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IRC log for #minetest, 2022-02-07

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06:06 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> what the fuck is dfsg-5.3
06:07 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> what commit is it on
06:08 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> kabou: do you know what commit 2.1.0~beta3+dfsg-5.3 is based off of?
06:12 erlehmann you can do apt-get source probably
06:13 erlehmann apt-get source libluajit-5.1-dev
06:13 erlehmann that way you get the thing
06:16 v-rob joined #minetest
06:17 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> ok so if dfsg-5.3 is bullseye it would mean the luajit 2.1-dev version is using a commit that's at least half a year old... god, why did I get pinged for this
06:17 erlehmann isn't lua total crap regarding compatibility?
06:17 erlehmann like, lua 5.1 vs lua 5.2 vs lua 5.3 vs luajit is *way* worse than minetest 5.3 vs 5.4 vs 5.5?
06:18 erlehmann at least from what i have seen as a user
06:18 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> I guess so? and to add to this luajit 2.1 isn't even released so what distros are packaging are the latest development commit of 2.1 at the time
06:19 erlehmann ubuntu in particular is guilty of that
06:19 erlehmann i mean, i contributed to unifont
06:19 erlehmann and for half a year ppl would tell me that they do not get all the emoji
06:19 erlehmann bc, SURPRISE, ubuntu randomly chose some version
06:19 erlehmann and then did not update until the next ubuntu came out
06:19 erlehmann i hate it
06:19 erlehmann debian is actually reaching out to projects before a freeze
06:20 erlehmann usually
06:20 erlehmann like “should we package this old version or not?”
06:29 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> god, debian-based distros and their frozen packages
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08:18 sfan5 !tell kabou I know that 2.1.0-beta3 is fine, we also use it on Windows. but Arch straight up switched to the git version
08:18 MinetestBot sfan5: I'll pass that on when kabou is around
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11:42 MTDiscord <luatic> erlehmann: yes, lua doesn't follow semver
11:42 erlehmann luatic any idea why?
11:43 erlehmann oh found it http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2015-07/msg00305.html
11:44 erlehmann > the minor version is essentially equivalent to a semantic major version, and Lua's major version is an indication of something deeper than breaking changes: a fundamental change to how Lua works, such as metatables vs. tag methods vs. fallbacks, for example.
11:44 erlehmann deeper than breaking changes
11:44 erlehmann 2 deep 4 me
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13:40 grouinos hello
13:43 MTDiscord <Sublayer plank> hello
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14:54 erlehmann how stupid is this method of trying to make a daylight detector work in minetest 5.3.0? https://git.minetest.land/Mineclonia/Mineclonia/commit/01b3eac0d4a9fd78513a95e3edee799966bb5a77
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16:08 tochigi if is daytime then return true else return false end
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17:49 lagash Quick question: you cannot add callbacks to individual/groups of nodes, just to each node "globally", correct?
17:49 debiankaios joined #minetest
17:49 debiankaios hi somebody here?
17:50 debiankaios who can help me with game-engine
17:51 MTDiscord <luatic> lagash: Correct
17:52 MTDiscord <luatic> debiankaios: Which "game engine"? MT I suppose.
17:52 Talkless joined #minetest
17:52 debiankaios yes minetest egine
17:52 debiankaios minetest game egine
17:53 MTDiscord <luatic> Ask your question
17:53 MTDiscord <luatic> https://dontasktoask.com/
17:53 debiankaios i want change the spawn point where the player spawn if he reigster a new world or die
17:54 debiankaios the problem is that the player should not spawn in blocks or cave
17:56 MTDiscord <luatic> So I guess the fixed spawnpoint setting is not an option - you want to programmatically set a spawnpoint?
17:56 MTDiscord <luatic> How do you want to "change" the spawnpoint? Do you want to randomize it?
17:56 debiankaios yes
17:56 debiankaios like the minetest engine it
17:56 debiankaios only 62.000 nodes higher
17:57 debiankaios the reason for it is that you spawn on another planet
17:57 debiankaios which i do now on another position
17:57 debiankaios because i want use for earth the old generation
17:58 MTDiscord <luatic> Ah. So the tricky part is how to ensure the player doesn't spawn within the ground. Ideally the mapgen would provide something like minetest.get_spawn_level.
