Time Nick Message 00:02 GreenXenith Hello again everyone! The 2021 Minetest Game Jam has started! (Dec. 1st UTC) Spend the next 3 weeks making an amazing game for the community to play and have a chance at part of the $500+ prize pool! Remember full details are at https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=27512. 01:02 MTDiscord <exe_virus> ghoti: try blocky survival 03:36 MTDiscord <MisterE> @ghoti also YourLand, Its got all that stuff, with a good bit of lore and active roleplay story that is continually developed 03:53 erlehmann regarding the game jam, i want to point out that there is no minetest rollercoaster mod as far as i can see 03:53 erlehmann give me the lööpings pls 03:54 MTDiscord <MisterE> a roolercoaster sim would be cool 03:55 erlehmann MisterE did you ever play openrct2? 03:55 erlehmann it is amazing 03:55 MTDiscord <MisterE> no 03:55 erlehmann try it, it has the minigame vibe :3 03:56 erlehmann ppl are absurdly creative with it 03:56 MTDiscord <MisterE> i played openTTD and got bored ? 03:57 erlehmann using any extensions? 03:57 erlehmann openRCT2 is the logical consequence of openTTD being boring 03:57 erlehmann both games were originally made by chris sawyer 03:57 MTDiscord <MisterE> no extentions to speak of 03:57 MTDiscord <MisterE> heh I guess its sorta like minetest in that regard 03:57 erlehmann yeah 03:58 MTDiscord <MisterE> but minetest is 3d so immediately engaging ? 03:58 erlehmann i have found that openttd is more fun with a) reasonable AI opponents b) game scripts that define goals (grow this city etc.) c) a ton of mods 03:58 erlehmann some mods like eGRVTS2 stand on their own 03:59 MTDiscord <MisterE> I personally dont see the point in modding a 2d game 03:59 erlehmann uh, it's iso 2d 03:59 erlehmann openRCT2 has a 3d world though and you can rotate the projection by 90 degrees 03:59 erlehmann interlocking loopings! 04:00 erlehmann with all the cruelty of the sims 04:00 MTDiscord <MisterE> I wonder it it would be possible to hook up minetest as the graphics engine for these games 04:01 MTDiscord <MisterE> and transfer the input to the sim engine 04:01 erlehmann for example, some weeks ago my friend figured out that once the guests are in the park, they have already paid entry fee 04:01 erlehmann the solution is to make a very attractive rollercoaster 04:01 erlehmann that kills its passengers 04:01 MTDiscord <MisterE> ... 04:01 erlehmann bc then the game things too few ppl are in the park 04:02 MTDiscord <MisterE> uh little park of horrors >P 04:02 erlehmann he did that by making the exit of the rollercoaster at a y level that the guests fall out of the world 04:02 erlehmann which does not count as killing them it seems 04:02 erlehmann the coaster was named “literally death” 04:03 MTDiscord <MisterE> ofc not... I mean, I dont think that IRL if a company found a way to send their customers to an alternate reality they could be accused of murder.... It would be very profitable. I wonder why it hasnt been done already 04:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> ok Im too tired lol 04:04 MTDiscord <MisterE> gn 04:04 erlehmann what sets openRCT2 apart from openTTD is a) lots of different ride types, not just train / tram / truck / boat / airplane b) you can follow single park guests and see what they eat or bought or how much money they have or how much they want to puke 04:05 erlehmann you are good MisterE, the typical joke about such a situation is much more dark 04:05 erlehmann MisterE do you know schiffbruch.exe ? 04:06 erlehmann i have a question 04:06 erlehmann i have an inventory 04:06 erlehmann for a user 04:06 erlehmann but the user should only be able to interact with it when near a specific node 04:09 MTDiscord <MisterE> That sounds pretty easy... just make a formspec code that only shows the inv list if it finds that node in a search or a location comparison. Or have it actually assess the inv of the closest node of that type if found 04:10 erlehmann MisterE the formspec can be shown by cheat client 04:10 erlehmann https://github.com/EliasFleckenstein03/enderchest/blob/master/init.lua 04:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> Ban em 04:11 erlehmann the issue at hand is that i am one of the devs of mineclonia 04:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> Well idk then... even deta"hed inv? 04:11 MTDiscord <MisterE> *detached 04:11 erlehmann minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) 04:11 erlehmann local inv = player:get_inventory() 04:11 erlehmann inv:set_size("enderchest", 9*3) 04:11 erlehmann end) 04:11 erlehmann that is all 04:12 MTDiscord <MisterE> Thats a detached 04:12 MTDiscord <MisterE> Then can a *node inv be accessed by a cheat? 04:13 erlehmann well ender chestss are special 04:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> Ender chests use detached inv 04:13 erlehmann the ender chest is a chest that gives access to a single global inventory 04:13 MTDiscord <MisterE> Ik 04:13 erlehmann so i guess i have to return false somewhere 04:14 erlehmann and use my new best friend minetest.find_nodes_in_area() 04:14 MTDiscord <MisterE> Oh! 04:14 MTDiscord <MisterE> Heh 04:14 MTDiscord <MisterE> You are using the player inv, a subset of it 04:15 erlehmann yeah so what now :/ 04:15 MTDiscord <MisterE> Instead create and use a detached inv 04:15 erlehmann ha but all the old items are in there 04:15 erlehmann my own duped shulkers! 04:15 MTDiscord <MisterE> Look at how 3d_armour deos it 04:16 MTDiscord <MisterE> And you can write code to transfer all the old inv stuff to the new and delete the old 04:16 erlehmann > A detached inventory is one which is independent of players or nodes. Detached inventories also don’t save over a restart. 