Time Nick Message 07:11 dennisjenkins Hello. I just added digiline support for the spacecannon mod. It is now possible to use a Lua controller to orchestrate the firing of multiple cannons. Demo: https://youtu.be/b_PiJnP4-fo 07:11 dennisjenkins PR is out, waiting for spacecannon owner to merge it or provide feedback. 07:19 specing there's no such mod listed in the contentdb 09:26 ryzenda I just noticed something in the "Join Game" list of servers, I just tried to search for a bunch of strings/words that I'd expect to see public servers with those words, names, whatever, at least some, but I suspect there is some kind of censorship in the list of servers that appear. Is that the case? 09:27 ryzenda cuz if that's the case, I definitely want to disable the censorship if that's possible, so that I have absolutely no speech censorship whatsoever 09:33 ryzenda https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/3068 kinda mentions briefly about censorship, but otherwise I'm not sure yet 09:37 ryzenda hmm, https://content.minetest.net/help/content_flags/ mentions flags bad_language, drugs, etc 10:23 ryzenda Oh, interesting, I see https://content.minetest.net/packages/rubenwardy/capturetheflag/ is listed as an available game mode to install, but only on the website. I can't search and find it within the minetest application environment 10:24 ryzenda probably something related to the violence flag, but how do I enable that so I can use it? 11:24 sfan5 those content flags only apply to the content database, you can disable filtering by setting contentdb_flag_blacklist to be empty 11:25 sfan5 the server list tab shows everything that exists, no filtering 12:10 MTDiscord <08appguru> "Is that the case?" 12:11 MTDiscord <08appguru> ryzenda: no, the server list is not "censored" - it is however "moderated" 13:58 ryzenda oh, is there a way I can see an unmoderated, uncensored list of all minetest servers? 14:06 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> there might be, but even if someone here knew it, we're unlikely to publicize it, as the moderation happens for a reason. 14:08 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> Hmm, I don't know about any in-menu filtering that's going on, but you should be able to see all the publicly listed MT servers at http://servers.minetest.net/ 14:09 MTDiscord <06Flamore> pretty sure the censoring comes right from the server list, any client modification wouldn't change it 14:10 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> There may be servers that exist but aren't listed in there. Some might be because the server owners decide not to announce them, even though they're publicly available. Others might be due to violation of community standards or whatever. 14:12 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> Looking at that list, it's pretty uncensored. 14:24 MTDiscord <08appguru> "censoring" is the wrong term 14:42 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> Whatever the correct terminology is, the MT server list includes pretty much every server that has decided to announce itself, with the exception of only a few known malicious ones. I don't think there's necessarily any filtering based on e.g. content. 15:27 rubenwardy ryzenda: no 15:28 rubenwardy Very few servers have been removed from the server list, mostly just server spammers - there's been people who've made hundreds of servers with different names to write messages in the serverlist 16:00 dennisjenkins Building digiline HV cable in survival mode is expensive... 16:10 MTDiscord <06Flamore> of course 16:13 dennisjenkins Speaking of the "server list"... I host ~12 minetest servers on my personal dev box, just on my LAN (not exposed to internet), for my kids and I. I turn them on and off (each is an LXC container) based on CPU usage and idle time. (I can't run them all at once). I also run my own "server list" server thingy, and have our local MT clients pointing to it. Those clients crash on startup if the server list is listed less than 3 servers. 16:13 dennisjenkins 0,1,2 and the clients crash 16:13 dennisjenkins all 5.3.0 clients. 16:13 dennisjenkins two on ubuntu from official packages, one on gentoo from whatever ebuild gentoo has. 16:14 MTDiscord <06Flamore> pretty sure ubuntu fossa packages are version 5.1.0 16:14 dennisjenkins I'm using a PPA 16:14 Krock package managers are always outdated 16:14 MTDiscord <06Flamore> that's 5.3.0 then, 16:14 dennisjenkins # Minetest latest needs PPA. 16:14 dennisjenkins self.run(["add-apt-repository", "--yes", "ppa:minetestdevs/stable"]) 16:15 dennisjenkins I have a .py script which builds a new LXC container based on a json config file, and loads in a custom set of minetest mods. 16:15 dennisjenkins then applies patches, sets up the map server, regenerates colors.txt, etc... 16:15 dennisjenkins takes ~3 minutes to fully stand up a new MT server. 16:22 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> client crashing on a server list with fewer than 3 entries sounds like the kind of actual bug that could easily slip under the radar because there are no real-world test cases for it... Might be worth seeing if anyone else can repro it, and file a bug report? 16:22 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> Or I guess check and make sure there isn't one already open... 16:23 dennisjenkins Yes. I should have done that months ago, but didn't get around to it. 16:23 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> Containers are a really nice way to make MT server stuff easier to manage. I use Docker for my stuff, though I have no strong opinions about the specific choice of container-based tech. 16:25 dennisjenkins I use LXC b/c I like to be able to SSH / "lxc exec" into the container and have a normal/full OS installed. 16:26 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> From what I understand, there is a ton of overlap between the 2 stacks, and most of what you can do in one you can do in the other, and they mostly just differ in terms of how easy/intuitive they make specific things, how resource-intensive certain things are, and how they're marketed or used downstream? I got into Docker because that was the stack chosen at my job... 16:28 dennisjenkins I've used both, but am not proficient at docker. I have to read the docs all the time to figure out how to do things. Oh well. :) 16:28 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> I mostly use the linuxserver.io MT docker image for server usage, though I've made significant customizations over time. 19:12 MinetestBot 02[git] 04Zughy -> 03minetest/minetest: Sanitize server IP field in mainmenu (#10793) 13fcb3ed8 https://git.io/JLjga (152021-01-10T19:10:12Z) 20:45 search_social how can i make my character place blocks faster 20:45 MTDiscord <10Teewodowe> hold right click 20:46 MTDiscord <12Warr1024> IIRC there is a setting for how fast right-click auto-repeats...? 20:46 MTDiscord <04Knot Abbot> Wow we have everything. ._. 20:47 MTDiscord <04Knot Abbot> Autoclickers are bloat xD 20:47 MTDiscord <10Teewodowe> idk, but mine instantly puts the block if i dont ocupe the place and is in range 20:47 MTDiscord <10Teewodowe> i just say hold right click, its the fastess ull get with no glitches 20:48 MTDiscord <04Knot Abbot> I so wish that poo could stop staring into my soul. 20:48 MTDiscord <10Teewodowe> lol, i have heard many times that my profile picture is disturbing 20:48 MTDiscord <10Teewodowe> ik a few but do not feel confortable talking of 21:05 MTDiscord <06Flamore> Holding is slower than jitter clicking 21:16 dennisjenkins from earlier today, the bug where the MT client would crash when getting a small server list from a private "server list server". I was able to reduce the repro to a very specific number of steps. I filed a bug: https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10794 21:29 MTDiscord <10Teewodowe> is it? 21:29 MTDiscord <10Teewodowe> idk