Time Nick Message 00:01 Menchers now why does this require the symbol irr::CIrrDeviceLinux::CIrrDeviceLinux(irr::SIrrlichtCreationParameters const&) on something that is not linux 06:17 sfan5 the "Linux" device is what you want to support any unix-like OS 06:38 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Add helpful error messages if Irrlicht library / include dir are set … 13734fb2c https://git.io/J3fDv (152021-04-28T06:38:18Z) 06:40 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Wuzzy2 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix rotation for falling mesh degrotate nodes (#11159) 13228f1c6 https://git.io/J3fDi (152021-04-28T06:38:47Z) 07:27 MinetestBot 02[git] 04sfan5 -> 03minetest/minetest: Fix Windows pipelines on Gitlab-CI 1383a7b48 https://git.io/J3fxg (152021-04-28T07:18:05Z) 07:59 ashtrayoz Question about: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/commit/cca58fe0fd1aac4246a23e1fc4f8469bdd280c6d 07:59 ashtrayoz Lines 907 says: if (floodable_node != CONTENT_AIR) { 08:00 ashtrayoz Is this just an optimisation, or is there something deeper here? 08:00 ashtrayoz I am thinking of removing the condition on my custom build. 08:00 sfan5 it is exactly that 08:01 sfan5 I imagine trying to call into Lua for every liquid node places isn't very performant 08:01 ashtrayoz I expect that there will be a cost. 08:02 ashtrayoz I will have to benchmark it to find out what that cost looks like. 08:03 ashtrayoz Of course it depends on how often water (or other liquids) are moved around on the map - in my world, players do not get to place water_source nodes :-) 09:18 ashtrayoz Currently looking fine, a flood of water down the mountain-side did not appear to consume significant CPU, max-lag went to 0.11s. 09:18 ashtrayoz Thank you, sfan5. 19:13 Aris is there a way to make the night lighter so that it's slightly easier to see? 19:31 Krock Aris: hereby I raise your worst opponent. https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=26630 19:32 Krock minetest.conf settings display_gamma and ambient_occlusion_gamma will do the trick 19:32 Krock display_gamma = 3 for max brightness 19:32 Aris ok, thx, my monitor has terrible brightness 19:32 Krock and ambient_occlusion_gamma also at around 3 19:33 Krock yes. I can feel that. 19:34 Krock otherwise you can also adjust the light curve in the source code, but that's a bit annoying if you don't have a build setup yet (especially if you'd use anything else than Linux) 19:34 Aris *I'm just gonna try the simple solution* 19:40 Aris yep, that did the trick, thanks again! 19:47 Krock yw! 20:34 MTDiscord sad no api for this noises 21:14 MTDiscord this is a lot of stuff