Time Nick Message 00:10 rubenwardy DivideByZero: what are the licenses for the textures? 09:52 AntumDeluge I need to change the meta data of a node when a player enters form data. But I don't know how to retrieve the meta data. minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields() doesn't pass a pos argument. And node_def.on_receive_fields() isn't being called. 09:53 sfan5 if you show it via show_formspec() the nodedef callback won't be used 09:54 AntumDeluge Is there way to show a formspec other than minetest.show_formspec? 09:54 sfan5 you can set it in the node metadata using the "formspec" key 09:55 AntumDeluge Like this: meta:set_string("formspec", formspec_string)? 09:57 AntumDeluge Oh, okay. So instead of calling minetest.show_formspec() in the nodedef.on_right_click() method, I simply set the "formspec" metadata key. Thank you sfan5. 10:00 AntumDeluge Perfect. It works. :) 11:29 AntumDeluge I'm having trouble figuring out how to make a node I am registering two nodes tall. It looks like in the docs I am supposed to use "collisionbox" attribute to "collisionbox = {-0.5, 0.0, -0.5, 0.5, 2.0, 0.5}". But not doing what I expected. 11:30 AntumDeluge It doesn't change height. 11:34 AntumDeluge I was looking at the homedecor mod, & it seems that is how the refrigerator node height is set. Not sure why it isn't working for me. 11:47 AntumDeluge I was looking at the wrong thing. Need to use "collision_box". 11:47 AntumDeluge At least, that fixes the collision. But doesn't make the node visually taller. 11:55 specing AntumDeluge:two nodes tall or two nodes stuck together? 11:56 AntumDeluge Two nodes tall. 11:56 specing AntumDeluge: for the first, check out travelnet mod. for the second check out reformers from techpack 11:58 AntumDeluge Found this: https://github.com/Sokomine/travelnet/blob/b168efc/travelnet.lua#L23 11:58 AntumDeluge I guess I just need to figure out what each table group represents. 12:03 AntumDeluge The collision & selection are correct now. But the node still looks like 1x1x1, instead of 1x2x1. 12:06 AntumDeluge Screenshot: https://i.postimg.cc/BbvYWQ1r/screenshot-20210426-050514.png 12:07 sfan5 you need to make the nodebox bigger too, obviously 12:11 AntumDeluge Okay sfan5, I found the attribute "node_box": https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/master/doc/lua_api.txt#L7487. Thank you. 12:51 AntumDeluge One last question, I can't figure out why my texture is tiling: https://i.postimg.cc/Z515CWbL/screenshot-20210426-051516.png 12:52 AntumDeluge I downloaded the Node Box Editor tool to see if I could figure it out that way, but I can't seem to get the image to stretch across the entire nodebox(es) instead of tile. 12:54 AntumDeluge drawtype = "nodebox", tiles = {"server_shop_side.png", "server_shop_side.png", "server_shop_side.png", "server_shop_side.png", "server_shop_side.png", "server_shop_front.png", "server_shop_side.png",}, node_box = {type="fixed", fixed={-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5},} 12:56 celeron55 if something hasn't changed since i last looked at nodeboxes, it will always tile and if you want that kind of texturing for a multi-node thing you have to use two nodes, an example is the door implementation 12:57 AntumDeluge Okay, I was wondering about that. I glanced over doors. I will go look deeper at it. 12:58 sfan5 would it tile if the texture was 16x32? 12:58 AntumDeluge Yes, it still tiles. My texture is 16x32. 12:58 AntumDeluge It squishes it down to 16x16, then tiles it. 13:32 MTDiscord do what every other mod does that uses 2 nodes, make a mesh 13:33 MTDiscord and then make a fake airlike node to stack above so players cant piston or otherwise put a block in the top 13:33 AntumDeluge I don't know anything about 3D modeling. But I suppose making a simple 16x32 object wouldn't be too hard. 13:34 AntumDeluge "mesh" type uses a 3D blender model, correct? 13:37 MTDiscord .obj yes, .x or .b3d for animations(typical used for entities) 13:37 MTDiscord depending on your license you want to use, you can just rip the model from some other mod and attribute it 13:38 MTDiscord How can I make a small world larger? 