04:16 erlehmann what does the “save over” bit mean? 04:16 erlehmann https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/items/inventories.html#modifying-inventories-and-itemstacks 04:16 MTDiscord <MisterE> 3d armour saves it over a restart... using mod storage 04:17 MTDiscord <MisterE> Meaning you will have to update the inv after a restart from mod storage. Make sure to save to mod storage often 04:17 erlehmann do you want to comment here maybe? https://git.minetest.land/Mineclonia/Mineclonia/issues/192 04:18 MTDiscord <MisterE> not rn I gtg 2 sleep sorry 04:18 erlehmann so there is no way i can limit player inventory interaction? 04:18 MTDiscord <MisterE> But study 3darmor 04:18 erlehmann ok 04:19 erlehmann thank you sir 04:19 MTDiscord <MisterE> np 04:26 erlehmann MisterE cora says anyone can beek into detached thingies 04:26 erlehmann peek 12:10 MTDiscord <MisterE> huh well can anyone *take from them? 12:15 erlehmann MisterE not anymore i think 12:18 MTDiscord <MisterE> Then you may have to just settle for that 12:18 erlehmann no 12:19 erlehmann maybe one of the devs knows if armor can still be stolen 12:31 sfan5 mods have callbacks to control access to detached inventories 12:31 sfan5 if they're doing it wrong that's their issue 12:31 erlehmann i'm pretty sure armor stealing was an engine bug, let me look it up 12:34 erlehmann he https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9986 12:34 erlehmann haha 12:35 erlehmann sfan5, could have been the swap bug https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/9918 12:36 erlehmann https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/6534 12:36 erlehmann > means the mod that operates the inventory can’t veto or track the removal of the items unless it replicates the logic of InventoryList::moveItem’s calculation of did_swap in allow_metadata_inventory_put, which is pretty nasty. 12:36 erlehmann it was fixed 12:36 erlehmann sfan5 that is the way to put shulkers into shulkers or basically anything anywhere ;) 12:37 erlehmann or use bones as chests 12:47 erlehmann sfan5 what would you suggest to prevent players from getting stuff out of their inv? 12:50 sfan5 nothing? the engine does not provide that 14:09 Teckla ghoti: If I recall correctly, I visited YourLand (sp?) recently, and was pretty much blown away. :) 16:09 MTDiscord <Jonathon> sfan5: if dynamic media is used to add media for everyone in minetest.register_on_prejoinplayer will that joining player get the media? 16:09 MTDiscord <Jonathon> or is it to late 16:09 sfan5 if the client is new enough it should get the media either way 16:10 sfan5 for whether it'd be sent like "normal" media: dunno, you'd need check when prejoinplayer happens exactly 16:11 MTDiscord <Jonathon> docs claim prior to auth, but i guess ill need to look into it, thanks 17:57 definitelya "Yeah but this is an fish two pals of me and I are very interested in frying specifically." 17:57 definitelya Just randomness from the issue tracker. 18:01 erlehmann definitelya, context? 18:01 definitelya https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/11657#issuecomment-983076186 18:05 erlehmann LOL 18:06 erlehmann these “you have to change the name” types always amuse me 18:06 erlehmann it's a specific type of person 18:06 erlehmann they have LOTs of ideas 18:06 definitelya yep 18:07 erlehmann just tell ppl to use dragonfire 18:07 erlehmann it has a cool name lol 18:08 definitelya Just install a food mod with a frying pan and a grill and you're set. B) 18:08 definitelya Is that the alternative client? 18:09 erlehmann it is one of the hack clients 18:09 erlehmann better use waspsaliva 18:10 definitelya ah nah I just need noclip in normal Minetest for now ahah 18:12 erlehmann definitelya, edit the file src/client/client.h and look for checkPrivilege – make it always return true 18:12 erlehmann instant flying, noclip, debug etc. 18:12 MTDiscord <Warr1024> tbh the MT GH should have a specific kind of WONTFIX resolution type just for the "yet another effing rename request" issues. 18:12 erlehmann you will be banned on CTF for this 18:12 definitelya D: 18:13 erlehmann definitelya the patch enables you to use fly etc. without having the priv 18:13 definitelya Bewared. 18:13 ROllerozxa add a bikeshedding label 18:13 erlehmann so just don't do it in competitive multiplayer 18:13 erlehmann definitelya if you want a server where there are no rules except not crashing the server or doing irl badness, go to oysterity 18:13 MTDiscord <Warr1024> Roller: bikeshedding is only half of it, it's ALSO beating a dead horse. 18:14 definitelya erlehmann: nice 18:14 definitelya I might try it, I'm really rusty with pvp. 18:14 erlehmann definitelya i suggest to not linger around spawn too much. also keep in mind that the most mean ppl are like 14 year old kids with no friends. 18:15 erlehmann i.e. they are stupid 18:15 definitelya erlehmann: so like any anarchy server, kk. 18:15 erlehmann the ones with friends are generally smart enough to have figured out that being a meanie is not fun 18:15 erlehmann no not like any 18:16 erlehmann clamity was much cooler 18:16 erlehmann i haven't seen any shulkers in shulkers yet on oysterity 18:17 definitelya Ok thanks, you'll see me around sometime probably. 18:17 definitelya Unless I spontaneosly disintegrate before I get the chance to hop on. 18:18 erlehmann definitelya, wait 18:18 definitelya *spontaneously 19:24 MinetestBot 02[git] 04SmallJoker -> 03minetest/minetest: Network: Delete copy constructor and use std::move instead (#11642) 1357a59ae https://git.io/JMouf (152021-12-01T19:22:33Z) 19:24 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Wuzzy2 -> 03minetest/minetest: Improve error message if using "/help --" (#11796) 1380c3c7e https://git.io/JMouJ (152021-12-01T19:22:46Z)