Time Nick Message 00:18 MinetestBot kabou: Feb-07 08:18 UTC <sfan5> I know that 2.1.0-beta3 is fine, we also use it on Windows. but Arch straight up switched to the git version 00:20 kabou sfan5 sfan5 I built libluajit 2.1.0-beta3+git from latest commit 00:20 kabou then I rebuilt minetest 5.6-dev also latest commit 00:21 kabou no problems building, no compiler errors 00:21 kabou and it also runs just fine 00:22 kabou so I'm inclined to wonder if #12054 is not due to unrelated breakage in arch linux or rollerozxa 's tool chain 00:22 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12054 -- Minetest does not compile with LuaJIT v2.1 dev branch 00:23 kabou perhaps he uses an unorthodox compiler? 00:24 kabou I built the above with gcc 10.2.1 07:01 erlehmann what would be a better way of shading a HUD element in low light conditions than applying a texture modifier to the texture? https://mister-muffin.de/p/BtQS.jpg 07:01 erlehmann (the HUD element in question is the mcl_maps map – you may have noticed that i am improving mcl_maps recently) 09:35 MTDiscord <GreenXenith> I dont see anything wrong with a texture modifier 09:42 MTDiscord <luatic> erlehmann: if you really want it to adhere to the environment lighting, you might want to make it a first person attachment instead of a HUD element 09:43 erlehmann luatic wel 09:43 erlehmann l 09:44 erlehmann luatic but can i still draw the player marker on it like i do now? 09:44 erlehmann player location marker is a hud element 09:44 erlehmann i am not sure how well attachment location can be controlled 09:44 erlehmann i'll stay with the texture modifier though 09:45 erlehmann bc i might want to zoom the map later 09:45 erlehmann and i know how to scale up HUD elements, but not how to zoom into an attachment ^^ 09:47 MTDiscord <luatic> you would have to draw the marker using a texture modifier xD 09:47 MTDiscord <luatic> so the best course of action is presumably indeed just going with a texture modifier 11:07 MTDiscord <fatalerror420> It can be controlled... how well it can be controlled tho? Well its up for debate 11:07 MTDiscord <fatalerror420> It can be controlled precisely, but very stupidly 11:12 erlehmann luatic i am already drawing the banner map markers with a texture modifier 16:07 independent56 Is there a mod which will automatically remove mapblocks which have not been modified? My map.sqlite keeps on getting bigger, and most of it is areas explored by noobs. 16:18 MTDiscord <Jonathon> See buckaroos tool, not sure if its db agnostic or not 16:21 BuckarooBanzai Independent56: i have a working nodejs tool for postgres maps and i considered redoing it in golang for sqlite and postgres 16:21 independent56 nice 16:22 BuckarooBanzai I'll ping you up if i need testers for the new version :D 16:22 independent56 I probably won't use it in production, but i can make a local copy of my world and try it. 16:23 independent56 Not until it gets eneough certification. 16:23 independent56 Oh also, minor flaw: https://buckaroobanzay.github.io/mtinfo/#/ Greengrocer's Apostrophie's. 16:23 independent56 Or maybe thats just the way of pluralising an acronym. I would use ABMs. 16:24 BuckarooBanzai But it works with actual nodename checks, not modified time: basically a nodename whitelist, everything else gets pruned around it. Also respects area protections in the current version 16:24 Pexin I had an instructor once who grilled us on the difference between an acronym and a simple abbreviation 16:25 BuckarooBanzai English isn't my first language, will fix it when i work on that next time 16:25 independent56 makes sense 16:26 BuckarooBanzai Pr's welcome btw ;) 16:26 Pexin laser (light amplification something something) was technically not an acronym, but "became" a word so retroactively is an acronym. or something. 16:26 Pexin english is a puke mess :] 16:32 independent56 I hate english too 16:32 independent56 https://buckaroobanzay.github.io/mtinfo/#/mods There is an emopty bullet point at the top 16:32 independent56 I hate english too 16:32 independent56 Sorry, i had a small keyboard error 16:33 independent56 i'm forced to speak it because of the world and because i am a native englishman 17:00 ghoti I regularly get server crashes because of an unhandled postgresql error in multicraft. Is this something I can reasonably ask about here? 17:01 rubenwardy we can't provide support for forks, as their code is quite different 17:01 BuckarooBanzai ghoti: i'm curious, why multicraft and not minetest? 17:01 ghoti BuckarooBanzai: better support for mobile clients, I'm told. 17:02 BuckarooBanzai Ah, for the old ones, ok :) 17:03 ghoti rubenwardy: would you happen to know if the postgres schema has changed in the predominant fork? I was under the impression that this was an area where the fork had not diverged much.. 17:03 ghoti At least, until recently. (And I'm running an older version.) 17:03 rubenwardy no idea 17:03 rubenwardy we have changed our code though 17:04 BuckarooBanzai The schema hasn't really changed fyi 17:04 rubenwardy In terms of a server, multicraft gets your support for v5 and v0.4, but doesn't improve mobile clients in any other way 17:04 ghoti Ah. So, 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "auth_name_key"' is not something I should see in minetestserver? :) 17:05 BuckarooBanzai Heh, thats actually a race condition in the engine :) haven't seen that in a while... 