13:38 MTDiscord does changing the map size setting do it? something to try 13:39 MTDiscord ok, thx! 13:39 MTDiscord Ill get beck to you 13:39 MTDiscord but in 9hrs when I come back from work 13:41 MTDiscord try it on a test world first, or make a backup of your map first 14:47 celeron55 yeah i guess the reason nothing has been done to the nodebox texturing limitation is that mesh nodes exist 14:47 celeron55 nodeboxes are really only meant for stairs and such 14:50 AntumDeluge Any advice on how to get my mesh the right size in Blender? Or how to render it 16x32 in Minetest? I created the .obj with scale 1x1x2 in Blender, but it's huge when I use it in Minetest. 14:51 MTDiscord if you stacking the default cube in blender, you need to half it 14:51 AntumDeluge Okay. 14:52 MTDiscord for example, see the homedecor vending machine mesh for sizes 14:53 MTDiscord or whatever the vending machine mod mesh is 15:07 celeron55 i would suppose by this point someone would have made a library of some basic meshes for MT with nice licenses 15:07 celeron55 no? 15:08 MTDiscord the only thing i know of, is 22i's models for mineclone2 15:08 MTDiscord and those are gplv3, not a nice license 15:11 MTDiscord https://github.com/22i/Minetest-mod-ideas 15:12 MTDiscord oh, yeah, misterE has some repos with mob models for people to use 15:15 MTDiscord and this forum thread https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=16709 15:15 MTDiscord anyways, no generalized model repo anywhere that i know of 15:16 AntumDeluge This is really my first time working with 3d. I seem to have the dimensions correct. I just need to learn how to map a texture onto it. 15:17 AntumDeluge Looking over the wiki page ( https://wiki.minetest.net/Using_Blender ), but I am quite confused. Perhaps this page isn't up to date with the current Blender version? 15:17 MTDiscord the wiki is full of out of date info, so dont be suprised 15:26 calcul0n_ https://www.blender.org/ has a complete manual and tons of videos tutorials 15:36 specing gplv3 is a nice license 15:39 MTDiscord yeah no 15:40 MTDiscord thats called forcing everyone to use it 15:49 specing you aren't forced to use gplv3-licensed projects 15:52 MTDiscord if you make a common model repo thats gplv3, you have forced no one to use it, or only people that where already gplv3 there work 15:54 specing yes, projects that have gplv3 compatible licenses 15:55 specing if your is not and you refuse to change to a gplv3 compatible one, then you can't use these models 15:55 specing if anything, the loss is yours ;P 18:01 DivideByZero Hello Minefolk. 18:02 Krock Hi nan 18:02 Krock !c 1/0 18:02 MinetestBot ZeroDivisionError: division by zero 18:02 Krock not like this 18:03 DivideByZero MinetestBot has jokes about me? 18:04 DivideByZero !joke 18:05 DivideByZero !help 18:05 MinetestBot https://github.com/sfan5/minetestbot-modules/blob/master/COMMANDS.md 18:06 DivideByZero !rand 1, 100 18:06 MinetestBot DivideByZero: Could not parse argument 1 18:06 DivideByZero !rand 1 100 18:06 MinetestBot 23 18:07 DivideByZero !server most 18:07 MinetestBot DivideByZero: No results 18:07 DivideByZero !server players:most 18:07 MinetestBot DivideByZero: sub.nasa-g0v.com | sub.nasa-g0v.com:31000 | Clients: 57/62, 51/61 | Version: / minetest | Ping: 81ms 18:08 DivideByZero !up minetest.servegame.com 42000 18:08 MinetestBot minetest.servegame.com:42000 is up (101ms) (IPv4) 18:10 DivideByZero !btc 1 18:10 MinetestBot DivideByZero: Unknown currency. Supported currencies: USD, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, INR, ISK, JPY, KRW, NZD, PLN, RUB, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD 18:10 DivideByZero !btc 1USD 18:10 MinetestBot DivideByZero: Unknown currency. Supported currencies: USD, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, INR, ISK, JPY, KRW, NZD, PLN, RUB, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD 18:10 DivideByZero !btc 1 USD 18:10 MinetestBot DivideByZero: Unknown currency. Supported currencies: USD, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, HKD, INR, ISK, JPY, KRW, NZD, PLN, RUB, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD 18:10 DivideByZero !btc USD 18:10 MinetestBot 1 BTC = 54036.23 $ 18:10 DivideByZero :) 18:11 DivideByZero !msg #minetest We are friends now. A union of human and AI friendship. 18:12 DivideByZero Oh, that one is admin only.