17:58 debiankaios oh ok
17:58 MTDiscord <luatic> The simple solution is to simply push the player upwards, out of the ground: While the spawn pos is within a walkable node, increment it in steps of 1 until you reach a non-walkable node
17:59 MTDiscord <luatic> This might however end up in caves if you start at the ground
17:59 MTDiscord <luatic> If you know where your planet's air starts, you can just raycast down from there to "drop" the player on the surface
17:59 debiankaios yes
18:00 MTDiscord <luatic> Note that raycasts operate on selectionboxes though, which aren't necessarily the same as collisionboxes
18:00 debiankaios ok
18:00 debiankaios but if mountains will genrated?
18:00 MTDiscord <luatic> You could also implement this yourself, this time decrementing the Y coordinate of the sky pos until a walkable ground pos is reached, which will be your spawn pos
18:00 MTDiscord <luatic> debiankaios: then the raycast / your loop should hit those mountains?
18:01 debiankaios ok
18:01 debiankaios it can hit a cave in the mountain
18:01 debiankaios oh
18:02 debiankaios minetes.get_ground_level()?
18:03 debiankaios if i search for it i find that: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=24787
18:06 Lunatrius` joined #minetest
18:10 MTDiscord <luatic> No, not minetest.get_ground_level. You can't just invent API functions (unless you actually implement them). As is correctly pointed out in that thread, get_spawn_level might be an option, but usually that will just return the spawn level for the v7 or whatever it is mapgen that operates at ground level (roughly ~0), so most likely your planetoid mapgen isn't overriding this. You could check though, just calling this functions is
18:10 MTDiscord performance-wise preferable to raycasting.
18:20 lagash luatic: OK, follow-up question: because I can't do that, is there a nice "clone node" function I can use, so that I could add custom callbacks etc to it?
18:23 MTDiscord <luatic> lagash: There is table.copy and minetest.registered_nodes which you can use to write your own. Just copy the definition: local clone = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes["somemod:somenode"]), modify it: function clone.on_something(...) end, and then register your "clone": minetest.register_node("mymod:somenode_clone", clone).
18:28 lagash That's what I figured, thanks!
18:36 debiankaios luatic: ok
18:36 debiankaios sorry was afk
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18:58 ZombyWoof What is a good tactic to prevent from falling deep when mining for deep ores? When mining verticaly, you never know if the block you're standing on is the last block preventing you from falling t dead.
19:02 debiankaios dig a 1x2 hole
19:02 debiankaios you stand on one block and dig the other
19:02 debiankaios then you go to other block and dig other
19:03 debiankaios if you sea a cave you don't fall down
19:11 ZombyWoof I can see how that works, but it takes much longer than just digging down. I was hoping for a fast mineshaft digging solution.
19:15 ___nick___ joined #minetest
19:18 Hawk777 Should only be twice as slow!
19:18 Hawk777 You can always dig a few blocks down on one side, then a few blocks down on the other side.
19:18 Hawk777 No need to do one block at a time on each side.
19:20 specing joined #minetest
19:20 debiankaios !help
19:20 MinetestBot https://github.com/sfan5/minetestbot-modules/blob/master/COMMANDS.md
19:20 ZombyWoof Then that's the way it's gonna be. Thanks for the replies.
19:22 ZombyWoof I installed to many mods and broke the thing. Several mods ask for "Beds" mod, even mods that previously worked just fine.
19:22 debiankaios You can use cushion mod
19:22 debiankaios if you place it while you fall
19:22 debiankaios it is so if you place a water bucket in mc
19:22 debiankaios !mod alien_material
19:22 MinetestBot debiankaios: alien_material [alien_material] by debiankaios - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=25785
19:23 Hawk777 Can you place that without any walls around? Normally you can only place things adjacent to other things, no?
19:23 ZombyWoof I don't see cushion mod in the (in game) list
19:23 Hawk777 Guess it works if you place it straight down at the end of the fall.
19:24 debiankaios !mod cushion
19:24 MinetestBot debiankaios: Trampolines &amp; cushions [jumping] by Calinou - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=9891
19:24 debiankaios this mod ↑
19:24 debiankaios !mod test
19:24 MinetestBot debiankaios: MAPP - map for Minetest - optimized! by 4aiman - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=4922 - https://github.com/4aiman/mapp
19:25 debiankaios !mod mod
19:25 MinetestBot debiankaios: Another Charcoal Mod [another_charcoal] by cx384 - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=13549 - https://github.com/cx384/another_charcoal
19:25 debiankaios !mod tech
19:25 MinetestBot debiankaios: Technic [technic] by RealBadAngel - https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=2538 - https://github.com/minetest-mods/technic
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