17:05 rubenwardy supporting v0.4 is problematic as it greatly limits the features you can use 17:06 rubenwardy https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11877 17:06 ghoti BuckarooBanzai: I have had 74 crashes due to this since the bgeginning of the year. 17:08 ghoti rubenwardy: thanks for the link, it is good to know I am not alone! I have also not been able to reproduce it .. yet it keeps happening. 18:02 BuckarooBanzai ghoti: this could be monkey-patched with an upsert instead of the insert. The root problem still persists though :/ 18:16 independent56 https://imgur.com/a/Olhf1Gs 18:16 independent56 How do i make the face of this wall less bare? 18:16 sfan5 hang some paintings 8) 18:18 MTDiscord <Warr1024> vary the materials, add some cutouts/inclusions, add another layer with some embellishments... 18:19 independent56 Can i have an example of another layer? 18:19 ghoti why not learn to love the moiré? 18:30 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest: Send HUD flags only if changed 13b9ee29a https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/b9ee29a9456a66c3670b2a1389878e0896395f58 (152022-02-08T18:28:32Z) 18:31 independent56 How does worldedit work on unloaded mapblocks? Does it try to load them, or build theblocks when the mapgen is finished, or does it place the blocks directly? 18:32 sfan5 when worldedit uses a voxel manip the engine will try to load blocks 18:32 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Gael-de-Sailly -> 03minetest/minetest: Noise params serialization fixup 130dd8e8c https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/0dd8e8c2427f12a8a7d080132e9c588c66baa41b (152022-02-08T18:30:49Z) 18:32 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Update MinGW used by CI 13ce199d6 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/ce199d6f9e65d6ba51cbf2e1f948586ddc617317 (152022-02-08T18:31:24Z) 18:33 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Remove awful Mingw32 workarounds 13ba6fbc4 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/ba6fbc417ecb812345c1747f42b6606dfc8e1d5b (152022-02-08T18:31:24Z) 18:34 ghoti BuckarooBanzai: sure, ON CONFLICT would surely help; it would be great for this to be the default, but then we'd have to *require* pg 9.5+ rather than just recommending it. 18:35 ghoti independent56: I was under the impression that asking worldedit to act on a block caused it to be loaded. (I have not checked.) 18:35 MinetestBot 02[git] 04appgurueu -> 03minetest/minetest: Increase max objects per block defaults (#12055) 13ad1da99 https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/ad1da994b2b9d660c41f8ba784ff830aa2693d3b (152022-02-08T18:33:10Z) 18:35 independent56 I am thinking that, based on mapserver renders, worldedit places the blocks directly without waiting for stuff to load around it. 18:36 BuckarooBanzai ghoti: i suggest using a latest postgres version, there were a few performance- and index/space-improvements since <=9.5 :/ 18:37 BuckarooBanzai <=9.x is EOL anyway... 18:38 BuckarooBanzai independent56: WE uses vmanip to place the blocks, if the area isn't generated it will stay that way, you may have to emerge the area beforehand 18:38 independent56 Does that mean that it places after or before the blocks are loaded? 18:38 sfan5 so has nobody found out how duplicate users entries make their way into the db? 18:38 sfan5 are the entries actually different? 18:39 ghoti BuckarooBanzai: not worried for myself, I have 11.14 on one server, 12.7 on another. Personally, I think the minimum supported version of postgres should be no less than what is supported by the postgres project, which I believe is currently 10. 18:39 BuckarooBanzai sfan5: the entries are the same, not sure what causes is initially, but it was something with the network-thread afaik 18:39 sfan5 do we not use transactions? 18:39 BuckarooBanzai i don't think so 18:39 ghoti sfan5: no, the question is WJU do we not use transactions? 18:39 ghoti I have wondered this for a while. 18:40 ghoti I think it is because the pg stuff was added to replace functionality of sqlite3, which does not have transactions. 18:40 BuckarooBanzai oh wait, i think there _is_ a transaction in the map saving process... 18:40 ghoti s/JU/HY/ 18:40 sfan5 sqlite3 has transactions 18:40 sfan5 or it would not be functioning database 18:41 sfan5 BuckarooBanzai: MT's db stuff pretty much always uses transaction so that'd be a big oversight if the pg auth database does not 18:41 ghoti Hmm. I was pretty sure sqlite3 did not have 'BEGIN' and 'COMMIT', but it seems they do. My mistake. 18:43 BuckarooBanzai still, if you insert the same data twice (in the auth case) a transaction won't help you 18:43 ghoti No, for that one needs error checking. Or more resilient SQL. :) 18:45 BuckarooBanzai old issue with an sqlite auth-conflict error: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9498 it's been some time since i've debugged this but i think there was a network-thread that kicked off the auth-insert, which races with the sync (globalstep) insert afaik 18:46 Pexin !title 18:46 MinetestBot No title found. 