have a phenomenon with exponential spread like fire, you can quickly accumulate a lot of node timers.  It seemed to me like MT defends itself from this by dropping excess nodetimers, but maybe the times I've seen that happen weren't actually due to excess?
13:10 erlehmann Warr1024 cora converted extremely laggy fire from mcl2 to fire that uses abms and is less laggy. but at some point minetest goes crazy with RAM demands.
13:11 erlehmann and i think there is still a timer being employed there, for removing the fire
13:11 erlehmann maybe removing it via abm is better?
13:12 erlehmann https://git.minetest.land/Mineclonia/Mineclonia/pulls/234/files
13:12 MTDiscord <Warr1024> All I know for certain is whenever I mess with fire in particular, or sweeping ABM changes in general, testing a large-volume fire is one of my go-to tests, and while I've seen slow memory leaks in MT, they don't seem to have anything to do with fire.  NodeCore fire uses only ABMs.
13:15 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I have definitely seen larger memory leaks, i.e. ones that can cause a server to spike up to 5GB in a couple of hours, but I've never seen a pattern to what causes them.  I'll have maybe one incident on the timescale of months, so it's really hard to identify a pattern.
13:16 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I do restart my servers at least once every 24 hours though, to keep "slow leaks" under control.  As an engine, Minetest is sort of like one that has 100k+ miles on it, i.e. you have to assume there's always a slow oil leak and if you fix one, then the oil pressure will just find another place to drip out :-/
13:19 erlehmann well i'd be happy if it would not create massive lag
13:19 erlehmann even though allocating ALL the RAM is a bit rude!
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14:02 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Allocating a ton of RAM and then releasing it suddenly is a pretty common memory management strategy.  There are multiple different memory managers, including Lua, some smart pointer stuff in C++, etc.  If objects are being created and disposed rapidly enough, it's possible that it might fill up memory very fast and have a cleanup cycle triggered by memory pressure instead of a timer.
14:03 MTDiscord <Warr1024> At least, there are ways you can ask the lua gc how much memory your lua state is using, so you can tell if it's a lua-side or C++-side issue.  Also triggering lua gc cycles much more frequently can tell you if it's lua object turnover that's causing the problem.
14:03 erlehmann Warr1024 well it did you look at the video?
14:03 erlehmann https://git.minetest.land/attachments/4a545835-3c9b-4757-bf97-02363d480a88
14:03 erlehmann it is a screencast of htop monitoring it
14:03 erlehmann and *this* is not normal
14:05 MTDiscord <Warr1024> That's consistent with fast object turnover and a slow enough gc timer that pressure kicks in first.  Also consistent with memory pressure triggering some other self-defense mechanism.  Hard to say.
14:06 MTDiscord <Warr1024> It's also consistent with you having a rather unusually small amount of RAM for Minetest these days, and with likely relatively few people actually trying to play a complex game at your system's spec level :-)
14:07 MTDiscord <Warr1024> I have actually never tried running the server side of nodecore on any system with less than 8G recently, and I wonder how it would fare...
14:09 erlehmann whatever people say, minetest works mostly fine
14:10 erlehmann but most of the time, i am not playing singleplayer anyway
14:10 erlehmann a minetest client has much less things to do
14:12 erlehmann Warr1024 why would these objects get turned over but it runs fine up to a point?
14:12 erlehmann like why would minetest use a constant amount of ram (like a bit more than 1GB) but at some point start allocating it like crazy?
14:12 erlehmann i mean i could understand if it was exhausting it from the start
14:12 erlehmann or creeped closer and closer to the limit and then cleaned up
14:13 erlehmann but this thing …
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14:16 debiankaios hi
14:16 debiankaios somebody here
14:16 Gustavo6046 joined #minetest
14:16 debiankaios who can help me with mod grund
14:16 debiankaios better said grunds/mgutils
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14:59 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Memory consumption from rapid object turnover would be affected by the rate at which memory is allocated, basically, i.e. number of objects per second time size of objects.
14:59 MTDiscord <Warr1024> You could see a very high turnover rate if the creation rate suddenly spiked for some object that is large, possibly of unexpectedly large size.
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22:08 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: Add --dumpblock flag for advanced use b491dd3 https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/b491dd375a17a6e5d06df87e18775cbae1f7c91f (2022-02-09T20:52:28Z)
22:08 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: General code cleanups/maintenance 1f8f9b3 https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/1f8f9b39dd0995b550051d166c3b94dcbf9f2baf (2022-02-09T21:46:07Z)
22:08 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: Warn if only unknown nodes seen 5989573 https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/5989573c2be76a7492cc05f2809aa1b1c5cff7ee (2022-02-09T22:07:07Z)
22:09 sfan5 wow I forgot it announces everything here
22:09 sfan5 that can get spammy quickly
22:11 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: General code cleanups/maintenance e4bf375 https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/e4bf375ac7353afb4826b8d2a3e07f853d842f83 (2022-02-09T22:09:32Z)
22:11 MinetestBot [git] sfan5 -> minetest/minetestmapper: Warn if only unknown nodes seen 31b0d09 https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/31b0d09a198cbfbfa6ef4c4c539edfd291036e6f (2022-02-09T22:09:32Z)
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