18:49 sfan5 "UNIQUE constraint failed in sqlite3-auth database · Issue #9498 · minetest/minetest" 18:49 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9498 -- UNIQUE constraint failed in sqlite3-auth database 18:49 sfan5 should probably fix that some day 18:51 BuckarooBanzai no rush, there are a few workarounds and it looks like only a handful of server-operators have that problem :) 18:51 sfan5 the !title command I meant 18:52 BuckarooBanzai ah :P 18:57 ghoti BuckarooBanzai: any idea what it is that distinguishes those of us to tickle that race condition? Is there a quick workaround that does *not* require compiling? 18:59 BuckarooBanzai not sure, sorry, if you find it out please share though 18:59 BuckarooBanzai the workaround does require re-compiling :) 19:04 sfan5 if I am reading the code right this issue is exclusive to servers that have a default password 19:04 MTDiscord <Jonathon> ive seen it in servers that dont 19:05 MTDiscord <Jonathon> and fairly sure https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11877 server yourland doesnt have a default password 19:06 mrkubax10 Could someone look at minetest_game #2926? 19:06 ShadowBot https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2926 -- Flying dungeons 19:06 mrkubax10 ah it should be without space 19:11 sfan5 how does that default password stuff work anyway 19:11 sfan5 what do players have set as password when they register? 19:13 erlehmann thanks to whoever implemented the “opaque leaves” setting. for some forests, it can be the difference between 25fps and unplayable. 19:32 sfan5 BuckarooBanzai: what would help is more logging to find out which createAuth call it was 19:32 sfan5 since there's no stacktrace it will be one of the two from C++ 19:33 sfan5 both of those cannot be triggered but there's one that could potentially be triggered twice to cause that error 19:33 sfan5 but that'd be a client doing that on purpose, this can't happen accidentally 19:44 independent56 Finally, my server has attracted two regulars 19:44 independent56 yay! 19:45 independent56 There seem to be three types of player: Those who do not speak my langauge, those who are noobs, and those who just want to play on a server and socialize 19:46 independent56 And the rgulars are always the last 20:12 mmuller independent56: out of curiosity, how long were you running it before you developed regulars? 20:12 independent56 I began at 21-06, and at 21-01 began the first regulars 20:12 independent56 Is this slow or average development? 20:12 independent56 *22-01 20:13 mmuller oh I have no idea :-) yours is the first datapoint I've heard. 20:13 mmuller but thank you for sharing. 20:14 independent56 So overall, that's around 6 months 20:21 MTDiscord <Warr1024> That sounds like about my experience running a server. Anecdotally I've heard that "a few months" is about how long to expect, and what evidence I've seen backs that up. 20:38 independent56 Nice 20:39 independent56 I can't wait until more players come until my server is on the level of others 20:39 independent56 Since i've built an average of one town a month, players keep on having more to come back to 20:41 independent56 Is doing frequent small talk with regulars the best way to keep retention? 20:42 definitelya Depends if they like small- talk, I suppose? 20:46 independent56 Hmm 20:50 independent56 How do i shorten sapling growth time on servers with time which follows real-world time? 20:50 independent56 I'm getting reports from aplayer on my server 21:24 MTDiscord <j45> The best way to get players is just to have something unique and fun about your server(s) 21:25 MTDiscord <j45> Im just pointing out the obvious tho lmoa 21:25 MTDiscord <j45> *lmao 21:46 Pexin dailies + multiple abstracted layers of ingame currencies supported by nonrefundable microtransactions 21:47 Pexin a proven winner 21:56 MTDiscord <luatic> a disgusting winner 22:07 erlehmann non-fungible nodes 22:07 erlehmann (can't be placed or given to other players) 22:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetestmapper: Fix overflowing multiplication leading to apparent hang 13ba4d2c8 https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/ba4d2c8c9e48dae84674c79cd9e445e0d07783f8 (152022-02-08T22:35:23Z) 22:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetestmapper: Inherit custom exceptions from std::exception 137da64ea https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/7da64ea1af50eae5329769cb875b55145f8bcfe3 (152022-02-08T22:39:03Z) 22:45 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetestmapper: Fix overflowing multiplication leading to apparent hang 138e9805c https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/8e9805c3fffd3ca83c98856894da41b7cfcdd2d3 (152022-02-08T22:43:20Z) 22:45 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetestmapper: Inherit custom exceptions from std::exception 132e35331 https://github.com/minetest/minetestmapper/commit/2e353312b5ce27d85a28dd4c8ff9e561cdc6d1ec (152022-02-08T22:43:20Z)